"Yang Qing!"


"Since I returned to Sui, I have participated in many battles. In the battle of unification, the commander of the army successfully crossed the river from Wuhan, Hubei, conquered the two lakes and other places, and then participated in the final battle. I have made great contributions. The three-star marshal of the founding army!"

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

Chapter 451: New International Situation

"Qi Chaoxin!"


"Since Guisui raised troops, I have specially conferred on you the Duke of Qin, and promoted you to the three-star marshal of the founding army!"

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Zhao Tiezhu!"


"Since I returned to Sui and raised my army, I have specially named you Wu Guogong, and you have been promoted to the three-star marshal of the founding army!"

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Wang Dayong!"


This time, after Han Ling shouted, he looked down at Wang Dayong who stood up with a serious face.

And everyone also looked at Wang Dayong, who had just wiped out a small country last year and was known as a titan.

"Since I returned to Sui and started my army last year, I have commanded a million-strong army to cross the small country to the east and carry out the battle of destroying the island. It lasted more than half a year and made great contributions to the empire.

Today, I specially named you the Duke of Chu, and promoted you to the five-star marshal of the founding army! "

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wang Dayong's body was shaking, and his heart couldn't be more excited.

This is the first five-star marshal of the Han Empire, and the next level is the imperial marshal.

"Wang Gan!


Next, after Han Ling rewarded those military leaders, he stopped and Zhang Hong read it out.

Han Ling personally rewarded Zheng Daxing, Wang Chenggang, and Wang Dayong. For them, that would be a kind of honor because they were meritorious ministers whom Han Ling personally rewarded.

Few of the people below were named marshals anymore, even Bai Jiansheng was only granted the rank of general and a marquis.

Because this is a reward based on merit, not on your position, but on your merit.

When the final reading was finished, everyone was a little dazed.

Because they found that two people did not get the reward, and these two people were definitely high-ranking people in the Han Empire.And the credit is definitely not low.

"Hehe! Do you feel that there are still two people missing?"

Han Ling stood up and looked at the crowd below.

"Zhang Hanqing, I now make you the King of Hexi County Zhan Ninggong, and now I make you the King of Hedong County."

Han Ling's final kingship made everyone below feel Han Ling's trust in the two.

But speaking of it, although the two of them have never participated in any battles, they deal with many things of the Pingyuan Army in every battle.

And their credit is not lower than Wang Dayong, on the contrary, their credit is higher than Wang Dayong.

Dealing with millions of troops, and other things.

In addition, Zhang Hanqing is still a legitimate uncle of the country, so it's nothing to be named a county king.

Then Han Ling asked Zhang Hong to continue reading.

Because the previous rewards were all from the military line, and the civilian line was not rewarded.

There are only a few government officials in the line of civil servants, such as Fang Tu, Minister of the Secretary Department.

There were only a few people, and many of the rest were marquises and viscounts, and a lot of barons were caught.

It's just that barons and viscounts can only be called nobles, but they are not high-level officials in the Han Empire.

And this kind of viscount and baron, generally means that this generation is still a nobleman, and if the next generation doesn't work hard, they will still be commoners.

Because the title system implemented by the Han Empire is a decreasing system.

The descending system, starting from the marquis, every generation, the title will be reduced by one level.

As for Marquis and above, including Marquis and above, it will be passed on for three generations.

For example, Wang Dayong’s Chu Guogong, he is Chu Guogong, and his son, grandson, and great-grandson will all be Chu Guogong.

It's just that after the great-grandson, the title of his family will also decrease, and the son of the great-grandson will no longer be a Duke, but a Marquis.

As for the king of the county, if he is crowned king, the king of the county will pass on for three generations, and then he will be reduced to the Duke of the State, and there will be three generations in the Duke, but they will no longer be kept in the Marquis for three generations, and they will start to appear in the first generation. Decrement generation.

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