This auction will auction off five battleships, one thousand Type 29 medium tanks and one thousand Type 28 fighter jets.

The tanks and planes are used second-hand goods, and this is more than that. Han Ling is ready to send the tanks and planes back to the weapon manufacturing base for dismantling of some equipment. For example, the fire control system in the tank is going to be dismantled. , In addition, some structural changes among aircraft and tanks have been made.

The purpose of the change is to prevent other countries from disassembling and researching after buying it back. After refitting, as long as they dare to disassemble, the entire weapon will become a pile of scrap iron. If it is just used, it is absolutely fine.

After the news came out from the Han Empire, news came out again at the same time that the basic unit of the transaction was the dollar, but later these things had to be turned into food, gold, oil and other items for payment.

As for why US dollars are used, the reason is very simple.

After Lao Luo came to power, he planned to change the silver standard of the United States to the gold standard, but it has not changed yet. He will change to the gold standard in June this year.

At that time, the U.S. dollar will be pegged to gold, which is Han Ling's goal.

And Han Ling also made it clear that after this auction, the money will be paid and the goods will be delivered.

And everything will start to be delivered after July and August, and they will pay for it at that time.

At that time, it was already the gold standard, and it will be based on that period, which is also stipulated by Han Ling. If any country disagrees, then you don't have to participate in this auction.

The news that the Han Empire would auction various military weapons on April [-] spread all over the world in an instant.

Among them, European countries are the most excited. This time, not only those big countries are coming, but even small European countries are also coming to make a difference.

In addition, the United States also participated in this auction.

why?The reason is simple, because the unit is the US dollar, but the currency of the transaction is food.

The economy of the United States is not good, but it does not mean that its production capacity will not work.

Because of the poor economy, many farmers in the United States are hoarding a large amount of grain that cannot be sold.

Lao Luo was planning to use state finances to buy grain from some farmers, and then use it to trade with the Han Empire. Last time, Lao Luo didn't know and thought it was a cash transaction, so he didn't send Jason.

This time is different, even members of parliament who are prevalent in isolationism in the country agree to buy these things when they hear that they can solve the problem of grain piled up in the hands of some farmers.

"Your Majesty, we have provoked an arms race in the world this time! After this auction, it is estimated that the military strength of the countries that have bought weapons will increase slightly. I am afraid that some people's ambitions will be bred by then. Those European countries are prone to chaos."

In Yuhua Garden, Han Ling, Mr. Zhan Ning, and Zhang Hanqing were walking casually. As for Bai Jiansheng, of course he was handling matters in the military department.

"Chaos? It's better for them to mess up! A Europe with constant wars is in our interests. Europe has been peaceful for too long, and Europe is the place where the industrial revolution of the entire world first started. Where can a small country's industry The abilities are amazing.

We all know that the United States has a strong industrial capacity and is number one in the world.But who knows, if it can integrate the entire European industry, it will not be weaker than Meili, or even stronger than Meili.

Therefore, we must first weaken the overall industrial level of Europe, and if we want to weaken them, it is a good choice to provoke war in Europe. "

While talking, Han Ling recalled the historical World War II.

If Mustache hadn't been able to keep up with the talent training link due to insufficient population, he would not know who would win.

The mustache in history has created a lot of black technology.

We all know that the United States has developed the big gun battle of nuclear weapons, but who knows that Mustache is the real first researcher, and the United States only knew about this thing when it discovered that Mustache was about to be developed?

If the thing that mustache researched was not destroyed and those scientists were killed, I am afraid that history would change.

"Integrate the industrial power of the whole of Europe? Your Majesty! This is probably impossible! Not only is Europe a large area, but the key point is that its situation is also complicated. Britain, France and other countries will not agree!"

Zhang Hanqing seemed a little incredulous after hearing Han Ling's words.Integrate Europe?That is to say, to conquer Europe.

Before the outbreak of World War II, no one would think that anyone could do this.

But what happened later?

Mustache did it!

His armored clusters swept across Europe, and no country could resist his soldiers.

If Han Ling hadn't come from a later age and knew the history, he wouldn't have believed it.

But he knew that Mustache had done it in history, and in this time and space, with his own help, Mustache would definitely conquer Europe.

"Hanqing! Nothing is impossible in this world! Just look at it now, didn't our Great Han Empire complete its transformation in just a few years? This world will never lack miracles, the only thing missing It is our belief in miracles!"

Han Ling turned to look at Zhang Hanqing and said in a deep voice.

Seeing Han Ling's eyes, Zhang Hanqing was obviously taken aback.

"Okay! Your Majesty, although it is possible to provoke a war in Europe this time and bring the world into an arms race again, we are also walking a tightrope! One bad move will become the enemy of the whole world!"

Mr. Zhan Ning smiled wryly beside him.

"The enemy of the whole world? Haven't we already become the enemy of the whole world? Once those Western countries face our Han Empire, they always vent their anger through their nostrils!

And what if we become the enemy of the whole world?Britain and France have long been frightened by the First World War.Now they are all afraid of war, will they dare to have an all-out war with us?

Now even the isolationism in the United States is very serious. Looking at the major countries in the world, only countries with mustaches and old men are not afraid of war. Other countries have long been scared! "

Chapter 457: Sky Cloud Tank

After Han Ling and Mr. Zhan Ning talked in Yuhuayuan, they already knew Han Ling's determination, and they stopped talking about him disturbing the world.

Since Han Ling was sure, they didn't care about it. Many of Han Ling's actions over the years could be called risks, but the final result told them that Han Ling's choices were all right.

But when the whole world was preparing for this auction and preparing to buy the advanced weapons of the Han Empire to go back, Han Ling at this time was choosing a tank model and an aircraft model.

Now the Type 29 fighters are completely sufficient, so the fighters will not be replaced, but the tanks will be replaced.Because this tank, although it is relatively advanced, the anti-tank guns of some countries in the world can still penetrate his armor.

The more obvious one is the anti-tank gun of the United States. He has two anti-tank guns that can penetrate the armor of the Type 29 medium tank.

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