Machines for food?

It seems that this is to strengthen Lao Maozi's industrial power, but is this possible?

According to Shi Zhaoji's understanding of his Majesty the Emperor, he has never done business at a loss. This machine for food sounds good, but I'm afraid there is something weird in it!

Shi Zhaoji's guess was right, there was indeed something weird about it.

Machines for food!

This is true, but Han Ling cannot be blamed if the machine is good or if there are other things added to it.

If one day, when Lao Maozi's factory was producing weapons, countless machines suddenly exploded, and then the entire arsenal was blown up, Han Ling could not be blamed for this, it was their improper use!

Chapter 443 : Who is the winner?

After receiving Han Ling's instructions, Shi Zhaoji also gained confidence in his heart.

The next day, negotiations began in the reception hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"As for your country's proposal yesterday! After discussion, our country believes that this truce is an equal truce for both sides, which is beneficial to both sides! Therefore, our country will not pay any price for the truce!"

At the very beginning, Molotov explained the result of the domestic discussion. Shi Zhaoji was not surprised by this result, after all, he had already prepared for this before.

"Hehe! What Mr. Molotov said makes sense! But you can also want to stop the war, but our country has one condition!"

"Conditions? What conditions?"

Molotov frowned.

"Our country is very short of food! So our country exchanges supplies for your country's food!"

Shi Zhaoji said his condition with a smile.

"For food? Is the Han Empire short of food?"

Molotov really doesn't know, but he hasn't heard that the Han Empire is short of food!

Could it be that this matter has been hidden by the Han Empire?

Molotov thought about it, maybe it is still true, the army of the Han Empire has remained above five million people, and this is just an army.

In addition, they have garrison areas in various places, and the army has nearly [-] million people.

In addition, they also have a huge air force and navy. To maintain such a huge army, it is true that they are short of food!

After figuring this out, a smile appeared on Molotov's face. He felt that he already knew the shortcomings of the Han Empire.

"I don't know what your country wants to exchange for our country's grain?"

There is not enough food in Lao Maozi's country now.

From [-] to [-], Lao Maozi starved to death for millions of peasants because of the grain-for-machine program.

But no one in the world knows about this matter at present. Other foreigners can only see happy smiles on the faces of farmers and baskets full of grain on the ground in Lao Maozi's newspapers.

Although Lao Maozi also lacks food in the country, Lao Maozi will not say it, let alone show it.

And if the things you exchange for food are what they need, they will exchange them without hesitation, such as machines!

"I wonder what Mr. Molotov thinks of machines!"

Shi Zhaoji spoke out with tentative words, but Molotov's heart beat violently.

Lao Maozi was also exchanging food for machines before, but many of the machines were destroyed by the seventh office.

Either the train transporting the machine exploded on the way, or the exchanged machine was like ants gnawed, with densely packed small holes everywhere.

Therefore, Lao Maozi's national industrialization process is not as fast as it has been in history.

Because of Han Ling's destruction, a lot of food went out, but there were not many machines that could be used.

Molotov knew about the urgent need for machines in the country.

"What machine do you want to exchange? Industrial mother machine?"

Molotov suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked in the calmest tone possible.

"Sorry! Our country also lacks industrial master machines! So you can use any other machine except industrial master machines!"

Shi Zhaoji shrugged and said.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Molotov did not immediately agree, but began to make up his mind, as if he was thinking about whether he agreed or not.

In fact, he had already thought about it in his heart, food for machines, yes!

But he wanted to see what the industrial capabilities and industrial machines of the Han Empire were like.He wants state-of-the-art industrial machinery.

"I don't know if I can visit the factory in your country? After all, I need to know whether the machine exchanged by your country to our country can be used! If it is old equipment, you don't need to mention it anymore!"

Seeing Molotov's current state, Shi Zhaoji was filled with contempt.

"You old man! Your agitated expression just now betrayed you! Now you're still making it up. Do you really think I don't know anything?"

Shi Zhaoji was contemptuous in his heart, but he shook his head firmly on his face and said, "Sorry! It is our country's military secret and cannot be shown to outsiders! But I can use our country's name to assure your country! The machines exchanged by our country are absolutely It is the most commonly used machine at the moment!"

Um!What Shi Zhaoji said is correct, it is a commonly used machine, but it is not the most advanced machine.As for whether the machine is good or not, I don't know!

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