As long as he can exchange for industrial machines and weapons and equipment, even if millions of people die, he will not be moved in the slightest.

Chapter 458: Start Prelude

There is no doubt that Big Beard is a hard-hearted person, otherwise he would not be so indifferent to the starvation of millions of peasants.

And as the bearded man once again sent countless food requisition teams, there was another famine.

A few years ago, the Han Empire used armored forces to push down the front lines of both sides in one fell swoop, and then began to defend.

And the ceasefire line between the two sides is naturally here, so the old Maozi people west of here will suffer.

Hunger and death are everywhere.

Countless food requisition teams rushed into the homes of the people with weapons. The most common thing they said was: where is the food hidden?

And because of the tyranny of the bearded man, countless people began to carry the last bit of food in their homes and ran to the Han-Soviet border with their last breath. As long as they crossed the border line, they could survive.

Where there is no hunger, there is no oppression!It is their ideal paradise.

At the beginning, Lao Maozi's army wanted to stop the fleeing of the people, but after Han Ling found out about this situation, he immediately made a plan and sent a note to the bearded man, asking him to implement the agreement, otherwise the big man The empire wouldn't mind another war with him.

That's what Han Ling said, and he did the same. Less than an hour after the note was sent, the air force of the Han Empire appeared in the sky above Lao Maozi's homeland.

There is no way, the old Maozi can only act according to the treaty, but they acted according to the treaty, but they also searched for the only surplus food left on the people.

Han Ling didn't care about this situation, what Han Ling wanted was to tell the old Maozi's people, come here!Come here and you can live.

And then Han Ling sent a note to the bearded man, saying that in order to guide those people to reach the territory of the Han Empire smoothly, the air force of the Han Empire will appear in the sky to guide them. During the period, they may also drop a small map or something.

kindness!Han Ling just told the bearded man, and then the air force of the Han Empire began to act.

In order to maximize the effect of this plan, Han Ling specially cloned about [-] old men, armed them as an army, and sent them to the border to pick up the ordinary people who had fled.

kindness!This strategy is very useful, and it has also had a great impact in Lao Maozi's country.

Those ordinary people who were not far from the border all ran towards the border in fear, and Lao Maozi's wartime physique really made everyone feel angry and sad.

After working hard for a year of grain, except for a small amount of rations left behind, all other grains must be handed over.

"Your Majesty! This plan of yours is a stroke of genius. I believe that it won't be long before there will be great turmoil in Lao Maozi's country! Many of Lao Maozi's common people's families are their own soldiers.

Soldiers search for the rations of their fathers and villagers, and I believe their troops will cause turmoil! "

In Han Ling's office at the military headquarters, Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing were sitting on the sofa, Zhan Ninggong said with a smile.

"Hehe! I didn't expect the bearded man to be so cruel. In order to exchange food for weapons and machines, he ordered to do this kind of thing again. But the only pity is that the bearded man is not crazy, he is just targeting the old Asians , but nothing has changed for their main part of Europe!"

When Han Ling said this, he felt a little regretful.Although the beard is brutal, his head is still clear.

The main body of Lao Maozi is mainly in Europe, and the population is also mainly concentrated in Europe.

Now Lao Maozi's country has a population of about [-] million, and more than [-] million of his population are in Europe, and the remaining population of about [-] to [-] million is distributed in Asia. [This data was obtained by Xiaolong to check the information. Originally, Xiaolong thought that they only had about [-] million, but in fact it was about [-] million. 】

"This is also normal! The bearded man is cruel, but he is not stupid. If they even cause turmoil in Europe, they will really seek death!"

"Forget it! Let's not talk about this, Hanqing, there are still five days before the auction starts. How are you preparing? How are the people from those countries who came to participate in the auction arranged?"

Because there are indeed a lot of countries participating in the auction this time, many of them are from Europe, and there are also countries from South America.

And many countries have not established diplomatic relations with the Han Empire.

Naturally, they did not have such things as embassies in the Han Empire, so they had to send someone to participate in the auction.

There are many countries here because the distance is too far, and the Han Empire sent planes to pick them up.

After all, modifying a heavy bomber into a simple airliner, adding auxiliary fuel tanks can increase the range by a long distance, and stopping at some places in the middle to refuel, which is still very fast.

As for stopping at those places to refuel, they are naturally the overseas colonies of the British gringos.His colonies are spread all over the world, which is not much to say.

"It's all settled! But what about the common language? So many countries from all over the world come here, and the languages ​​are also varied. It's not easy to communicate without a common language!"

Bai Jiansheng asked another question, a more important one.

"There is nothing to discuss! The first common language is our Chinese, which cannot be changed. And the second common language is English!

After all, those who can speak Chinese now are those from our country and those from other countries who have embassies in our country.However, the popularity of English is very high, and there are very few people in European countries who do not know English.So English is the second common language!

The auction will also be conducted in both Chinese and English. "

The globalization of the Chinese language and the use of cultural aggression are also part of Han Ling's plan.

Now there is revival everywhere in the Great Han Empire. Firstly, the domestic culture will be brought up, and all the things in the past will be recovered, and then the Chinese language will be popularized.

"I think it's feasible! This time it's not just a time for our Great Han Empire to collect money, but we can also take advantage of this opportunity to spread our country's culture and let them spread our country's culture to the world!

Some time ago, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Journey to the West" were staged in several countries and achieved good results. I think this way can spread the culture of our country! "

Jiang is worthy of being old and spicy. When Mr. Zhan Ning heard about cultural communication, he immediately connected film and television entertainment with cultural communication. This can not only make money, but also spread national culture.

Chapter 459: Opening

Spreading Han culture is a long-term plan, and the current thing is to hold this auction well.

On April [-], [-], countless people were welcomed in the news hall from the morning of this day.

All kinds of people came, and some of them appeared in the news hall wearing white headscarves.

And after they entered the news hall, someone would lead them to their seats.

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