Anyway, as long as it is good when you check it, if it suddenly explodes during use, you can't blame us.

"Yes! Yes! As long as the quality and performance of your country's machines are acceptable, your country can exchange the machines for our country's grain!"

Hearing what Shi Zhaoji said, Molotov breathed a sigh of relief.

It is guaranteed in the name of the country, which is definitely no problem.

"Okay! In this case, let's discuss the details.

Immediately afterwards, Molotov and Shi Zhaoji began to discuss the details.

First of all, the Han Empire and Lao Maozi each retreated [-] miles from the current basis, turning the total of [-] miles into a military buffer zone, and neither side was allowed to station troops in the military buffer zone.But patrols can patrol inside.

Second, the troops stationed by the two sides on the border shall not exceed [-], the number of aircraft shall not exceed [-], and the number of artillery pieces shall not exceed [-].

Third, the Han Empire exchanged industrial machines for Lao Maozi's food.Lao Maozi wants to ensure that the food is not produced for more than three years, and must be food that can be eaten.The Great Han Empire must ensure that the performance and quality of industrial machines are normal, and they must not tamper with them.

Fourth, Lao Maozi must let go of the border gates and not prevent the people from the other side from entering and leaving.People on both sides freely intermarried and traded.

Fifth, both sides formally recognize the legitimacy of the other country and send ambassadors there.

In addition, there are no less than twenty articles of various kinds, anyway, they are all kinds of regulations.

Among them, it took a lot of effort for Lao Maozi to let go of the border and not prevent the people from freely entering and leaving.

As for why the fifth article was added, in fact, this is what Lao Maozi wanted to add.

It can be said that the fifth and fourth articles are an exchange condition between the Han Empire and Lao Maozi.

Lao Maozi's country has not been recognized by Western countries since its establishment until now, and the United States has denied the legitimacy of Lao Maozi's country several times.

And it wasn't until Lao Luo of the United States came to power, until [-], that is, in the second half of this year, that Lao Maozi's legal system will be recognized.

Therefore, Lao Maozi's country is still not recognized by countries all over the world. Lao Maozi urgently needs to open a gap in the international arena.And this contact with the Han Empire, they think it is an opportunity.

The Han Empire has been recognized by countries all over the world since before Han Ling ascended the throne.

First of all, Britain and France recognized this matter. The Ying countrymen were beaten by the East China Sea Fleet of the Han Empire and dare not fight against them. If this is not admitted, then in the land of Asia, don't blame the Han Empire for tampering, because the Han Empire has this strength.

The United States is also the first country to recognize and send ambassadors.

Don't forget, now there are a lot of interests involved between the United States and the Han Empire.In order to get financial help from the Han Empire, I have to admit it.

Chapter 444: Killing with a Soft Knife

The non-aggression and non-aggression treaty between the Han Empire and Lao Maozi has been signed.

Lao Maozi and the Han Empire began to slowly withdraw their troops immediately.

At the same time, as the old Maozi opened the border, countless old Maozi people began to pour into the area of ​​the Han Empire.

Looking at the people who poured into the territory of the Han Empire in groups, Lao Maozi's army had nothing to do.

After all, the orders were given from above, so leave them alone.Because it's a quid pro quo.

If Lao Maozi dares to repent, then the Han Empire will also repent.

Anyway, there is no country that recognizes bearded people to the international community.

On February [-], [-], when Han Ling was sure that Lao Maozi had indeed let go of the border, he asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to announce to the outside world that the party with the big beard was the only legal government in Lao Maozi's country.

On the afternoon of February [-], [-], the day before the Spring Festival, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Han Empire held a press conference. At the press conference, Shi Zhaoji personally acknowledged Lao Maozi's sole legitimacy on behalf of the Han Empire.

"Your Majesty! Do you really want to exchange the industrial machines for Lao Maozi?"

On the afternoon of the [-]th, when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a press conference, Han Ling was having dinner with Zhan Ninggong, Zhang Hanqing and Bai Jiansheng.

Bai Jiansheng benefited from his status as a disciple of Lord Zhan Ning and his outstanding ability. Han Ling specially invited him to the Forbidden City for dinner as a show of favor.

kindness!The emperor invites you to dinner, which shows a kind of grace and trust, and also shows that the emperor attaches great importance to you, which makes Bai Jiansheng very excited.After coming here for so long, I finally integrated into the core of the Han Empire.

"Yes! Of course I will! Not only will I give it, but I will give him any industrial machine he wants, except for the industrial machine. Even if he wants to manufacture aircraft, I will give it!"

What Han Ling said was categorical, but Mr. Zhan Ning didn't believe that Han Ling had such good intentions.

"For the most advanced machines?"

"How is it possible! It's good to be able to use it! Ordinary machines used in countries like the Netherlands and Belgium are fine!"

to the most advanced?Han Ling is stupid!

The manufacture of some weapons and equipment is related to industrial machines, and the machines cannot be manufactured without reaching that advanced level.

Han Ling will not give the most advanced ones, and use spaceships to synthesize general industrial machines.

By the way, when synthesizing, add some condiments to the inside of those machines to ensure that no one can check it out.

It's time to play the old man!Who can blame you for sending it to your door to cheat yourself?

"Hehe! I knew, how could His Majesty give the most advanced ones! But Your Majesty, I still don't understand why you want to exchange food with them with industrial machines. Now we don't lack food!

The third phase of the Hetao Development Project has been completed.Now there is already a lot of grain produced in the Hetao Plain. "

Zhang Hanqing asked the question in his heart. He really couldn't understand why Han Ling chose to exchange food with Lao Maozi.

Even if the industrial machines given are not the most advanced, they can still be used.It can also improve Lao Maozi's industrial capabilities, which is not a wise approach.

"Your Majesty! What Han Qing said is right! There is no shortage of food in our country now. In addition, I saw a report some time ago that the soil in the Guanzhong area has begun to change. Some barren lands have begun to grow grass. According to According to the estimates of the Ministry of Agriculture, if this level continues, those lands will be able to grow food in a few months, and Qinchuan, eight hundred miles away from Guanzhong, will become our granary again, so why should we increase Lao Maozi's strength?"

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