It is obviously impossible to eat food one bite at a time, and to become a big fat man with one bite.

"Hehe! Lord Houfu! Don't think about increasing the number of warships now. Our foundation is very weak now. Take advantage of the fact that there has been no war in the past two years, train them as soon as possible and train more naval sailors. In this way, in the future I will allocate warships to you so that there will be no warships and others!"


After Chen Houfu left, Han Ling shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

On the [-]nd, a ray of warm sunshine appeared in the sky.

There is still a week before the Lantern Festival, and Han Ling did not handle government affairs in the Forbidden City today, but dressed up and changed into the previous Ling Han who was inspecting the Public Security Bureau and walked out.

Come on, relax and relax.

Secondly, let's see if the common people have had a good year this year, and see how the common people live.

Chapter 448: Meeting Zhu Yunying Again

"Candied haws! Candied haws!"

"Seed cakes! Fresh sesame cakes just out of the oven!"

"Rotten meat noodles! Fragrant and delicious rotten meat noodles!"

Walking on the street, listening to the cries of those small vendors, Han Ling had a smile on his face.

Although it is still during the New Year, for the common people, it is the days of the New Year's Eve that they will not come out.

The rest of the time is changed to do business or to do business, after all, they also have to live, right?

"Boss! A bowl of rotten meat noodles!"

This kind of rotten meat noodles is very cheap. It contains not only pork, but also beef, donkey meat, mutton and other meat.

But because the meat is leftovers, it is so cheap, but it is a good thing for the poor to eat.

Han Ling had eaten it a few times before, and it tasted pretty good.

Sometimes people are like this. After eating fish and meat every day, you will miss that very ordinary food.

Now that Han Ling saw the ordinary rotten meat noodles, he felt a little nostalgic in his heart, so he opened his mouth and ordered a bowl.

After eating half a bowl in a hurry, a voice sounded from the side.

"Ling Han?"

Looking up, a heroic policewoman in a black police uniform was standing beside her.

"Zhu Yunying? Why are you here?"

Han Ling was a little surprised. He remembered that Zhu Yunying seemed to be on duty at your Nanyuan side!Why did you come here?It looks like there is still something going on.

"I just dealt with a matter, and I'm not going back to the police station! Why are you dressed like this? Don't you go to work?"

"Hehe! Isn't it during the New Year! I don't work as a policeman anymore. My family has arranged some things for me, and I'm doing business now!"

Han Ling said with a smile.He still has a deep impression on Zhu Yunying, whose family is too poor to be a policeman.

"Come to eat too?"

Seeing Zhu Yunying sticking out her tongue and licking her tongue, she probably didn't have breakfast.

But her family is indeed a little poor, and there is a younger sister who depends on her to support her family, and her father has passed away, so the pressure is really great.

"No need! I still have things to do!"

"Hehe! Sit down! Now that you've finished dealing with the matter, sit down and eat something! It looks like you didn't have breakfast, why are you being polite? You used to eat all the big meals, but now you're still stiff!"

Han Ling smiled and pulled Zhu Yunying down. Thinking of the big meal he had treated her to before, Zhu Yunying sat down a little embarrassed.

That big meal was the best she could remember eating.After all, that kind of consumption is not low, and for her, this is really a luxury.

"Boss, another bowl of rotten meat noodles!"

"Which sub-bureau have you been transferred to now? Judging by your police rank, you should be a small captain now!"

She looked up at the police title on Zhu Yunying's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Hmm! I'm now transferred to the Chaoyang branch!"

"Not bad! Chaoyang branch, it seems that I will have to rely on the captains in the future!"

It was a rare time to come out, and Han Ling also made a joke with a smile.

Usually, the subordinates below, no matter how high they are in high positions or how famous they are, they all behave quite well in front of Han Ling. Han Ling wonders if his aesthetics will change after watching it for a long time.

"Don't be funny! Why don't you be a policeman anymore? When did you change your career and go back to business?"

"At the end of last year! My family said that I was crazy enough outside, and they wanted me to go back and start a small business!"

Han Ling smiled and made up a lie and said casually.Anyway, no one is going to investigate him, so let's talk about it casually!

"By the way! Just now you said to deal with the matter, what is the matter? It's still in the New Year. Could it be that someone committed another crime?"

"No! It's just two people fighting on the street! Speaking of which, these two people also had too much to eat and couldn't find anything to do. They argued on the street about whose father was the worst, and finally they fought. But it's okay, these two soldiers The second generation is much better than many official second generations."

Han Ling just smiled. Now is the founding period, and the status of the military is much higher than those of the civilian groups.

And because of the influence of their parents, the children of the military are proud of practicing martial arts and fighting on the battlefield.So at this time, the military children are not dandy, unlike the civilian group.

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