And the most critical thing is that the armor protection ability of Type 29 medium tanks cannot keep up with heavy tanks, and the speed cannot keep up with light tanks.

Now that the information base has been upgraded, the tanks in alien technology can be called abnormal.

The speed is not much faster than light tanks, and the armor protection is not weaker than heavy tanks.

This is the tank Han Ling needs.

High protection and high speed are more conducive to the combat of armored groups, and there are also helicopters.

As I said before, after the fifth level of the information base, the technological level has reached the technological level of the later generations around the 90s.

Remember, it is the technological level of the 90s of the world in the later generations, not the 90s of China in the later generations, which is very different.

But even so, helicopters have existed for a long time, and their performance is not bad, so they are relatively mature.

No one in this world knows the role of helicopters better than Han Ling.

Although the load capacity of a helicopter cannot catch up with a bomber, its flight speed cannot catch up with a fighter jet, and its flight altitude cannot be caught up with anyone, but its vertical take-off and landing performance and its flexible operation performance can play a great role on the battlefield.

For example, helicopters also have a title, called tank busters.

A helicopter with the worst performance can hit a Leopard or Tiger tank as long as it is loaded with rockets. He can be said to be the absolute nemesis of armored forces.

Moreover, helicopters also play a great role in serving as battlefield rescue.

So Han Ling is going to start producing helicopters.

As for the selection of tanks, Han Ling chose a tank whose performance was not too advanced.

It's not that Han Ling doesn't want to use advanced things, the most important thing is that soldiers can't understand things that are too advanced!

Now clone soldiers are leaning towards the navy and infiltrating other grassroots, and Han Ling doesn't want to eliminate those human tank soldiers before. After all, it took so many resources to train, it feels a bit wasteful to exclude them like this!

So for the time being, use this one first, and its general data are as follows:

Front slope armor: 120 mm, rear armor: 80 mm, wing armor: 100 mm, turret armor: 120 mm.

The tank weighs 60 tons and has a crew of five.

Tank gun caliber: 110mm.

The maximum distance across the trench: 3 meters

Maximum speed: 70km, maximum stroke: 700km.

In addition, in addition to a tank main gun, there is a 127mm heavy machine gun and two 785mm light machine guns.

In addition, the auxiliary equipment of this tank includes fire control system, fire suppression and explosion suppression system, range finder, artillery stabilizer and so on.

And this tank's armor-piercing ability and protection ability are also very good.

First of all, let's talk about the protection ability, because the manufacturing material of this tank is not using the technology of the earth, but the metal smelting technology of alien technology, so the hardness of the material is very strong.

Within a range of 120 meters, no [-]mm armor-piercing projectile could penetrate his frontal armor.

In order to penetrate the frontal armor of this tank, it is necessary to use an armor-piercing projectile with a caliber of 150 mm or more within a distance of two hundred meters to be able to penetrate his frontal armor.

And within the range of 255 meters, if you want to penetrate his armor, unless you use a cannon with a caliber of [-] mm or more, and armor-piercing projectiles can penetrate his armor, and the impact point must be accurate, if a little Hit it a little crookedly, and you won't be able to penetrate his armor.

It can be said that such a tank dominated the world after the new technology did not come out.

This is why Han Ling agreed to sell the Type 29 tank.

Otherwise, even if it is to change the armor to change the armor, the Type 29 medium tank is currently the most advanced tank in the world, and there is no need to sell it.

As for the armor-piercing ability of this tank, it is also unexpectedly powerful because its shells and launch system use alien technology.

Within a range of two kilometers, he can penetrate a 100mm steel plate. Of course, this is to use armor-piercing projectiles, which are not practical. Even if it is a high-explosive projectile, it cannot penetrate a 100mm steel plate at a distance of two kilometers.

It's just that at a distance of two kilometers, even if it can penetrate, ordinary human soldiers don't have much accuracy to speak of.

Clone troopers could try.

Therefore, the distance at which this tank can really exert its power on the battlefield is about a thousand meters. Within this distance, even human soldiers can achieve a certain degree of accuracy.

When Han Ling chose the tank, the bearded man was giving instructions in the Kremlin in Lao Maozi's capital.

"Remember! We only have food! As long as they can collect food, they can do whatever they want!"

Sida Lin looked at the official standing in front of him, staring at him sharply.

The Type 29 medium tanks and Type 28 fighter planes of the Han Empire made them suffer a lot. This time, the bearded man wanted to get a batch of such tanks and fighter planes for research.

The only thing that bothered the bearded man was that the Han Empire refused to sell their Type 30 heavy bomber.However, he also knew that this heavy bomber was a strategic weapon, and he was afraid that the Han Empire would not sell it.

If they were sold, wouldn't they be able to threaten the mainland of the Han Empire by then?

"Yes! Comrade Sida Lin, we will definitely raise more food!"

The man went out after speaking, and the bearded man was sitting alone in his office.

What does his country lack now?

Food, industrial machines, advanced weapons and equipment!

But now the only thing they can make the Han Empire look up to is food.The source of food can only be collected from below.

Millions of people had been starved to death because of the food-for-machine program before, but the guy with the big beard who was known as the Iron Man didn't have any mercy in his heart.

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