"Yes! Your Majesty, we are just like Mr. Carl. It was just a little joke just now! I hope you don't mind!"

Seeing that Karl was subdued, Gesmer could only speak in a breathless voice.

"It seems that I have to report this matter to the Prime Minister! The prestige of the Han Empire is stronger than we imagined!"

Falkenhausen saw this scene in his eyes, and he was also shocked.Unexpectedly, the Han Empire, which has risen for several years, can have such prestige in the world.

Both Britain and France had to give in.However, in his heart, he also believed that if his country wanted to rise rapidly and get rid of the Treaty of Versailles, it would be inseparable from the help of the Han Empire.

As long as he can get rid of the Treaty of Versailles, he believes that his country can also rise rapidly.

"Hehe! It's okay! Why would I mind! Now that the ownership of the Southeast Asian region has been decided, let's talk about the ownership of the Nanyang region! After all, this is at the door of my Han Empire, and these matters must be resolved first. Well! If we don’t solve it first, our Han Empire won’t be interested in maintaining world peace!”

Han Ling said again with a smile, but this time even Jason looked at Han Ling nervously.

Because the United States also has interests in Asia, if the Han Empire really wants Nanyang, then they must be the first target.

"Your Majesty! What do you mean by this? After all, the situation in the Nanyang region is relatively complicated, and this cake is a bit big! If you insist on this, I think I will definitely go home and take care of the children!"

Jason looked at Han Lingdao with a tentative language.

Of course Han Ling understood their worries, but Han Ling never thought that he would win all of Nanyang this time, which was unrealistic after all. ,

The fact that they were able to take Southeast Asia just now was because their own army was invincible in Southeast Asia. Even if they disagreed, Southeast Asia would still be their own.

And their soldiers will become their own captives, otherwise, how could they be so easy to capture.

"Hehe! En! This cake is a bit big! But I didn't ask you to hand it over, I just have some suggestions!"

Han Ling looked at them again with a smile, but now they always felt that nothing good happened when they saw Han Ling's smile.

Just like just now, every time Han Ling smiled, it was not a good thing for them.

"Let's take a look! These are some proposals I have sorted out, which are very good for world peace!"

Han Ling maintained world peace one by one, but Karl and Gesmer were psychologically slandering them.

In this era, Han Ling is probably the one who often clamors to use war to solve the problem.

It is such a person who clamors that everything can be solved by war, and now he actually talks about maintaining world peace.

What's even more ridiculous is that they can't refute such shameless words, they have to agree.It seems that this is a world that respects strength.

As long as you have the strength, you say you are a lover of world peace, so what?

"What? Allow the Han Empire's naval fleet to freely pass through their colonial waters? Allow the Han Empire's navy to replenish at their ports?"

After a while, Jason and the others stared wide-eyed.

The conditions Han Ling put forward above are also very simple.

First, allow the Han Empire to freely exploit oil and other materials on it.

Second, allow the naval fleet of the Han Empire to pass through their waters.

Third, allow the naval ships of the Han Empire to resupply and repair in their ports.

There are a few more, but none of those things are as important as these three.

It's just that if Britain, France and the United States really agree to these three articles of the Han Empire, then the problem will arise.

Whose land is this colony?

How do you feel that apart from the advantages of being able to collect taxes in this land, it seems that half of the use rights in this land belong to the Han Empire?

It's just that they learned the lesson from last time and didn't immediately refute it.

They all knew about Han Ling. This was a powder keg. Maybe he would blow it up after a word, and it would be settled directly by war, and there would be no room for negotiation at that time.

Chapter 430: The Final Result

"Mr. Ambassadors! How do you feel?"

Han Ling was not in a hurry, he looked at the ambassadors with a smile and said with a light smile.

"Your Majesty! With all due respect, your clause seems to be asking us to share our territory with you, which"

Jason didn't finish his sentence, but everyone present understood what he meant.

"Hehe! Mr. Johnson, if Mexico in the south of your country is invaded, how will your reaction be?"

Han Ling didn't answer his question, but turned to look at him with a smile on his face and asked.

"of course"

Jason came to his senses as soon as he opened his mouth, and then he stopped talking.

But Han Ling knew that he had already reacted.

According to the temperament of the Americans, if the military boots of any country set foot on the land of Mexico, they would have shouted and beaten.

And Nanyang is like Mexico in the Han Empire. No one was allowed to occupy these places. However, the Han Empire was weak before, so I won't talk about it.

Now that it has risen, don't go back to these lands, but the Han Empire wants the right to use it, isn't it too much?

From a general point of view, it seems that the requirements of the Han Empire are too much.

But from the perspective of the form of the country, this is not too much.

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