Since highly intelligent robots can mine resources from the moon and transport them back to the spacecraft to make clones, Han Ling has no shortage of these personnel.

As long as clones enter the talent training center and walk around, there are as many artillerymen, armored soldiers, pilots, sailors, etc. as there are.

And the current production of clones is no longer about how many people are produced in a day, but in a week.

Under normal circumstances, about [-] clone soldiers can be produced in a week.

This is also because there are a lot of resources in it that Han Ling uses to convert food, medicine, and seeds.

Otherwise, in a week, it would not be a problem to produce [-] to [-] clones.

But as I said earlier, these cloned soldiers also have to eat. You can’t produce someone else without giving them food. Let him starve to death!This is definitely impossible!

On the afternoon of February [-], [-], Lao Maozi's foreign affairs chairman Molotov finally arrived at Nanyuan Airport in Beijing after several special meetings by plane.

There was no grand welcoming ceremony, and even Molotov was greeted by a diplomat from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

Even the Foreign Minister Shi Zhaoji did not come.

Molotov has no dissatisfaction with the behavior of the Han Empire, and even he feels good about it.

Both he and the bearded man feel ashamed of seeking peace with the newly established Han Empire, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

On the morning of February [-], [-], Shi Zhaoji met Molotov.

As for why it is so urgent, it is because the Spring Festival is on the [-]th.

As the most important festival of the year in the Han Empire, Shi Zhaoji didn't want to delay it for too long.

And Han Ling didn't want the matter to drag on like this.

In the reception hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing.Today's negotiations will take place here.

"Mr. Molotov! We all know the purpose of your visit. Let's make a long story short today. Your country wants our country to stop bombing. I wonder what benefits you can offer in exchange?"

Shi Zhaoji didn't intend to talk nonsense with this old man at the beginning.What is he here for, as long as he is a normal person, he will know.

Talking too much is nonsense, just come up with the conditions directly.

Now the Spring Festival is coming soon, the family is buying new year's goods, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also doing the final processing, and the holiday is about to come, who is still talking nonsense with him at this time!

Molotov obviously didn't expect Shi Zhaoji to state his purpose directly, and asked him to show his sincerity.

According to his previous understanding of the Han Empire, didn't they speak euphemistically?

But Molotov is also the leader of Lao Maozi after all, so there are naturally two brushes.

"Mr. Shi, a truce between us at this time is beneficial to both of us!

I heard that your country is now in a critical period of economic development. If you get rid of the burden of West Siberia at this time, I believe you will benefit greatly! "

Molotov also spoke directly.

The truce is not only good for us, but also good for you!

It's just that Shi Zhaoji's expression suddenly became a little playful.

Shi Zhaoji knew about the situation in Lao Maozi's country. Han Ling knew this through the spy machine, and their gross domestic product had shown negative growth.

"Hehe! Even if the [-] troops in West Siberia and other troops are a burden, the economy of our country should still develop, but at a slower pace!

But as far as I know, if your country is not freed from the quagmire of war, the economy may be in trouble!Maybe next year I won't even be able to eat! "

"How did he know?"

When Molotov heard Shi Zhaoji's words, he was shocked.

You know, the reason why they knew that the GDP showed negative growth was only known at the annual summary some time ago.

But how did the Han Empire know?They didn't know about it for a long time, but the foreign ministers of the Han Empire already knew about it, which shocked Molotov.

Molotov remained calm on the surface, but there was a wave of waves in his heart.It's just that Shi Zhaoji didn't care about him.

"Mr. Molotov! You should show your sincerity! Don't think about using your methods to deal with us. Now it is the Han Empire, not the former Huaxia. Your methods are useless to us! You can do it yourself Go back and think about it, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Shi Zhaoji left after speaking, he had already seen it.These old men naively thought that they could stop the war by saying this.

Where is such a good thing.

Even if the Han Empire was dragged down by the war in West Siberia again, that is, the economic development would be slower, but if the old men did not withdraw from the quagmire of the war, their GDP next year would still decrease!This is not Shi Zhaoji's nonsense, but the estimate given by Han Ling's seventh office.

After Molotov returned to the accommodation arranged for him by the Han Empire, he took the time to contact Big Beard for help.

After Shi Zhaoji came out of the reception hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he also found Han Ling and explained today's results.

"Well! You've done a good job. Now Lao Maozi's situation is even more difficult than ours. But I'm afraid it will be difficult to get him to bring something out."

Han Ling nodded after listening to Shi Zhaoji's words, but at the end Han Ling also fell into deep thought.

Shi Zhaoji wanted Lao Maozi to get something out, relying on Lao Maozi's character of wiping his ass and licking his fingers, I am afraid that it is unlikely to offer any benefits to the empire.

Seeing Han Ling lost in thought, Shi Zhaoji didn't bother, but stood aside.

After a while, Han Ling thought of a solution.

"Zhizhi, tell Molotov tomorrow that the Han Empire is short of food and wants to exchange their food with machines!"

Seeing the sinister smile flashing across Han Ling's face, Shi Zhaoji felt something was wrong.

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