This Bernardo was blunt. When Han Ling asked him what was the matter, he said he wanted to buy weapons.

"I wonder what weapons your country wants to buy?"

Han Ling didn't say whether he agreed or disagreed, but instead asked what weapons they wanted to buy.

"Your country's Type 29 medium tank and Wuyue-class battleship, I wonder if His Majesty can agree?"

Bernardo's words raised Han Ling's eyebrows, he wanted tanks and battleships!

"Yes! But because these two weapons are the most advanced weapons in the world, so the price!"

Han Ling said that he didn't say anything more here, and Bernardo also understood very well, the meaning is that the price is higher!

However, anyone who sells weapons will have a part higher than the original price. This is an international practice, so Bernardo is not surprised.

"Thank you Your Majesty for your generosity! Price is not an issue!"

After Bernardo said it, Han Ling shrugged and didn't say anything else. Since this guy is going to be beaten by him, don't blame himself.

In fact, countries all over the world want to buy weapons, except for the old man who doesn't sell them, Han Ling will agree to any other country's purchase.

As for why, the reason is very simple.

The Type 29 medium tank is a product of the previous weapon manufacturing base and information base. It is the most advanced tank in the current world. However, for Han Ling, who has already reached the fifth level of the information base and the seventh level of the weapon manufacturing base, the Type 29 medium tank has fallen behind. up.

There are many more advanced tanks behind this.

After that, Han Ling was going to change the armor for the armored troops, but he was still making some preparations.

Since you guys are coming to buy my lagging tank, no problem!

It just so happens that those old tanks are packaged and sold to you, and I can make a lot of money!

As for the Wuyue-class battleship, that is, the Yamato-class battleship in history!

Success!Han Ling couldn't find a way to guide you to develop battleships, but you sent one or two to your door. If I still don't agree, then am I stupid?

And now there are more advanced battleships coming out later, the caliber of naval guns is even bigger than this, and the tonnage is much larger.

If you are still not satisfied at that time, I will show this battleship to the world. I will see if you are tempted, and I can take this opportunity to make a lot of money!

As for whether it will pose a threat to yourself!

Ha ha!Don't forget that missiles and computers came out after the information base was upgraded this time.

At that time, a guided missile cruiser can threaten the Wuyue-class battleship, and the battleship behind it!Change some things when selling, and more than a dozen missiles will let you know what despair is.

The battleship will be eliminated, of course there is a reason, Han Ling is not afraid.

Anyway, as long as you don't buy an aircraft carrier, as for battleships, I will give you as many as you want, and there is no problem with wholesale battleships.

"En! Since the price is okay, that's good! It just so happens that we still have five battleships that will be launched into service in four months. I wonder how much your country needs?"

Han Ling thought for a while and said, the naval manufacturing base now takes about two months to manufacture a Wuyue-class battleship.The reason why we say four months is because the construction space is full now, and it will take about a month before the construction space will be vacated.

"Five ships?"

Bernardo couldn't help swallowing after hearing this. According to the information he knew, the Han Empire now has fifteen battleships in service.

There are ten ships in the East China Sea Fleet, four in the Pacific Fleet, and one in Indonesia with a squadron to protect the overseas territories of the Han Empire.

As a result, there are now five more battleships to serve. If they really serve five more, they will have twenty battleships.

"I still need to ask the country about this, please give me some more time, Your Majesty!"

"Okay! You can come to me after you decide!"

There was a smile on Han Ling's face, didn't he just go back and discuss how many ships he wanted to buy!

No problem, if you think five is not enough, brother can sell you ten more!

Chapter 453: The arms race led by Han Ling

Bernardo finally went back, and after some deliberation decided to buy three.

Of course, this is the instruction from Lao Mo to Bernardo, if the price is more favorable, he can buy back all five battleships.

Lao Mao wanted to build a Mediterranean empire, and he didn't know where he got his confidence. His noodle army really swelled his self-confidence.

"His Majesty the Emperor! I wonder how much your warship is going to sell for?"

The time now is March [-], [-], and Bernardo came to see Han Ling again, along with the German ambassador to Han Taudermann and the embassy military attache Falkenhausen.

As for Hess, the visiting group naturally went back, and returned with the friendship of the Han Empire.

"Hehe! [-] million dollars a piece! No kidding!"

Han Ling gestured with his right hand, and said with a friendly smile on his face.

Hearing Han Ling's offer, Bernardo, Toddman, and Falkenhausen all jumped in their eyes. This price is almost skyrocketing!This Han Ling is really ruthless!

Bernardo calculated in his mind. According to their domestic calculations, the cost of building such a super battleship is about [-] million US dollars.

A battleship costing [-] million US dollars was sold for [-] million US dollars, which made a full [-] million US dollars.But Bernardo thought about it and felt that it was worth the price.

First of all, since it is a business, you have to let others make money, right?If others don't transfer it, they will sell it to you at cost price, who will do it?

Although it is a bit much to earn 460 million US dollars, there is still a technical gap in it. His [-]mm naval gun is a big technical problem.

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