The reason is very simple, how can someone else snore on the side of the couch!

The sides of all the powerful countries do not want others to plant nails here, and whoever places nails can only be resolved by war.

"Ambassadors! The Han Empire will pay for the supplies of the Han Empire in these ports! Your things will not be used in vain. But you must not embarrass the ships of the Han Empire, otherwise the East China Sea Fleet of the Han Empire and the The South China Sea Fleet is not a decoration either. You can think about it carefully."

After Han Ling finished speaking, he sat down and did not speak.

Falkenhausen glanced at Han Ling and then at the ambassadors. He knew that he was a younger brother now, and being a younger brother requires the awareness of being a younger brother.

And if you want the Han Empire to help them get rid of the Treaty of Versailles, you must show enough sincerity.

"Mr. Ambassadors, would you please listen to me?"

"Oh? General Falkenhausen! But it doesn't matter!"

"Mr. Ambassadors, I don't think there is anything to be entangled with. In fact, strictly speaking, it is nothing more than the Han Empire using your port and passing through your sea area for a while!

Mr. Johnson, if Mr. Carl's fleet wants to pass through your country's waters to replenish supplies, fresh water and fuel, will you refuse? "

Falkenhausen looked at Jason and asked.

This time Jason has nothing to say, and there is no need to lie about this kind of thing, because everyone sitting here knows it.

As far as the relationship between Britain and the United States is concerned, the number of times the two sides replenish fuel and fresh water in each other's ports is not a lot, on the contrary, the number of times is a bit more.

There is nothing wrong with replenishing fuel and fresh water resources. As for passing through the sea, there are such things, but you need to call in advance.

"Mr. Johnson, I believe your country will not object! If so, what's the point of adding a Han Empire? And it's still at the gate of the Han Empire!"

Falkenhausen said that in the end, he was reminding Jason that maybe you don't want to agree to this matter, but don't forget that this is at the door of the Han Empire.

If you refuse again, be careful that His Majesty the Emperor will use the threat of war again, and it is really possible to use the East China Sea Fleet. At that time, will your naval power in Asia be able to block the East China Sea Fleet of the Han Empire?

Falkenhausen's words are not only telling Jansen, but also telling Karl them.

Can your naval power in Asia really block the navy of the Han Empire?

I'm afraid even if your naval power in Asia is combined, it won't be able to stop the naval power of the Han Empire!

Jason and Carl couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this, indeed!Although Falkenhausen looked a bit like a dog this time, what he said was indeed reasonable, and it was not unreasonable.

In fact it is.

The Han Empire that has now risen will certainly not allow other powers to appear on its doorstep.

And once it appears, I am afraid that it can only be resolved by war.

Because of the period of time when the Han Empire rose, this time it is only for the right to use it. If you disagree, it is not impossible for a war to break out at that time.

Don't forget that whether it is the United States or Britain and France, they are still in the quagmire of economic crisis.

Lao Luo started to revive the economy in the United States, but revitalizing the economy does not mean that the economy can recover immediately with a single policy, and it will take a long time.

Therefore, the United States is still unable to get out of the quagmire of the economy.

Several countries that have been stuck in the economic quagmire and have not pulled out are going to war with the Eastern overlord, the Han Empire. Unless the wartime system is used, it is really difficult to win.

Moreover, once a war breaks out between major powers, they must be prepared for a protracted war.

So Falkenhausen's words made both Jason and Carl fall into deep thought.

"Okay! On behalf of our country, I can agree to the conditions of the Han Empire!"

It was Jason who spoke first, because he thought about the gains and losses carefully, and found that his country did not lose any benefits, but it could be used by the Han Empire!

But those lands are still in the hands of their own country, and what really embarrasses them is the face issue.

But the current Han Empire is also a big country in the east, and it is not a shame to let them use it.

Jensen agreed, followed by Karl and Gerthmer.

They also figured out this thing, isn't it just to use it!As long as I don't grab my territory, so what if I let you use it.

After the matter in front of his house was settled, a smile appeared on Han Ling's face.

Now it's time to share the cake.

Not too much cake, but it is a matter of no country, mainly because the six countries re-divide the world.

And Falkenhausen was not in a hurry. He accepted Han Ling's invitation to attend this meeting for the purpose of not carve up the world. He knew that his country's current strength was not enough.

The purpose of his participation was the Treaty of Versailles. He believed that Han Ling would remember what he had just said for the Han Empire.

This meeting continued until November [-], [-], during which the six countries re-divided the various forces in the world.

At the same time, Han Ling sought various interests in the world on behalf of the Han Empire.

For example, the Han Empire has mining rights to five iron mines and three coal mines in Australia, and three oil mines in the Middle East.

In order to exchange interests, the Han Empire can sell Wuyue-class battleships to Britain, France, the United States and other countries. Remember that they are selling warships rather than technology.

As for whether you can study the contents thoroughly, that's none of Han Ling's business.

And to be honest, selling them battleships was exactly what Han Ling wanted.

Han Ling was worried that he would not have the opportunity to lead the countries of the world to carry out an arms race and to re-emphasize battleships.

Let them slowly pay attention to battleships!Slowly develop the aircraft carrier by yourself, and when the time comes, you will be killed!

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