This time belonged to the founding period of the country, and some of the civil servants' children were very good, but many of them had become playboys, which was why Zhu Yunying said this.

In the capital, the second generation of the army and the second generation of the government grabbed a lot of them. After seeing a lot, they knew this thing.

"Hehe! Don't worry about them. Are the conditions at home better?"

"It's much better! Now His Majesty is constantly supplementing various policies, and now my family can also enjoy some policies."

"Hehe! Don't worry! Life will get better and better in the future. It's just the beginning!"

"It's as if you did it, and it's not the credit of His Majesty and all the princes in the court!"

Zhu Yunying gave Han Ling a blank look, as if she thought he was bragging.

"Yes yes yes! Thanks to your majesty, thanks to your lords! How is this rotten meat noodles? It's delicious! When I ate it for the first time, I thought it was just like this thing. Afterwards, the days got better and better. I miss this bowl of rotten meat noodles even more when there are more delicacies from mountains and seas!"

Han Ling looked at the rotten meat noodles left in the bowl and said with some emotion.

"You wicked son of a rich family!"

"Hey! Are you hating the rich?"


"Then if you say that, you are not afraid that some rich people will snatch you back and become Mrs. Yazhai?"

"I'm a policeman!"

After the noodles were finished, when it was finally time to pay, it was Zhu Yunying who rushed to pay, Han Ling had no choice but to let it go with a smile.

Although Zhu Yunying's family is poor, two bowls of rotten meat noodles are not bad.

In order to ensure that officials are as clean as possible, Han Ling adopted the method of high salaries to maintain integrity.

The salaries and benefits of the officials below are not low, and the ones below are not low either.

While Han Ling was wandering the streets, Hess was also walking aimlessly on the streets of the capital with a man at this time.

"Ribbentrop, what kind of changes do you think this country has undergone? I heard that this country is very backward, and a small country can bully them at will. But it has only been a few years, and even our country It is through their help that we can rise!"

Hess looked at the clean and tidy, quaint streets, and said with some emotion.

Chapter 449: State Banquet

"I don't know! I also asked General Falkenhausen about this question, but General Falkenhausen didn't know what happened in this country. General Falkenhausen told me that when he came to the Han Empire, the Dahan The empire has already begun to rise. In recent years, the Han Empire has developed rapidly, especially the spirit of their people has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In their schools, the idea of ​​never surrendering once they join the army is everywhere.And the first requirement of their infantry code, do you know what it is? "

Ribbentrop turned to look at Hessdao.


"Keep your last bullet for yourself, I will never suffer the shame of being a prisoner, because that will make your family ashamed of you!"

Hess swallowed, what kind of army would this train.

Never suffer the shame of being a prisoner?The last bullet for yourself?

Hess really couldn't imagine why there is such an army and such infantry drills in this world.

"I was also very surprised when I heard Falkenhausen say it for the first time. Don't their people object? But then I knew I was wrong. Their people, especially their high school students, their college students Totally agree with this one.

Even many young people shouted loudly that even if they died, they would die on the way of charging.This is a terrible country, a terrible oriental power.

Once they fell behind, it was because of the lack of a wise leader, but now?

They lack nothing but an enemy who can match them! "

Ribbentrop was talking, as if lost in memory.

Suddenly think carefully about the battles that the Han Empire participated in that you know.

It seems that in every battle, there have never been deserters in the Han Empire, and no one has surrendered.

"The Terrible East!"

Hess said with some exclamation.

"Scary? Forget about this question. Hess, this time our visiting group is represented by you, and you are also the head of our visiting group. Are you ready? This time we must let the Emperor Han feel Our sincerity is the only way, otherwise the Prime Minister will probably find us in trouble!"

"Of course! We have been preparing for this day for a long time. I guess the Emperor Han will call us on the Lantern Festival, of course I said maybe!"

Hess said with some certainty.

"Hmm! Lantern Festival? I heard that the Emperor Han will hold a state banquet on Lantern Festival. I think it's very possible!"

Um!Lantern Festival, February [-], [-], this day is the Lantern Festival in [-].

This time Han Ling was indeed going to hold a state banquet. This time the state banquet was not just a simple matter of accepting Zhang Huaiying as his concubine.

Han Ling will also be rewarded for his meritorious deeds at this state banquet.

The last time the enthronement ceremony was held in the little devil's capital, Han Ling didn't give rewards based on merit, but everyone below knew that Han Ling definitely wanted to reward based on merit.

It's just that it depends on Han Ling when to reward meritorious deeds.

At ten o'clock in the morning on February [-], [-].

On the huge square in front of the Tai Chi Palace in the Forbidden City.

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