And then there's the moon.

Anyway, Han Ling will send spaceships and highly intelligent robots to explore each planet, but the highly intelligent robots are still in production, so they haven't been sent there yet.

Among them, Han Ling knows that there are a lot of various resources on the moon and Mars, and there are even oil resources on Mars.

On other planets, such as Venus, Han Ling didn't know what resources were in them.

And on Mercury, in the geography class, the teacher seemed to say that Mercury has a lot of iron, and it is high-quality iron, which seems to be many times better than the iron on the earth.

Han Ling has almost forgotten this point, but he has a vague impression in his mind, so Han Ling decided to send the spaceship and highly intelligent robots to explore first.

Robots are different from humans. Humans have to breathe oxygen and so on, and they have to pay attention to safety. Once the pressure is too high and there is a problem with the spacesuit, it will kill people.

Moreover, it will cost a lot to train an astronaut, but highly intelligent robots are different. Highly intelligent robots are products of aliens, and their materials are very hard. harm.

"In addition, Britain, France and other countries believe that they will soon send foreign students to study in our country. You have to make good arrangements for these people. I think they will be arranged in Peking University and other places. These schools are also famous universities in the Han Empire. They learn what they like to learn what!"

Han Ling thought for a while and said to Cai Heqing, but looking at Han Ling's appearance, Cai Heqing can only feel sad for Britain, France and other countries. You want to come to learn advanced science and technology, but His Majesty is guarding you like a thief , Your calculations may be in vain.

"Yes! The old minister remembers it!"

"Well! Also, this time the reform of the education system, the actions of the National Defense University must be covered up, and you will plan to establish a university after you go down.

Now we have many institutions of higher learning, but not many lower-level institutions of learning.Our empire needs not only high-level talents, but also middle-level and low-level talents.

After you go down, you will set the specifications for the new university on knowledgeable and cultural workers and other industries.As for the teacher, I will send you one too.With the funds from your Ministry of Education, I will allocate a special fund to you at the beginning of next year to establish universities across the country for me.

If the source of students is not enough, let me lower the threshold a little bit. These students come in and go out after graduation. They are mainly people at the bottom of society, and they are all workers.There is no need to set the requirements too high.

And this is especially the area south of the Yangtze River. Through your efforts in recent years, universities have begun to become popular in the area north of the Yangtze River.

And because of compulsory education, there is no shortage of students, but the area south of the Yangtze River is included in the time period of our rule.

The scale of primary and secondary schools is not enough, you go down and make a plan, and the primary and secondary schools in these places will be established.

Once established, there will be no shortage of students.As for money, I will ask the Ministry of Finance to allocate special funds for you.The century-old plan is to put education first, and do a good job of education first.In addition, I will also send you the teacher.Anyway, I only have one request, to popularize education across the country as soon as possible! "

Now Han Ling speaks in a grand manner. There are three main problems in running a school.

First, funding.

Second, the strength of teachers.

Third, the source of students!

Han Ling is not short of money, and even if he is short of money, Han Ling will squeeze out money to pay the Ministry of Education even if he is crowded.

Education is a century-old project, a prerequisite for the prosperity of a country, and the primary factor for the development of science and technology.

How can we develop if education is not up to par?

As for the strength of teachers, it may have been lacking before!But now there is no shortage.

With the increase in production of clones and the upcoming exploration of other planets to mine resources by highly intelligent robots, Han Ling has no shortage of teachers for a long time.

As for the source of students!

Is that the problem?

The current Han Empire is in ruins, and the area south of the Yangtze River is still a place where illiteracy is everywhere.

436 sheets: Yu Wanhe

Cai Heqing left, carrying Han Ling's will.

For Han Ling, there are currently two problems in the Han Empire that have been bothering him.

Education, transportation!

Yes, these two questions,

Education requires too much investment, and the cycle of return is long, so education is still a big problem, and Han Ling often focuses on education.

And traffic is a big problem.

The main railway lines that Han Ling started to build in the area north of the Yangtze River in the past two years were only half completed in the second half of this year.

However, the construction of roads is not slow. There are several expressways running through the north of the Yangtze River, running from east to west, from north to south.

It's just that there are still many main railway lines and highway main lines still under construction.

As for the tens of millions of Manchu elders, the traffic construction in the past two years has killed no less than [-] people.

These are all the result of rushing the construction deadline. In order to meet the construction deadline, the supervisors below did not treat them as human beings for a long time, and Han Ling did not care about these.It is really

Can't manage it, there are so many major events in the whole country, how can there be time to manage these?

Although the construction speed of the main railway line is not bad in this way, it is still not enough compared to the whole country.

For example, the area south of the Yangtze River.

Nanjing and its surrounding areas, as well as Hubei and Hunan, are fine.

Railways were built in these places before, but these railways can only be regarded as main railway lines, and there are only a few of them.

And like the southwest region, there are one or two railways in Sichuan, and the distance is too short to die.

How can this kind of piecemeal railway work?

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