Of course, if their descendants made great contributions to the empire, for example, Wang Dayong's grandson made great military exploits, then his duke title would be passed on for three generations.

That is to say, Wang Dayong's dukedom of this country will be passed down to the generation of his grandson's great-grandson before it begins to decrease.

But don't get too excited too soon.

There are many people in the Han Empire who have been rewarded this time, but there are not many people who can really become the top nobles, not even many marquises.

The combined number of military and civilian marquises does not exceed forty.

As for the Duke of the State, how many people are there in total for the military and civil servants?That's just a few people.

When specifying the number of rewards and reward levels, Han Ling strictly controlled them.

There are a lot of nobles, but the most numerous are the middle and low-level nobles.

Like the top nobles whose rank is above the Marquis, Han Ling strictly controls the number of people.

Because the nobles above the marquis have some privileges, otherwise why would those people work hard for you?Why do you have to work so hard to get this title?

If it's just a false name, it won't do that much.

The award was over, and Hess and Ribbentrop stood up to congratulate him.Congratulations to the Han Empire for having so many capable people and strange men and so on.

And after flattering for a while, they started to get down to business!

"Your Majesty the Emperor! Our Prime Minister specially asked me to bring you five bulletproof cars newly developed by our country to congratulate Your Majesty!"

Hess stood up with a respectful expression on his face.

"Well! Please convey my thanks for me. I have accepted the gift from your country! In addition, I heard that your country's defense force is insufficient. I can promise your country again that you can buy imperial tanks, warships and other weapons to protect the people. !"

When Han Ling said this, he did not forget to cast his eyes lightly at Serev, the old Maozi's ambassador to Han who was sitting below.

Serev's expression was exactly as Han Ling had imagined. When he heard that the Han Empire wanted to sell warships and tanks to Mustache, his expression immediately became tense.

The last time because of the seven-nation meeting, the situation of the entire country has undergone considerable changes.

The country of the mustache was re-supported by the Han Empire, and it still has strength, which means to support it.This time selling warships and tanks made Serev feel a little unusual in it.

"I thank His Majesty the Great Han Emperor for his kindness!"

Hess and Ribbentrop were a little surprised. They didn't expect Han Ling to agree so readily. They didn't even come up with some of their own conditions, and didn't even explain some interests to Han Ling, but he agreed. ?

However, when Hess' eyes drifted to Serev's gloomy face next to him, he immediately understood Han Ling's meaning.

Chapter 452: Selling Battleships

As the saying goes, the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's profit. Han Ling needs Mustache to involve Britain, France and other countries in Europe, and also needs him to involve Lao Maozi, so his military strength must be strengthened.

But even increasing his military strength can't make him live too well. If he is not regarded as the enemy of life and death by Lao Maozi, then his pressure will not be too great.

Han Ling doesn't want to foster a country that can compete with him for the world, as long as you can involve the British and French old men.

So Han Ling promised to sell them advanced weapons on this occasion. In fact, Serev really became wary of the mustache country when he heard Han Ling say this.

The current old man, the wars of the past few years are about to wear him down.The non-aggression treaty has just been signed, and a series of national economic development plans and industrial development plans have just been issued.

As a result, at this time, the Han Empire will sell various advanced weapons to Xiao Huzi, which is completely embarrassing the old man.

To be clear, because of things in Poland, the two guys with the beard and the mustache are a little bit at war.

It's just that the two countries urgently need time to develop now, so it's impossible to fight in a short time, maybe it's just simple friction.

But Han Ling just added fire to them all of a sudden.

When Hess saw the expression on Serev's face, he understood a little bit, but he didn't have the slightest complaint or resentment in his heart.

He is also an old politician, of course he knows that there may be eternal friendship between countries, friendship!It's just a pretense because of the need for profit!

The only thing that can really exist forever is interest.

After Han Ling said that he would sell various weapons to Hess and the others, he moved on to the next thing, which was a canonization of Zhang Huaiying.

They didn't have any objection to Han Ling's request to accept Zhang Huaiying into the harem. Zhang Huaiying had lived with Han Ling for several years, so it's no wonder they didn't accept it.

The state banquet was over, and everyone left with different moods and ideas.

As soon as Han Ling returned to the imperial study, his female officer Zhao Qinyi came over.

"Your Majesty! Mr. Bernardo, Italian Ambassador, please see me!"

"Bernardo? What is he here for?"

Han Ling had just sat down and the bench was still warm, so Bernardo asked to see him, but Han Ling decided to meet him after a few seconds of contemplation to see what he was up to.

"Let him in!"


"Bernardo has met the respected Emperor Han!"

Bernardo had the peculiar look of a Roman.

"Excuse me! I don't know why Mr. Bernardo came to see me?"

Han Ling didn't talk nonsense with this guy. The state banquet had just ended, and he actually came to him.

"His Majesty the Emperor, I follow the instructions of Mr. Mussolini, the Prime Minister of our cabinet, and hope to purchase some weapons and equipment from your country. I wonder what your majesty would like?"

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