A smile appeared on Han Ling's face. These old men had malicious intentions, so he wanted to see who was plotting whom in the end.

Since it is possible to place bombs in industrial machines, it is not impossible to place bombs in airplanes, tanks, and battleships, but an information base is still needed.

It's small in size, but it's powerful. Put more bombs in it and use a remote control to detonate it. Let's see what else you play with.

Han Ling has an idea, why not let Lao Maozi's food go to waste!

On March [-], [-], in the Chrysanthemum Hall in the West Garden of the Forbidden City, Han Lingduan sat in the first seat, while ambassadors from various countries sat below him, even Bernardo and Toddman were present.

"Everyone! I already know why you are here. I can tell you very responsibly that you can have battleships, tanks, and planes you want!

However, because my air force also needs to be refitted, the Type 29 fighter is impossible, but there are quite a few Type 28 fighters.

Another battleship!Discuss with everyone, there are only a few ships, if each of you wants two or three ships, then I will definitely not be able to get them.It is impossible for me to give you my active warships!So you can discuss it, if you can't negotiate it, I will decide to auction every battleship!

In addition, let me explain in advance that the five battleships in July have been booked by Mr. Bernardo and Mr. Taudman, so you can only book the battleships in August and September cough cough!Sorry, you can only buy five battleships for August! "

Although Han Ling didn't say the last word of ship, everyone heard the previous words.

"What? They still have battleships to be launched in September? Could it be that the Han Empire really engages in wholesale battleships?"

Everyone below was shocked. Qi Bajiu launched battleships for three consecutive months. According to the previous situation, could it be possible to launch five battleships in September?

But although they heard it, they also knew that the battleship Dahan Empire in September would not be sold, after all, others still need to equip it themselves!

Now there are only five ships left in August, and the battleships Bernardo and Taudman in July have already been booked, and they are out of play.

Han Ling seemed to be asking them to discuss it, but in fact it was all about sowing discord.

They don't want to auction, let alone let other countries buy battleships.

These countries in Europe are all out of one nostril when facing Asia, but they are also fighting on their own internally, and they all want to go to the next level.

For example, the two countries, although the relationship between the two countries is as good as wearing a pair of pants, but the two countries will never back down on this matter.

Britain doesn't want France to get a battleship, but France wants one.

As an empire on which the sun never sets, and as a naval power, the navy of the UK has always been the strongest in Europe.

It would not be very good if two or three super battleships were bought back by France this time. You know, the two countries are separated by a strait.At that time, those Frenchmen will set up three super battleships at their doorstep, and the naval gun shells will fall on their land, which is a big problem.

When facing Lao Maozi, the two countries have to target him. After all, Lao Maozi's physique has been vigilant by Western countries since his birth.

This is only between these three countries, and Lao Mo and Mustache don't want them to have this kind of super battleship. ,

The reason is very simple, the Eagles and the Two Kingdoms and the Mustache have a deep blood feud, and they will not deal with Lao Mo's wishes.

It can be said that the relationship between these countries can be described as intricate, and there are all kinds of relationships.

So from the beginning of the competition, countries have been caught in fierce competition.

Don't think that Bernardo and Taudman will no longer grab the battleship for August after they have allocated the battleship for July.

They finally bought a super battleship, and they will have certain advantages after they are in service, but now if other countries come to snatch it, especially the Ying Guo, if the Ying Guo grabs three ships, then they still have a little bit. The advantage is gone.

It was under such circumstances that these five countries competed for these five battleships.

Seeing that Bernardo and Taudman also joined in the robbing, Eagle Weight and other countries almost cursed in their hearts.

You two countries have taken five battleships, and now you still want to compete with us for the five battleships in August. This is simply a bastard!

They were scrambling below, but Han Ling didn't care, just sat in the first place and watched everything with a smile.

This is exactly the result he wanted, so grab it!

If no result can be reached through negotiation, I will conduct an auction.

Whoever pays the highest price wins, and then it will not be your five countries.

It is not certain that other countries will join.

As for who else, who knows!

Maybe Mei Lijian can't help but want to add it!

Of course, this is just a thought. Coal Lijian’s isolationism is very serious, and it is only three or four years now, and Lao Luo has been in power for a year, and the economic situation has not changed much.This situation will continue until three or five years before there will be a little change.At this time, the unemployment rate is not as scary as that.

And to get rid of it completely, it takes [-] years in history.

In [-], a small country attacked China, and the demand for various military supplies surged, so they bought them from Meilijian, and it was from here that Meilijian began to make war fortunes that it truly got rid of the economic crisis.

Otherwise, it will continue for some years. After all, such an economic crisis, even in the [-]st century, is the number one economic crisis. How can it be so easy to get rid of.

Chapter 455: Auction

"Hehe! Mr. Bernardo, you and Mr. Taudman have already snatched five battleships. Are you going to come and snatch these five battleships from us now? You know, we have to take these five battleships for maintenance. The world is peaceful, don't you want the people of the world to bathe in the peace of battleships?"

Karl looked at Bernardo and Taudman with a half-smile and sneered.

It's just that his reason is so righteous and awe-inspiring, to maintain world peace for the world?Nonsense!

"Mr. Carl, what you said is wrong. You are here to maintain world peace, aren't we? We are also here to maintain world peace."

Before Taudman spoke, Bernardo couldn't help but looked at Carl and sneered.

"Hmph! But the area we have to manage is huge, so naturally we need a few more ships!"

Although Karl's words made Gosmer a little unhappy, he also knew that now was the time to stand on the same front against Bernardo.

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