How is this enough?

And there must be some connecting bridges, such as the areas south of the Yangtze River and north of the Yangtze River.

There is no Yangtze River Bridge anywhere in Nanjing, and the only way to cross the river is by ferry.

This can be said to be a great obstacle to the logistics of transportation, and these are problems that need to be solved.

A Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge will be built on top of the Yangtze River in Nanjing, and the railway and road will be used to truly connect the north and the south.

So under these circumstances, Han Ling summoned Yu Wanhe, Minister of Communications, in his imperial study.

"I see you, Your Majesty!"

Yu Wanhe, Minister of Transport, is a returnee who returned from overseas.Thirty-seven years old this year is the most energetic time in a man's life.

"Get up! I came to you today to find out if your Ministry of Communications has any plans for the empire's railways?"

Yu Wanhe must be able to take the position of Minister of Transport at the age of thirty-seven, otherwise Han Ling would not let him take this position.

In fact, Yu Wanhe is an architectural design expert who returned from overseas.

He presided over the design of the main railway lines before the Han Empire.

At the beginning, Han Ling only gave an order to build the main railway line from where to where, but the details involved a lot of things.

Many of these problems were solved by Yu Wanhe, otherwise he would be able to sit in this position?

"Your Majesty! Now our laborers are still building the main railway lines and branch lines that we planned two years ago! Now in North China, Northeast China, Northwest China and the Mongolian grasslands, we have completed the construction of the main railway lines!

Now the area on both sides of the Yellow River is being built.I'm afraid it will take some time! "

Yu Wanhe said with some embarrassment.

"Huh? The branch line? You built the branch line together? Didn't I say to build the main line first?"

Han Ling frowned.To be honest, he really didn't know how long the railway construction period would take.

After all, he is a person, he was just a small editor before, and after he came here, he was just the leader of the first army.Not a know-it-all, knowing everything.

"Your Majesty! At the beginning, in order to facilitate the transportation of materials, and many people welcomed us to build the railway, many people donated money and materials, hoping that the branch line could also be repaired, so that their transportation problems could be solved. At the beginning The minister has also mentioned this matter, Your Majesty, you have agreed!"

Yu Wanhe was a little anxious at the end.He is an academic officer.

Originally, one should be a political veteran in a high position, but in fact it is not.

His time is mainly spent on these designs, so he doesn't know much about politics.

This is also the reason why Yu Wanhe reported it when the common people donated money and asked to build their branch line first.

"Have I agreed?"

Han Ling frowned and thought for a while, as if he had never seen such a document before!

Han Ling has read a lot these years. It is obviously abnormal for you to ask him to memorize every document.

"Yes! Your Majesty, you personally agreed to it!"

Seeing that Yu Wanhe's expression did not seem to be fake, Han Ling said to a court lady outside: "Go! Add Fang Tu, the head of the secretary department, to call!"


Fang Tu walked in after a while.

"Zijin! Have I agreed to build the main line and branch lines together?"

Seeing the room map, Han Ling asked directly.

"Build the main line and branch lines? Let the old minister think about it!"

Fang Tu frowned and thought for a while before he said: "It seems that there is such a thing, you didn't care if you wrote a word on the document at the beginning!"

When Fang Tu said this, Han Ling knew it.

For some things, he just approves and approves. Generally, the approval of instructions is not a big deal.

Han Ling would comment below only for that kind of major event.

"Okay! If that's the case, forget it! I also said that you have repaired two main lines for me in two years!"

Han Ling waved his hand, he forgot about this matter, and it was impossible to scold Yu Wanhe.

"Your Majesty! Although the construction of the railway is a big project, especially this kind of railway that runs through the whole country, it will not take tens of millions of people to build two main lines in two years. It's just that when I report to you, I usually It is Bao’s main line that has been built, because generally the main line is completed, and the branch lines are almost built. I always thought you knew!”

This is an academic official. After washing his innocence, he feels very happy in his heart, and some words start to come out. Unlike those old fritters, he will not show a happy smile at this time.

"Well! Now that you have completed the railways in North China, Northeast China and Northwest China, I will give you another plan for the future.

Now the north-south communication in the empire is very poor. Immediately after you go down, you start planning and designing the Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing and Wuhan. Among them, the Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing is your top priority.

The Jinpu Railway can only communicate with Pukou. Whether it is military supplies or civilian supplies, they can only wait for the ferry after arriving at Pukou, which has a great impact on economic development.After you go down, design the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge as soon as possible!Best to start early! "

"Yes! The minister obeys the order!"

Chapter 437: Hurry up

When Yu Wanhe came out of Han Ling's imperial study, it was almost dark.

Han Ling sat on the chair tiredly. It was the last year of the [-]th Plan, to be precise, the last half a month.

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