It's December now, and half a month and three or three years will pass.

And in this last year, whether it is economy, industry or transportation, the development is very fast, and a lot of achievements have been made. ,

Especially transportation.

In North China, Northwest China, and Northeast China, the branch lines and main lines of the railways in these three areas have now been constructed thanks to the efforts of tens of millions of people.

Who would have thought that two years ago, most of the transportation in the Han Empire was muddy dirt roads?

Once it rains, transportation will be in trouble.

Today, two years later, in Northwest, North China, and Northeast China, transportation can be completely replaced by railways. Not to mention every city, at least most important areas have opened trains.

Whether it is north-south transportation or east-west transportation, there is no problem at all.Also benefiting from the convenience of transportation, the economy of North China began to develop rapidly.

"Your Majesty! Minister of Civil Affairs, Yan Baichuan, please see me!"

At this moment, the voice of a palace lady came from outside.

"Yan Baichuan? Let him in!"

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps, the door was pushed open, and Yan Baichuan walked in wearing a somewhat loose Hanfu.

In recent years, as Han Ling continued to advocate the restoration of national culture, wearing Hanfu and performing Han rituals, more and more people began to wear Hanfu in their daily lives.

After wearing them, they found that Hanfu is actually very comfortable to wear, much more comfortable than those so-called robes and jackets.

In fact, this is normal. Hanfu has been developed for thousands of years.

How many years have those wild boar skin things been developed?

When the Han people were reciting poems and having fun, they were still eating raw meat in caves!

And especially in this winter, wearing a splendid Hanfu feels more comfortable.

"It's getting dark now, why don't you go back and come to my place?"

Looking at Yan Baichuan standing in front of him, Han Ling asked with a frown.

"Your Majesty! These are some officials who were thoroughly investigated for corruption cases some time ago! These are all corrupt officials from our Ministry of Civil Affairs."

Yan Baichuan handed over a roster with a heavy expression as he spoke.

Anti-corruption is not a one-time thing, it is a long-term solution.

Some time ago, Han Ling started anti-corruption, which caused a storm across the country.

Although it was covered up by the little devil's war and enthronement ceremony, it didn't mean the storm was over.

This storm has been going on.This year is coming to an end, Yan Baichuan thinks that these officials should be handed over to Han Ling.

As for what was found later, it will be next year.

Han Ling took a document that Yan Baichuan handed to him, opened it and slowly flipped through it.

Yan Baichuan didn't say a word. To be honest, he couldn't believe that so many people in the Ministry of Civil Affairs were involved in corruption.

In the area north of the Yangtze River, there are not many people involved in corruption, and the number of people involved in corruption in the capital does not exceed five fingers.

But the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is much more serious.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs occupies an important position in the Han Empire.

Each of the following towns will have staff from the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

In such a large department, Yan Baichuan often felt chilled as the investigation deepened.

How long has the empire been established!But there are so many people involved in corruption.

The former Congress Party officials were even more daring, which really frightened him.

"There are quite a few people here, but most of them are officials from the area south of the Yangtze River, and most of the people involved in corruption here were former officials of the National Congress! These people are no longer available, so what should they do? What to do. But since corruption is serious in the area south of the Yangtze River, we should take this opportunity to replace these people.

You tell the officials below that if something like this happens now, the Ministry of Civil Affairs may reduce the staffing and make the existing officials more tired, and it will be fine when new officials are added later.In addition, those who hold several positions can make some supplements.Lest they say that I don't know how to be considerate. "

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

"By the way! You came to me tonight, and I happened to ask you, has your Ministry of Civil Affairs investigated the people's livelihood around the capital?"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty! I will spare time every month to visit the people below. There will never be a situation where people are not ignorant!"

"Well! That's good! If that's the case, go down too! Get tired again these few days, and rest more during the Chinese New Year!"

Han Ling waved his hand.

"Your Majesty! I have one more thing to say!"

"What's the matter?"

"This is what His Majesty will do with Ling Yi, the young lady of the Kong family!"

When Yan Baichuan said this, his face almost disappeared.

This matter had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to care about it.

But the problem is that it was Shangfeng who found him.

Officially, apart from Han Ling, there are really not two people who can control Yan Baichuan.

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