Chapter 432: The Long-awaited Upgrade

Mustache's Capital Chancellery

"Hess! You know, Falkenhausen has sent back news that he has obtained the support of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor. His Majesty promised to sell us tanks, and if possible, he will also sell us other technologies. .”

Mustache, who came to his office just after breakfast, couldn't help saying excitedly after reading the document that his private secretary Hess gave him.

Hess, an unknown person, but he is a person of important status.

Mustache's book - "Mein Kampf" was ghostwritten by him.

After that, he was regarded as his confidant by Mustache. If the history did not change too much, he would return to be the deputy head of state, and he would become the successor appointed by Mustache himself in the future.

"But Your Excellency, Prime Minister! The Treaty of Versailles still binds us tightly. If we equip heavy weapons such as tanks on a large scale, I am afraid that we will suffer from the intervention of Britain and France. In addition, our economy is not rich now. Buying this heavy equipment will cost us a lot of money!"

Hess is Mustache's personal secretary and is Mustache's personal secretary.

Hess was Mustache's closest comrade-in-arms before, otherwise Hess wouldn't have said these things like this.

"Oh! My dear Hess, you don't have to worry about these issues. His Majesty the emperor has reached an agreement with us on the financial issue. You see, the emperor thinks that those greedy Jews really deserve to go to hell!"

As he spoke, Mustache passed the telegram in his hand. For the Jews, Mustache hated and envied them.

What I hate is that they are unwilling to spend a penny to help the country revive the economy when the country's economy is the most difficult. Just like now, the country is vigorously developing the economy and improving people's lives, but they are indifferent and always Think about making money.

And envy is that the mustache is envious of the funds in the hands of those Jews.

Those Jews held a lot of wealth in their hands, which the mustache desperately needed.

"Oh! I didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor had already reached an agreement with us, but"

Hess said here but didn't go on.

There is another person within them who has a very unfriendly attitude towards the Han Empire.

That person is the air force marshal of later generations, that Fatty Ge!

And now Fatty Ge has also formed an intelligence internal affairs organization under the order of Mustache!

Mustache wants to cooperate with the Han Empire, and Fatty Ge has objections to this point.

"But what?"

Mustache frowned, and cooperated with the Han Empire, asking the Han Empire to help them.

This is an idea that mustache had before, and now the Han Empire has indeed put it into action.Could it be that there are still people messing around here?

"Old Ge's attitude towards the Han Empire seems a bit extreme!"

Hess said cautiously, after all, Fatty Ge is also a veteran.

Mustache was silent for three seconds before saying: "I will deal with his problem! Hess, you are my private secretary! Now I want to entrust you with a matter. You represent me to the Han Empire, remember Live! Be sure to go with our sincerity. In addition, we will also bring a few of our latest bulletproof cars. Give it to His Majesty the Emperor. You might as well increase the specifications a little during this visit. In addition, I will ask my diplomatic advisor Accompany you there!"

Mustache's diplomatic adviser, who became the Minister of Foreign Affairs in [-], I believe everyone knows this person.

"Yes! Your Excellency! But what is the purpose of our visit?"

Hess asked what the purpose of this visit, or what the political purpose of this visit can be said to be.

"Spread a message to the Han Empire, a message that our country is friendly to the Han Empire. The other is to release a message to the outside world. The relationship between our country and the Han Empire is very good. With the prestige of the Han Empire, our country can reduce the threat of Britain and France. !"

Mustache looked at Hess and said word by word, mustache is mustache, and his wisdom is very strong.

He understood all the information Han Ling released. Han Ling just said that they could revive their army first and sell them tanks.

But there was no mention of the air force and navy, which meant that Han Ling needed their next move.

Mustache needs to rely on the prestige of the Han Empire to achieve his goals, and why isn't Han Ling using Mustache?

Wouldn't it be better to let a young mustache who is about to rise involve the energy of Ying, France and Lao Maozi?

In case the British and French old men are always staring at themselves, you must know that the first three-year plan of the Han Empire is about to be completed, and the economy and industry of the whole country are developing rapidly. Well, this is not good news.

When Xiao Huzi decided to send a delegation to visit the Han Empire, Han Ling in the imperial study was looking at the three-dimensional image in front of him.

The information base has been upgraded!Finally upgraded!

This can be said to be Han Ling's long-awaited upgrade.

Today is December [-], [-].

Finally, at the end of [-], the information base was upgraded to level five.

However, the information base is still being upgraded. According to the progress bar above, the upgrade will take about six hours.

But isn't it just six hours!

Han Ling could afford to wait. He had waited for a year or two before, so he was afraid of waiting for these six hours?

Six hours later, it was already around four o'clock in the afternoon. Han Ling turned on the controller again and clicked on the [-]D image.

And after Han Ling clicked on the upgrade of the information database and found something good, the first thing he wanted to see was the highly intelligent robot.

Chapter 433: Too Many Surprises

Highly intelligent robots, which Han Ling has been looking forward to for a long time, are also a watershed after the fifth level of the information base, which will truly bring about a qualitative change in the entire spaceship base.

"A highly intelligent robot has the IQ of an adult, but because the system knowledge memory chip and smart chip are the first generation of technological products, its personality is relatively rigid"

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