In the past, they bombed railways and highways. After all these years, although Lao Maozi did not gather troops on a large scale, he still placed a huge force of [-] troops in the border area between the two sides.

It's just that these [-] people have been unable to effectively fight the Han Empire.

The reason is simple, their logistics cannot be guaranteed, and their logistical supplies can only barely sustain the army.

Over the years, Han Ling has never forgotten Lao Maozi, an enemy, and has always stationed a [-] to [-] troops on the border between the two sides.

There are also many fighters and bombers here.

These fighter jets kept shooting down the old Maozi's fighter planes transferred from Europe, while the bombers kept destroying their railways, roads or transport convoys.

These young men are building railways and roads at the same time, hoping to sort out the transportation lines, and then drive the Han Empire out of Siberia.

It's just that as the strength of the Han Empire becomes stronger and stronger, their idea can only become a dream.

When it snowed heavily in winter, Lao Maozi began to rush to repair the railway.

But whenever they have almost repaired it and it can be opened to traffic, spring will come.

Spring is here, and the bombers are here again. The results of their hard work over the winter were instantly wiped out under the bombing of the bombers.

In this way, Lao Maozi has been repairing railways and roads, but he has never really repaired them!

And it is precisely for this reason that these old men can be said to have suffered a lot.

And the [-] people here eat horse chews every day, which is a huge number.

Not to mention, the logistics supplies of these [-] people were lost a lot.

Five carts of ten carts of logistics supplies were delivered to them, which was a great joy. Generally, only three carts of ten carts of supplies were delivered to Lao Maozi.

All the rest of the materials were destroyed by the bombers of the Han Empire.

It was under such circumstances that Lao Maozi suffered huge losses. At the beginning of [-], they finally couldn't hold on and wanted to hold a meeting for this war with no future.

"Comrades! We can't go on like this! In recent years, our war with that country in the east has caused our domestic GDP to experience negative growth! It's time for us to have a serious talk with that country!"

At a meeting, the bearded man finalized the theme of the meeting, and at the same time stated the purpose of the meeting.

"Yes! Comrade Lin, our GDP has shown a negative growth trend! Over the past few years, the [-] troops we have deployed in West Siberia have seriously hindered our domestic economic development. In addition, many of the things we bought from Europe before Industrial machinery was also destroyed by the Han Empire!"

"Also, a large part of the supplies we deliver to West Siberia every day are destroyed by the bombers of the Han Empire. He has seriously hindered the retreat of our economic construction, and we can't go on like this!"

"There are also some of our people who have listened to the propaganda of the Han Empire, and are very yearning for Siberia under the rule of the Han Empire. There are even many farmers on the border who are fleeing to the rule of the Han Empire, which has brought us great joy. Bad effect."

"Also! I heard that the country led by the little beard in the west of our country has begun to openly send troops to Poland some time ago. Although there are not many, only a few thousand people, this is also a dangerous signal. Britain, France and other countries are not serious about the little beard's behavior. Impressed! Mustache has already lost the face of us white people, and has become a lackey of the Han Empire, and we are already facing the danger of being attacked by two sides."

All the high-ranking Lao Maozi who participated in the meeting expressed their concerns.

The bearded man sat in his seat and listened quietly, smoking his favorite corn pipe every mouthful.

In the past few years, Han Ling's bombers gave up bombing the civilians on their side. Instead, they adopted psychological tactics.

Propagate to them what kind of life they can have if they come here, and they don't have to live that kind of life in fear.

Han Ling not only talked, but also printed some photos.

After that, the old man in Siberia did not suffer from Han Ling's embarrassment.

Han Ling knows that sometimes war does not necessarily solve all problems, and it is impossible to blindly focus on all things.

Back then, the little devil implemented this policy in China and was finally kicked out.And Mustache also implements this policy in Lao Maozi's territory.

The results of it?

Both countries were subject to never-ending guerrilla attacks.

Hit your transport team today, hit one of your artillery towers tomorrow, and kill your patrol soldiers the day after tomorrow.

This kind of endless attack coupled with the cover of ordinary people is really painful.

That's why Han Ling started to treat those old men softly and win people's hearts.

And it's been really good over the past few years.Although they are not as good as the life of the people in the Han Empire, it is a world of difference to them before.

And it was for this reason that the people under Lao Maozi's rule wanted to flee to the rule of the Han Empire.

"Bang bang! Now our studio is going to resume domestic production, reorganize the army, and make it regain combat effectiveness! But before that, we need to send someone to negotiate with that person, and stop the war first!"

The bearded man tapped the table with his corn pipe, looked at the crowd below and said.

The current Lao Maozi is not a country that has undergone two five-year plans and a major blood transfusion in the United States for later generations.

Now Lao Maozi's national steel production is only a few million tons, not even [-] million tons.And the national power is not very strong.

The war with the Han Empire in the past few years has almost dragged them down.

Han Ling didn't care, the army's defense and the air force's absolutely suppressive bombing.

This won't be a big battle, it's just a move by the Air Force.

It can also be said that Han Ling made Lao Maozi pay the greatest price with the smallest price.

This is why the bearded man now demands a truce and resumes domestic production first.

Han Ling has golden fingers close by, so the consumption of weapons and ammunition is a joke.

Chapter 441: Army Construction

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