And you jumped into this pit yourself, so who can blame it!

Chapter 431: The Neglected Country

This seven-nation meeting is over.

But among these seven countries, there is one country that has never had any sense of existence.

What is really neglected is precisely the country of Serev, an old man.

From the beginning to the end, Han Ling deliberately ignored him.

As if he didn't exist, when dividing up the sphere of influence in Europe, Han Ling proposed to divide Poland into the sphere of influence of China.

This immediately increased Gesmo's affection for Han Ling. It seems that His Majesty the Emperor is also a good person!

It's just that another country is not happy, and that is Lao Maozi's country.

Serev's division of Han Ling is very meaningful, because Poland is next to Lao Maozi. According to Han Ling's previous theory, Poland should be justifiably their sphere of influence, but Han Ling ignored them.

And in the strange eyes of everyone, he said that country d can also be said to be a big European country, and country d has too many places to manage, so country d can act as a proxy for country d to govern Poland.

This unreasonable request should have been resisted by other countries, but in fact this unreasonable request has passed the unanimous consent of other countries.

The reason is really simple. Lao Maozi's empire has been vigilant by Western countries since its establishment.

Out of innate institutional vigilance, Western countries are more resistant to Lao Maozi.

And they don't have much affection for country d.

Han Ling's proposal seems to have found an enemy for country d, and it is to intervene in European affairs.

But in fact, Han Ling aimed at Lao Maozi. After all, the Han Empire and Lao Maozi were sworn enemies.

So they are happy to see the Han Empire and country d deal with Lao Maozi.

As for Serev's protest, the other countries decided by the minority obeying the majority.

In this way, under Han Ling's deliberate neglect and guidance, Poland has legitimately become the jurisdiction of country d.

The old Maozi couldn't help but didn't get any benefits from this meeting, but he still lost the name of meddling in Polish affairs in name.

Although it is only a name, this name is really important to country d, because country d can then use this name to slowly get rid of the Treaty of Versailles and start to expand its army, and the Han Empire can also use this name to be fair and just. meddling in European affairs.

November [-], [-] In the Forbidden City, in the Imperial Study Room

"General Falkenhausen! What do you think of my finding an enemy for you this time?"

It stands to reason that Falkenhausen should be angry that he has found an enemy for the current country d, but in fact he is very happy now.

"Your Majesty the Emperor! Your wisdom is unmatched by others! On behalf of our Prime Minister, I would like to express my gratitude to you. In the future, your two countries will definitely be the most cordial allies!"

Falkenhausen was indeed very grateful to Han Ling.On the surface, it seemed that Han Ling had found an enemy for them. In fact, Han Ling wanted them to use this name to expand their army and reorganize their armaments.

As for the matter that the old man wants to beat them, it is impossible to beat them now.

Because starting in [-], Lao Maozi's bearded beard was undergoing a major cleansing campaign.

Many experienced veteran officers in their country were purged, and many officers who had just graduated from the military academy were promoted to posts.It made everyone in their country feel insecure.

And the bearded man is still clearing out dissidents and consolidating his position in such a big purge, so there is no time to fight.

And even if the old man wanted to beat them, Falkenhausen didn't think Han Ling would let them attack.

Don't forget that the Han Empire still has more than [-] troops stationed in Siberia. Once the old man dares to make any movement in Europe, he will be stabbed immediately here.

So this is a war that is impossible to happen. On the contrary, country d can use the old man to launch a war, and they want to start expanding the army and rearmament in the name of maintaining peace in Poland.

"Well! You just understand! It's difficult for you to get rid of the Treaty of Versailles normally. But if you change the way and find an enemy for yourself, one is the enemy of Britain, France and other countries, and they will not refuse. In this way You can get rid of the Treaty of Versailles.

Now regarding the issue of your country's economy, I believe I don't need to do it.Your Prime Minister is doing a great job!The construction of large-scale projects and the construction of expressways across the country not only solved the employment problem of the people, but also solved the traffic problem. In the event of a war in the future, it will also be of great benefit to the mobilization of materials and troops! "

As soon as Han Ling spoke, he talked about the domestic issues of country d, and Falkenhausen didn't show a hint of impatience or displeasure on his face.

Because this is the request of him and his prime minister, I hope the Han Empire can help them get out of the quagmire.

Otherwise, Han Ling would not talk about their domestic situation in front of Falkenhausen. After all, Han Ling is not a fool who meddles in other countries' internal affairs in front of others.This is a taboo.

"In terms of your country's military, according to the information you gave, what you need to reorganize now is the army and air force.

Don't worry, the Air Force!The Army is the priority.You have only [-] troops so far, but you have trained well, and these [-] soldiers can be used as [-] grassroots officers.

Expand the army based on these [-] soldiers.

As for the weapons among them, you probably don't need infantry weapons, and I don't need to support you.

Didn't your prime minister hope to be able to buy our country's Type 29 medium tanks before?I can sell it to you, as much as you want, I can sell it to you.

In addition, I can also sell you heavy artillery! "

Han Ling offered a condition, and the condition was still so attractive.

Who doesn't know that the Type 29 medium tank of the Han Empire is the most advanced tank in the world. Mustache has noticed the power of the tank from the very beginning, and has paid attention to the tank from a very early age.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your generosity! But our country is in a state of waste, and the economy"

Falkenhausen says it's a bit of a pain here too, yes!Yes!It's just that the money is not enough, these things are advanced, everyone wants to see them, but they are also expensive!They don't have enough money!

"Hehe! General Falkenhausen, don't worry. In fact, the rich in your country are just concentrated on a group of dirty people. You go back and tell your prime minister like this! He will understand what I mean!"

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