"But the overall strength of your navy is also very strong! Isn't it? There are so many warships, and you have enough. On the other hand, our navy is not strong, so naturally we have to buy a few more ships! "

This Carnardo is not an easy thing to mess with. To be precise, all the ambassadors here are not easy to mess with.


Karl wanted to say something, but seeing Han Ling who was sitting at the top with a smile on his face, Karl felt a little uncomfortable.

This Han Ling was really disgusting, he actually let the Western countries fight on their own, but then a thought flashed in his mind.

"Even if what you said is reasonable, but Mr. Taudman, what's the matter with you? As far as I know, the Treaty of Versailles clearly stipulates that your country is not allowed to have battleships, but you have bought two super battleships. Do you have any bad intentions to snatch these five ships from us?"

Although Karl wanted to cause Han Ling some trouble, but thinking that the battleship was still in his hands, he would sell it to France instead of them. This kind of thing is not impossible.

So he is now targeting Taudman. The purpose is obviously to squeeze Taudman away. It would be even better if he could get the two battleships in his hands.

"Mr. Carl, I think what you said is quite right. Our country really cannot have battleships, but our country does not own battleships! You said it yourself, our country bought super battleships. They are not battleships, but super battleships!"

"Hmph! Isn't a super battleship a battleship?"

Carl snorted coldly.

"Oh? How about it, Mr. Carl, let me ask you a few questions!"

Taudman seems to be confident, but in fact he is not worried, because he believes that Britain and France are still afraid to do anything to their country.

"Ask whatever you want!"

Carl frowned in displeasure.

"Mr. Carl, you have been in the big man for many years, so you are very familiar with the big man!"

"Mr. Todman, please don't entertain me! Today we are here to buy battleships to maintain world peace!"

"No! I didn't entertain you. Did you say that soy sauce is oil? Is snail a snail? Is a bride a mother? Is mercury a silver? Mr. Karl, please listen clearly!

Snails are not cows, soy sauce is not oil, brides are not mothers, mercury is not silver, and super battleships are naturally not battleships.You need to know the difference between them! "

Carl was a little stunned by what Taudman said in Dahan over the years. Carl has been in Dahan for some years, so he is naturally aware of these things, but he usually doesn't pay attention to them.

"Even if a super battleship is not a battleship, don't forget that according to the Treaty of Versailles, your country is not allowed to have a navy! How do you explain that you have a navy?"

After Carl quickly recovered, he stared at Taudman and asked.

Now Taudman has nothing to say.

Han Ling, who was sitting at the top, lost his smile. He could see that Karl wanted to change his target!

"Mr. Carl! Please don't disturb the order! You are here today to buy a super battleship. If you want to discuss other issues, please wait until the fair is over before discussing it. Don't disturb the order of the fair!"

Han Ling said with a sullen face.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Carl also had a gloomy face. It seems that it is impossible to expel this Taudman today.

Because Huaxia, the predecessor of Dahan, did not sign the Treaty of Versailles, it is impossible for you to use the Treaty of Versailles to let Han Ling implement the sanctions against Taudman, which is simply impossible.And now the Han Empire is supporting Mustache.

The discussion continued, and Toddman continued to join it, anyway, he couldn't let the British grenades buy it.

Even if Lao Maozi and Bernardo can buy it, he can't buy it.

They had been arguing about where Han Ling was watching the show.

Let's quarrel!Keep making noise!The longer you quarrel, the worse your relationship will be, and you will fight harder, which is beneficial to the Han Empire.

In this way, they kept arguing, and this quarrel lasted for a week. Everyone came up with countless reasons to prove that this ship should be bought by their own country, not you.

And among them, the more noisy they are, the greater their anger and the deeper their hatred.

And after they go back at night, they will send the day's quarrel back to China.

In this way, the contradictions between these countries began to rise, and at the same time, Britain and France also had differences because of the battleship.

The British gangsters will never allow France to own this kind of super battleship, because they are too close together. If France buys it, they will put this super battleship at their doorstep and threaten the mainland of Britain. You Would the Ying Guo guys agree?

The Frenchman has always considered himself the overlord of Europe, so he also wants to buy it.

It was under such circumstances that Han Ling slowly observed the extent of the conflict between them.

It's okay for you to bring hatred, but don't affect my money, it's that simple.

And this kind of quarrel lasted until March [-], [-], that is, ten days after the quarrel, Han Ling made a decision.

"Everyone! You've been arguing for enough time. I don't think you can discuss the result, so let me decide for you!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he looked at the people below with a smile on his face and said, "Then let us speak with our own strength and make a decision with the money in our pockets!

On the [-]th of next month, that is, one month later, I will hold an auction in the news hall!At that time, countries all over the world will conduct auctions, and the highest bid will win! "

After Han Ling finished speaking, he left, leaving the ambassadors of various countries with shocked expressions.

auctions?Wouldn't their price be much higher then?

Chapter 456: Planning

Han Ling left very simply, and then the Great Han Empire spread the news that an auction will be held in the news hall in a month's time, and the items to be auctioned at the auction are not only battleships, but also tanks, aircraft, etc.

Battleships are auctioned one by one, tanks are auctioned in batches of [-], and aircraft are auctioned in batches of [-].

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