Now that the hybridization technology appears, this is only the first generation of technology, with an yield of [-] kilograms per mu. What will happen next?

As for if you really have hybrid technology and can't support yourself, then go grab it!

There is still such a large piece of land in Nanyang that is not his own. If he doesn't rob it, who else?

Australia's environment is also good, continue to grab!

Well, this hybrid technology is very important, and there is another very important technology next, and that is super technology!

That's right, the information base has unlocked super technology, which means that the Han Empire will be invincible in the future.

"Super technology! Tsk tsk! Not bad! Very good!"

Han Ling looked at the super technological picture above, his face was full of joy.

This time it took a long time to upgrade the information base, but the unlocked things are really tempting.

Which of these technologies is not an important technology?

Satellite technology, rocket technology, hybrid technology, super technology!

If any one is taken out, it is enough to change a country, but now there are five!

good!It is five, because there is a very important technology behind it!That's the engine change.

The technological evolution of the jet engine.

With satellites and rockets, this jet technology naturally appeared.

And with the emergence of jet engine technology, there is another very important thing that appears!

Chapter 434: Reform of the education system [Part [-]]

What could make Han Ling so happy?

That is the intercontinental heavy bomber related to global strategy.

good!It was the appearance of the intercontinental bomber, and this type of intercontinental bomber was also listed separately by the information database. From here, we can see how high his status is.

And the specific data is also very scary.

"Wingspan: Eighty-three meters!

Length: [-] meters

Height: [-] meters

Weight: [-] kg

The maximum speed is [-] kilometers per hour,

Cruising speed is [-] kilometers per hour,

The range is [-] kilometers, and the service ceiling is [-] meters.

Seeing this, the joy on Han Ling's face became more and more intense.

With a range of [-] kilometers, that is to say, in this world, he can almost bomb whoever he wants.

The ceiling of [-] meters has put this bomber in a state that cannot be attacked.

But his ammunition load has reached [-] tons.

With a bomb load of [-] tons, I believe that once this bomber is equipped on a large scale, if anyone dares to provoke the Han Empire, Han Ling will let him know how to write the word "regret".

Um!This intercontinental bomber can be said to be very powerful!But there is one more thing that Han Ling needs more.

That is environmental modification technology.

The previous energy converter already has solar technology, so there is nothing to say, but it also has a function of environmental modification.

Energy converters can successfully solve land problems such as land desertification and environmental problems.

The desert becomes an oasis, and the Gobi becomes a grassland. This is not something impossible, but really feasible.

The energy converter transforms the soil environment very quickly.

It will be effective in half a year if it is fast, and it will be effective in a year if it is slow.

That is to say, put an energy converter in one place, for example, here is a desert, and one year later, this place can become an oasis.This is the energy converter.

Land desertification, which is a headache for future generations, is no problem in the face of such heaven-defying things as energy converters.

"Not bad! With these things, I believe that if you give me some more time, I won't be afraid of anyone at all!"

After Han Ling saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

Forbidden City Xiyuan, office building.

After Han Ling established the empire, some things did not change.

For example, the location of the military headquarters, such as the office building.

They are still in the West Garden of the Forbidden City.

Today, Han Ling came to the office building wearing a large golden dragon robe. The information database has been upgraded, and some things have to be changed.

For example, reform the education system again.

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