She was falling asleep last night, but she was woken up by a strange sound. When she opened her eyes, she saw Yasiqi and Han Ling doing it right in front of her.

Han Ling's face was thick enough, after dressing everything, he had a simple breakfast with them and left with Ya Siqi.

Inside the imperial study

"What on earth did you call me in the middle of the night last night? I didn't sleep well all night!"

Han Ling sat in his seat and asked after lighting a cigarette.

There was a blush on Yasiqi's cheeks, but it disappeared soon.

"Two thousand highly intelligent robots have been produced! The planetary exploration plan you mentioned can be launched! But which planets do you want to explore now?"

"Two thousand? Except for the moon, explore all the other planets. Find out what resources are on them, and it's best to be able to find out their reserves!

Each planet has one hundred highly intelligent robots.The nine planets are nine hundred highly intelligent robots.The remaining [-] highly intelligent robots are all sent to the moon, and we will mine resources on the moon first!Then transport it back to the spaceship and start mass-producing clones!I want to pull up the South China Sea Fleet in the shortest possible time! "

Speaking of the South China Sea Fleet, Han Ling felt a headache.

Among the three major fleets of the Han Empire, the South China Sea Fleet has the shortest establishment time, the weakest foundation, and the weakest strength.

There is not a single battleship, but this is also impossible.The reason is that the development is too fast, and the number of clones before cannot keep up.

Later, the little devil was brought down, and the Pacific Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet were each responsible for half of the little devil's sea area.

Moreover, the goal of the Pacific Fleet is still the Pacific Ocean, and now it is constantly strengthening the strength of the Pacific Fleet, so the South China Sea Fleet is a little bit neglected.

But the South Sea Fleet is also important.

Indonesia in Southeast Asia is the territory of the Han Empire, but there is only a squadron of the East China Sea Fleet there, and there is also a squadron and a battleship in the Malay Archipelago.

Originally, the South China Sea Fleet should be responsible for these, but now that the South China Sea Fleet is not strong enough, the East China Sea Fleet can only be put on top.

During this period of time, the commander of the South China Sea Fleet, Chen Choshuo, had his brains enlarged in order to train the sailors of the South China Sea Fleet.

Now Han Ling is also worried about this matter, and now Southeast Asia has been handed over to the Han Empire by Britain and France.

This piece of land in Southeast Asia also needs to be protected by the fleet!But the South China Sea Fleet still doesn't care about it, can you not be in a hurry?

The territory of the empire is large, but the defense force needed must be strong.

When Han Ling decided to explore the planets except the moon, the huge spaceship started to move in the distant solar system.

Four rectangular openings suddenly appeared around him.

These rectangles are about fifty meters long and more than thirty meters high.

Along with the four rectangular openings, a faint blue light suddenly came from inside, and then small spaceships flew out of it.

These small spaceships are all spaceships that were put into the Hutton Marr when it was built.

They belong to the probe spacecraft, and there are various instruments on it.

After all, when the scientists of Yasiqi Zhou built this spaceship, they wanted Yasiqi to go to other planets to develop and then come back for revenge.

Although a lot of things are not ready, but there are a lot of exploration spacecraft, transportation spacecraft, mining spacecraft and so on!

And even if the quantity is not enough, it can be produced by using the synthesis system of the spaceship.

After these detection spacecraft left, a series of spacecraft flew out behind them.

Among these spacecraft are exploration spacecraft, transportation spacecraft and mining spacecraft. Their goal is to fly to the moon and mine resources on the moon!

Their speed is very fast, and their principle of action has long been no longer the traditional way of movement, but a method called wormhole carrying, which can also be said to be a way of space jumping.

From here to the moon, according to their speed, it would be within a week.

Chapter 439: The voice of the big man

When Han Ling asked the highly intelligent robot to take the spacecraft to explore the resources on various planets and mine the resources on the moon, there was a wave of monkey fever in the distant America.

good!It's monkey fever.

During Han Ling's enthronement ceremony, Hu Die's star company gave Han Ling two long-length TV dramas, Journey to the West and Romance of the Three Kingdoms, as gifts to congratulate Han Ling on his enthronement and proclaiming himself emperor.

However, Han Ling accepted their wishes, and didn't really take their two TV series as his own, but let them show them.

In addition, because these two TV series are joined by Qihang Company.

After these two TV series became popular in China, Qihang Company established an entertainment company in the United States, and then released these two TV series in the United States.

A masterpiece is a masterpiece. Journey to the West, which was released first, achieved very good results in the first month of its release.

Many American children were attracted by the vivid image of Monkey King after watching Journey to the West.

There was a clamor everywhere to see the monkeys.

And because of this, monkeys in major zoos in the United States have also become popular, which is an unexpected surprise.

Children and teenagers like to read Journey to the West, but Romance of the Three Kingdoms is very popular among adults.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that will be released next, many adults are mesmerized by the unpredictability of ghosts and ghosts, the endless emergence and the enemy's premonitory schemes.

And the sound of Changshan Zhao Zilong made many young people in the United States feel excited.

Among the thousands of troops, the sound of Changshan Zhao Zilong can make people feel like their blood is flowing faster.

With the excellent performance of these two TV series in the United States, Qihang Company opened branches in the European continent and the UK, and established Qihang Entertainment Branch. With the success of the English and French translations of these two TV series, into continental Europe.

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