Han Ling promised to equip the South China Sea Fleet with ten battleships, five aircraft carriers, and twenty-five heavy cruisers. Naturally, he was prepared.

But now only ten battleships and two aircraft carriers have been produced.

There are still three aircraft carriers that have not been produced, and the production of heavy cruisers has not yet started.

Production of these ten battleships and two aircraft carriers began at the end of [-].

Then Han Ling clicked to build three aircraft carriers and the rest of the ships again, and then closed the construction page of the naval manufacturing base.

There is a reason why Han Ling equips the South China Sea Fleet with such a powerful force, and even most of them use clone sailors.

First of all, the situation in Nanyang is complicated, and countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States have interests and land in Nanyang.

If your navy is weak, you won't be able to hold them down.

Second, Southeast Asia is already the territory of the Han Empire.

And the sea areas of the Han Empire are no longer the Pacific Ocean, East China Sea, and Southeast Asia, but also the Gulf of Burma, the Gulf of Thailand, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean.

Therefore, the South China Sea Fleet will also grow into a large ocean-going fleet on par with the Pacific Fleet.

Moreover, the areas under the responsibility of the South China Sea Fleet are still relatively far apart.

Areas such as the Bay of Bengal and Southeast Asia have to go through the Strait of Malacca.

Fortunately, half of the Strait of Malacca is now in the hands of the Han Empire.

And the land of Indonesia is in the hands of the Han Empire, and the Malay Archipelago also has the interests and troops of the Han Empire.

This is pretty good news.

Moreover, ten battleships and five aircraft carriers were only Han Ling's plan for the first phase of the South China Sea Fleet.

According to Han Ling's understanding, if there is a prelude to a violent war in the later period, the South China Sea Fleet must have at least [-] battleships and [-] aircraft carriers to crush Britain and the United States in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Southeast Asia is no match for the Pacific Ocean.

The situation in Nanyang is complicated, and various forces are mixed in it.

In the Pacific Ocean, there are only three countries.

America and Britain.

Don't forget that Australia is still a British country.

It is slightly better than Nanyang, and the terrain is not as complicated as Nanyang.

"Your Majesty! Commander Chen Houfu of the Pacific Fleet, please see me!"

While Han Ling was thinking, Zhao Qinyi, Han Ling's female officer, said outside.

"Oh? It's him? Let him in!"

After Han Ling hesitated for a while, he asked his female officer to summon Chen Houfu.

Zhao Qinyi, Han Ling's personal female officer.Usually responsible for Han Ling's daily life and other things.After all, he is the emperor of a country, so he is naturally served by someone.

"The old minister sees His Majesty!"

Chen Houfu stood in front of Han Ling and bowed his hands.

In Han Ling's place, there is no such thing as kneeling and worshiping. It is full of wild boar skin, and they are the only ones who kneel and worship at every turn.

"Well! Forget it! What's the important thing for you to come to see me today?"

"Your Majesty! The training of my Pacific Fleet has been completed, and the three aircraft carriers you allocated later have also formed combat effectiveness and are ready to participate in battle at any time!"

Standing in front of Han Ling, Chen Houfu meant clearly that he was ready to participate in the battle!When do you see more warships for us!

"Hehe! Mr. Houfu! Don't worry. Just listen to the size of the Pacific Fleet for now. Our country is still developing at full strength, and now our army, air force and navy are all developing at full strength.

Over the course of a year, military expenditures account for [-] percent of the fiscal budget.This is already a very dangerous data!

And now the reconstruction of our South China Sea Fleet is imminent, and it will cost a lot of money.

In addition, our country's education funding is also increasing, all of which require money.The pace of our army's expansion has to be listened to a little bit.Otherwise, if the expansion is too fast, it will directly affect the development of the economy, and our next step will be difficult! "

Speaking of these things, Han Ling is also a little helpless. Now that the economy is developing rapidly, the finances are increasing every quarter, but military expenditures, education funds, and other various expenses are also increasing.

The army and navy are still expanding, and the national education is also increasing rapidly with the popularization of education.

In addition, the country's transportation infrastructure is also in constant progress.

Each of these is a money-burning thing, and they are all indispensable.

Army, this certainly cannot be relaxed.The army is the first and last bastion of the country, and it is the basic guarantee for the country's prosperity and people's security.

Therefore, military spending cannot be reduced.

Second, education is a century-old project and the basic guarantee for a country's prosperity and strength, so education funding cannot be cut.

Third, infrastructure construction, especially transportation construction, cannot be stopped.

If you want to get rich, build roads first. This saying is not for nothing.The traffic situation is not good, how can the economy develop at a high speed?

"Hey! All right!"

Chen Houfu also knew that what Han Ling said was true, and it was also the current actual situation.Although he regrets that the [-] aircraft carrier plan in his mind has not been realized, he also knows the current situation of the country.

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