In Han Ling's office.

"He Qing! How is the education situation across the country recently? How is the literacy program in the area south of the Yangtze River going?"

Han Ling sat in his seat, and Cai Heqing, Minister of Education, also sat opposite to Han Ling.

After all, Cai Heqing is also old, and now he is still the Minister of Education. Han Ling gave him a little privilege and allowed him to sit and report on work. This is also a kind of preferential treatment!

"It's still in progress. The previous literacy program in Nanjing and its surrounding areas went very well. And the literacy level in this area is relatively high.

It's just that the literacy program in the Southwest is not going very well.Many places are too remote for our literacy teachers to enter.Moreover, the traffic conditions there are not good, and the people's residences are scattered.

Some people have to walk dozens of miles to reach the location of the literacy class if they want to do literacy.

And because of the topography, the agricultural production there mainly depends on people.After a day's work, many people are unwilling to walk dozens of miles to eliminate illiteracy at night.If it's close, it's about the same.

In addition, the folk customs in those places are relatively tough, and some people have great opinions on holding literacy classes in other places instead of them.

Our literacy teachers feel terrified entering those places, especially some of our female teachers, who may even be in danger of being snatched when entering those places!

Previously, we had a female teacher enter it to conduct literacy education, but a group of ethnic minorities snatched her marriage. They said it was their local custom, and the wife was snatched!

Later, if the security zone hadn't been dispatched urgently, that female teacher would have suffered! "

Cai Heqing also felt dizzy when talking about these issues.

The southwest region is no better than the North China region and the Lianghuai region.

The terrain is relatively flat, the traffic is much better than that of the southwest region, and it has not yet reached that closed state, especially the ethnic situation is not as complicated as that of the southwest region. Coupled with some other reasons, literacy education is carried out relatively smoothly.

However, due to various reasons in the southwest region, literacy education has been very difficult until now.

"The traffic problem in the southwest region is not something you should manage! Regarding the safety of our literacy teachers, I will give orders later to let the security areas in those areas set up security divisions and patrol teams to be responsible for the personal safety of the literacy teachers.

As for those ethnic minorities, they must be strictly monitored.

Although we respect their ethnic customs, it does not mean that they can ignore the law.You have to remember that the empire is a multi-ethnic country, but who is the main body of the empire!It is said that the minority obeys the majority, but we cannot let the majority obey the minority.

As for the idea that some people should civilize the people's wisdom as soon as possible, let's not mention the fact that ethnic minorities have educational privileges!Our main nation has not yet resolved how to solve their problems.

And if they want to get priority education, they must contribute to our country. The empire does not support people who are free, no matter who they are!You have to implement this when you go down.I don't want another literacy teacher to have a personal safety hazard in the future.

In addition, regarding the things you just said that are okay because the distance is far away and you are not willing to enter the literacy class, if it is the people of my ethnic group, you should try your best to let them participate in the literacy class. If the distance is too far, then send more Two literacy teachers gathered those people who were far away for literacy education.

If it is from another nationality, we will not consider it.Things have to be done step by step, and we have to give priority to the education of our own people. "

Regarding how to educate, Han Ling has a certain idea in his heart. Whoever takes priority and who will be considered later, Han Ling also has a standard in his heart.

"Yes! Your Majesty! I remember it!"

"Well! I came to you today because I want to talk to you about some reforms of the national education system. On these issues, you are a powerful empire, and you have quite a lot of experience! Now I have some thoughts in my mind, just want to Ask what you mean!"

"Please speak up, Your Majesty!"

Chapter 435: Reform of the education system [Part [-]]

"Well! Britain and France signed a treaty with the empire to transfer the interests of the Southeast Asian region. You know about this? One of the things is that the empire allows Britain, France and other countries to send people to the empire to learn advanced knowledge and culture.

But you know that some necessary science and technology are secrets of the empire, and ordinary people cannot know them.It cannot be widely spread, so I decided to collect elite students from all over the country to establish a National Defense University.

National Defense University, all the students in the family must be upright and Miaohong within three generations, have a clean family background, and must be members of our own clan in the empire to be able to enter the school.And what they want to learn is the advanced scientific and cultural knowledge of the empire. After they graduate, they will be assigned work tasks by the state and will not be released into society! "

Now the information base has been upgraded again, and the unlocking technology is decades ahead of this era, and a lot of knowledge in it belongs to the category of state secrets.

This kind of knowledge needs to be passed on by people, but Han Ling didn't want those countries to learn it, so he planned to build a National Defense University, which only recruited students from the country, and they had to be students with good roots and clean family backgrounds.

When Cai Heqing heard what Han Ling said, she immediately knew what Han Ling meant.

In the future, the knowledge taught in the National Defense University must belong to the advanced science and technology at the national level. This kind of thing has been something that has been easily hidden from people since ancient times.

"The old minister understands! But the teacher among them"

Cai Heqing said that he didn't say any more here, he believed that Han Ling could understand.

Although he is the Minister of Education, his subordinates do not have such capable people. To teach advanced scientific and cultural knowledge, I am afraid that the only way is to invite those bigwigs from the scientific research department!

Although the popularization of education in the Han Empire was very late and the development time was short, it does not mean that there were no scientists in the Han Empire.

The Great Han Empire also had scientists. China had trained scientists before, but the number was not many, and the knowledge they possessed was not as advanced as in the world!

When the Han Empire was established, they were naturally absorbed into the scientific research department of the Han Empire.

"Don't worry! I will send you a teacher!"

Send a teacher!Of course, the clones were sent to instill this knowledge into the memory of the clones, and let the clones teach those students.

Now Han Ling is not afraid that there will not be enough clones.


First, the cost of making human clones has been reduced.

The previous day's resource output could only produce about [-] clones.

But now, due to the lower cost, about [-] clones can be produced a day. Remember, this is just a change from the previous one.

And then Han Ling sent a small spaceship to explore the eight planets of the solar system, no, nine planets!

In the [-]st century, Pluto was redefined as a dwarf planet, and the nine planets became the eight planets.

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