In addition, it will definitely take a lot of time to build such a huge battleship, and the technologies involved in it are also a big selling point.

The value of these technologies is also worth the price, and when your country buys them back, you can decompose those technologies from it and improve your country's technological level.

Thinking of this, Bernardo had an idea in his heart.

"Your Majesty, our country is going to buy three Wuyue-class battleships!"

Bernardo made some calculations and decided to buy three.

Just these three ships cost [-] million U.S. dollars!

If you really buy five ships, it will cost [-] billion US dollars, and it will really hurt your liver.

"En! Yes! But I have a condition, that is, I don't accept cash payment. I want gold, food, oil and other items in exchange!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Taudman.

"Mr. Toddman, you are the same. Buying items such as battleships needs to be exchanged for items such as gold, food, and oil. But it is best to use food and gold."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Taudman and Falkenhausen looked at each other, and both saw the puzzlement in their eyes.

To say that the Han Empire was short of food, Falkenhausen didn't quite believe it.

Now the Han Empire has three large granaries.

Northeast granary, Hetao granary and an Indonesian granary.

Especially in Indonesia, where it is a tropical area, there are three crops a year, and the annual grain output is amazing, but Han Ling still needs a lot of grain, which really makes them feel strange.

As for gold trading, that's normal.Gold is a hard currency at any time.Especially now that all countries in the world have not yet emerged from the vortex of the economic crisis, if you pay in cash, who knows if it will depreciate.

And oil is easier to understand. This is a military strategic material, but none of them can use oil to trade, that thing is a strategic material, and neither Mustache nor Old Mo lacks this thing.

"En! In July, I will have five battleships completed. Mr. Bernardo asked for three, and there are two left. If Mr. Taudman wants, I can sell them to you!

In addition, in August, we will have five battleships completed, if you are interested, you can buy them! "

Han Ling looked at them kindly and said.This smile is a bit like Grandma Wolf.

Bernardo and Taudman kept their eyes wide open.

"What? There are still five ships in August? If I and others don't buy them, the Han Empire will add ten more battleships in September! Could it be that the Han Empire is engaged in wholesale battleships?"

Countless thoughts surged in the hearts of Bernardo and Taudman.

Is the productivity of the Han Empire too abnormal?

How many years has it been!The Han Empire's own navy not only inflated like a balloon, but the subsequent productivity was also amazing.

After launching ten battleships in two consecutive months, all of them are super battleships, the productivity is not as fast as him even if he is engaged in wholesale battleships!

Bernardo and Taudman left, but the news that the Great Han Empire had launched five more super battleships in August spread throughout the world.

First of all, the president of the United States, Lao Luo, and the three countries of Britain and France began to panic.

They all have interests in Asia, especially the two countries of Eagle Coal, which have a lot of interests in Asia.

If the Han Empire had five super battleships in service, wouldn't he blow it up?

In fact, what Yingmei and other countries do not know is that the South China Sea Fleet has now served ten battleships and two aircraft carriers, and three more aircraft carriers are under construction.

In addition, the remaining nine construction positions are still producing supporting ships for the South China Sea Fleet. After all, how can only battleships and aircraft carriers work? Other heavy cruisers, light cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and supply ships must be available!

But is the speed of the naval manufacturing base very fast? Like the supply ship, it is basically one ship a week, one ship a week.The speed is simply off the charts.

Yingmei and other countries panicked. When the first super battleship of the Han Empire was launched, they began to pay attention, and secretly began to design and build a super battleship.

It's just that the British country has never had experience in designing and building such a super battleship of [-] to [-] tons, so the design has only been completed in the past few years, and as for the construction, it has only started now.If the construction is to be completed, according to the current speed of the economic crisis, it is estimated that it will take three or four years. After all, the economy is not good, and the construction speed cannot be as fast as usual.

Three or four years later, it was almost [-].According to the production speed of the Han Empire, which is similar to making dumplings, you can't compare with others at that time.

So the Eagle Clan and the two countries decided to buy warships too. I bought your warship. Let me see what you will serve with!

Chapter 454: Selling Warships

kindness!When Eagle Weight and other countries came, Lao Maozi also came.The old Maozi also wants to dominate Europe. Seeing that other countries have come, do you think he can come?

Lao Maozi's navy has never had any impressive record, even the navies of Germany and France can't win.

Of course, the current Mustache Navy can't beat him yet, because of the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles, Mustache doesn't have a battleship yet.

Forbidden City, inside the imperial study room!

"Your Majesty! The Soviet ambassador to Han, Serev, wrote a letter, hoping to buy our country's battleships and tanks, as well as aircraft and other weapons!"

Fang Tu, the head of the secretary department was standing in front of Han Ling and said respectfully.

"Hehe! Tanks, battleships, and airplanes! These are the advanced weapons our country uses to crush other countries. This old man really thinks well. He thinks that we have signed a non-aggression treaty with us, and that we are on good terms if we violate the treaty?"

There was a mocking chuckle on Han Ling's face. This bearded man is really naive. Does he think I'm a fool?

"Go and tell them that we don't have any spare weapons to sell to them. If they want to change industrial machines, we'll do it"

Han Ling suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, although a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Go and tell Serev, just say yes, we can sell them!"

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