In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong's rioting in the Heavenly Palace, jealousy and hatred, and finally being suppressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain made many people feel worthless for Monkey King, but they were also deeply attracted by the image of Monkey King.

However, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms interprets the ancient military wisdom of the Han Empire.

The plots and wars in it made many soldiers intoxicated.

And because of these two TV series, those western countries began to understand this big eastern country.

As they continued to understand, they discovered that this country they despised once had many magical places in ancient times.

At the same time, the wisdom of the Han Empire began to be known to them.

And thinking about the Han Empire, which has once again become the overlord of the East, many people are filled with awe.

They originally thought that the Great Han Empire was like that, but who knew it would be a magical country after they really got to know it.

More than [-] years ago, they performed the war to the fullest, and at that time many of them were still eating raw meat in caves!

Because these two TV series have achieved excellent results in Western countries, and it has also allowed many countries in the world to truly understand the Han Empire.

Han Ling then ordered to take advantage of this craze to film Outlaws of the Marsh.

However, Han Ling knew that among the four famous novels, perhaps not many had read Dream of the Red Chamber.

But Water Margin, Journey to the West, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms are definitely the three most popular TV series.

And when Qihang Company and Celebrity Company were asked to film Water Margin, Han Ling quickly set up another department——Cultural Propaganda Department!

The Department of Cultural Propaganda is headed by Lu Xun, the first pen of the Han Empire, or Han Ling's imperial pen, as the minister.

This can be said to have instantly become a national leader from ordinary people.

However, Han Ling thought that he was fully capable and prestigious to serve as the minister. If he was not qualified, Han Ling really didn't know who was qualified.

The responsibility of the Cultural Propaganda Department is to publicize the Great Han Empire to the world and to the people.

Internally publicize the past of the Han Empire, and externally publicize the theory of the great Han Empire and other speeches.

Anyway, it is to spread the momentum of the Han Empire all over the world.

The urgently established Cultural Propaganda Department has very few political officials.

Most of the members are well-known figures in the literary circles of the Han Empire.

Many Taishan Beidou in the literary world were invited to join in and cheer for the Han Empire.

And Lu Xun's sharp pen made a sound in the world.

February [-], [-].

So much time has passed without knowing it, and the work of highly intelligent robots on the moon has already begun.

Every week, a huge amount of various resources will be sent back to the spaceship, and then Han Ling will use them to synthesize clones or food.

After all, clones also need to eat. How can you only increase the population without increasing the food?

Inside the Imperial Garden of the Forbidden City!

"Your Majesty! The seeds you distributed have already been distributed to various agricultural stations across the country. After the beginning of spring, all the rice in the south will be planted with the super rice distributed by Your Majesty.

And the north will plant high-yielding seeds after the winter wheat has been harvested! "

Li Chunjiang, the current Minister of Agriculture!

The former Minister of Agriculture was ripped off by Han Ling because the former Minister of Agriculture was an old-fashioned bureaucrat.

And Li Chunjiang, who came to power later, was still very young, and was the first batch of political workers trained by Han Ling urgently.

I'm only about twenty-seven years old this year, which can be said to be very young.

After he graduated from Tsinghua University, he was selected by Han Ling to be included in the first batch of political workers training.

After coming out, it was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture. Because this person is young and energetic, he also wants to make a career in his heart.

Therefore, at the grassroots level, it is a down-to-earth type. ;

And his down-to-earth hard work has also been affirmed by Han Ling, and he has been upgraded step by step in the Ministry of Agriculture.

Finally became the Minister of Agriculture!

"En! Not bad! Keep an eye on this batch of seeds! I distributed them according to the amount of arable land given by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I will send people down to inspect when it is harvested. If I find any place where the yield per mu reaches Less than the minimum requirement! I want to ask you!"

This batch of seeds is a high-yield hybrid seed urgently produced by Han Ling.His meaning is extraordinary, Han Ling does not want this kind of thing to go abroad.

That's why they are so cautious.

As for whether it will spread out after harvesting!At that time, Han Ling didn't worry anymore.

This kind of high-yielding hybrid seed, like later generations, has a big problem.

That is, after harvesting for one season and planting again, there will not be such a high yield, and even the normal yield will return.

So every year, it must be distributed by Han Ling.Otherwise, if you take the harvested seeds, it will be completely useless.

Chapter 440: I Can't Stand It Anymore

When Han Ling told Li Chunjiang in Kyoto to take good care of the hybrid seeds and not let them flow out, a meeting was being held in the Kremlin in Lao Maozi's capital.

After Lao Maozi provoked the Han Empire, which was still in China back then, Han Ling resolutely made love to Lao Maozi.

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