"Ambassadors, I don't know what the ambassadors are thinking about during this time? Is there any price that the empire needs to pay you?"

At the beginning of the third meeting, Han Ling said such a sentence with a smile.

If they still insist on the previous conditions, Han Ling doesn't mind stopping the meeting again and keep fighting!

Anyway, when the time comes, if you want to redeem your soldiers, Han Ling won't give them back if they don't bleed.

"His Majesty the Emperor! Would you like to stop your army from attacking first! You know, it is very unfriendly for you to fight without declaring it!"

Karl's forehead was covered with cold sweat. During this period of time, there were three telegrams a day in the UK, asking him if he had seen Han Ling.

Just like urging him to die, it made him very nervous now.

"War without declaration? Hehe! Mr. Carl, according to what you mean, do I need to declare war on you first, and then continue to fight?"

Han Ling's smiling words almost didn't make Karl yell at him.

Fuck it!

What if it was at sea and given them time to muster the navy for a battle?

But this is on land, and if we want to fight the Han Empire in the east, isn't this a disease of the head?

Others, the Han Empire is right next to them, and they can continuously send reinforcements over.

Moreover, there is no big war now, so it is not difficult to randomly deploy millions of troops.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! Your Majesty the Emperor, that's not what I mean! What I mean is that you can stop your army first. I don't think it is necessary to use the army to solve problems that can be negotiated. After all, it will cost A lot of troops will kill a lot of soldiers, this is really not a good way!"

Chapter 428: Han Ling's way of speaking

"It doesn't matter! Our Han Empire has no shortage of people, as long as we can solve the problem in the shortest possible time. As for the dead, there are no undead in war! The Han Empire doesn't care!"

Han Ling said again with a smile, but Carl and Gesmer's cold sweat broke out, and they could see it.

Han Ling was obviously dissatisfied with the results of the last meeting.

But they didn't believe Han Ling's words that he didn't care about the lives of soldiers.There is no country whose leader does not care about the lives of soldiers in his own country's army.

"You haven't answered my question just now. How are you thinking about my proposal last time? If you haven't considered it well, I can give you a little more time to think about it! After all, what I said makes sense ! What do you think?"

As soon as Han Ling said this, Carlton immediately looked at Gesmer.

In the land of Southeast Asia, it is mainly these two countries that have interests here, and other countries really have no interests in these places.

And Han Ling's request was mainly aimed at their two countries.

This is also the reason why Yihesu did not express their opinions.

They all know that the real focus of the Seven Nations Conference is not here, it is just an appetizer!

It's just that this appetizer is a little different.

"Your Majesty the Emperor! After our country's careful study, we can transfer our country's transactions in Southeast Asia to your country, but our country hopes to be able to purchase some of your country's technology!"

Carl thought for a moment before speaking.

This condition is also a decision made after research in the UK.

After all, they could see that Han Ling was determined to take over Southeast Asia.

And they also knew what Han Ling was doing.

After all, they are not the only ones who understand why others are not allowed to snore on the side of the couch, Han Ling must also understand it.

But understanding is one thing, but they also get what they deserve.

For example, some technologies of the Han Empire.

Since it cannot be obtained by exchange, there is only purchase.

"Get some technology?"

Han Ling raised his eyebrows, and then turned his attention to Gesmo.

"Mr. Gosmer, are you on the same terms?"


Gesmer did not deny that this condition was that he and Karl had been angry with each other before.

The conditions are the same for both of them.

"What technology do you want to buy?"

Han Ling turned to look at Carl and asked, he was very interested in knowing what technology Carl wanted to buy.

Now the Han Empire has a lot of technology, such as advanced radar technology.

For example, airship technology, fighter aircraft technology, dive bomber technology, heavy bomber technology, engine technology, etc. It can be said that in the military field, the Han Empire has many technologies ahead of them.

"We want to buy your country's engine technology and your country's Wuyue-class battleship technology!"

Carl spoke, and he aimed at the target as soon as he opened his mouth.

Whether it is a fighter jet or a bomber, the most important thing inside is the engine.

It can also be said to be the engine.

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