After Han Ling clicked in, he finally found the introduction of the highly intelligent robot.

Han Ling didn't know about the first generation of technological products, but he still understood the phrase about adult IQ.But these are not important, the most important thing is that a highly intelligent robot does not need to breathe oxygen, he can walk arbitrarily in space.

That is to say, from now on, Han Ling can send highly intelligent robots to other planets to mine various resources, which is good news.

After looking at the highly intelligent robot, Han Ling continued to look at it again. He wanted to see how many technologies had been unlocked at the fifth level of the information base.

It's just that after seeing it, Han Ling's eyes became more and more excited.

At the fourth level of the previous information base, what the information base unlocked was mainly national strategy.

And this time after unlocking, it is indeed a global strategy.

First of all, a very important thing has appeared in technology, that is, military satellites, communication satellites, spy satellites, weather satellites, etc. Satellite technology is unlocked.

In other words, Han Ling can launch military satellites into the sky, as long as there are enough of them, the whole world will be under his surveillance from now on.

But the unlocking of satellite technology is inseparable from another thing, that is the rocket!

Yes, it is the unlocking of rockets. Rockets are a weapon that changes the mode of war, and it is also an epoch-making mode.

If you put rockets on destroyers or cruisers, the mode of naval warfare will also change a lot. At the same time, the navy's ability to strike land will also be greatly enhanced. Of course, all of this requires your rockets to be accurate enough. , otherwise it is a tasteless thing.

And when it comes to making the accuracy of rockets reach a very high level, it is inseparable from another thing, and that is the computer.

The information base has unlocked computer technology.

However, according to Han Ling's eyes, his computer technology should be around the 90s in later generations.

Although the technology of the 90s is very backward compared to the computer technology in the first few years of the [-]st century, it is no problem to achieve precise guidance.

While watching, Han Ling sighed in admiration.

The upgrade of the spaceship's information base should not bring too many surprises. Anyway, Han Ling was dazzled.

Various technologies and technologies of later generations began to appear suddenly.

This caught Han Ling a little by surprise, but even though he was caught off guard, Han Ling still felt very good, very good!

In addition, there is another technology that Han Ling values.

That is rice hybrid technology.

This technology is incredible. What is the reason for future generations to be able to feed more than one billion people with 20 billion mu of arable land?This is the hybrid technology.

When the hybridization technology of later generations was developed in the first few years of the [-]st century, the highest rice yield per mu in Huaxia had reached [-] kilograms per mu.

It is called super rice, eight hundred kilograms!What is the rice yield per mu in the Han Empire now?

More than two hundred kilograms!Less than three hundred kilograms!

Even in Sichuan, known as the land of abundance, the yield of rice per mu is only [-] kilograms.

Of course, this hybrid technology refers to later generations.

However, the hybrid technology here comes from alien technology. How much is his yield per mu?

Han Ling felt his body trembling just by looking at it, it was too high!

It's so high that it's unbelievable!

One thousand kilograms of rice per mu!

A thousand kilograms!right!Even one kilogram is still yield per mu!

Such a high output!

Once this technology is distributed to the Han Empire, everyone in the Han Empire can easily eat white rice, and even if the population grows to two billion, Han Ling thinks that he can support himself.

Don't forget that the territory of the current Han Empire is much larger than that of later generations, and the area of ​​arable land is not comparable to that of later generations. The last key is Indonesia in Southeast Asia. This fertile land with three crops a year is in the hands of the Han Empire.

In the future, where food can feed an unknown number of people.

Han Ling's body was shaking, why was he shaking?

Once this technology is popularized, Han Ling can immediately increase efforts to encourage births.

The Minister of Human Resources previously reported against Han Ling's encouragement of childbearing.

At that time, the Minister of Human Resources told Han Ling that if birth control was not implemented, the population of the Han Empire would exceed one billion in fifty years, and the Han Empire would not be able to support such a large population at that time.

At that time, many people were taken aback by the head of the human resources department and thought he was talking nonsense, but he believed it only after he presented a set of data.

But Han Ling knew it. What he said was true. Isn't that the case in future generations?

But the reason why Han Ling is still independent is that Han Ling wanted to snatch it at that time.

right!Just grab!

grab what?Of course it is grabbing resources.

Grab living space, grab land resources, and grab farmland resources.

As long as there are arable land resources and living space, there is no saying that people cannot live.

But now that hybrid technology has appeared, Han Ling's goal is not to feed a billion people, but to feed three billion people!

That is to say, the Han Empire must support three billion people.

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