The news hall, as a national-level hall that can easily accommodate thousands of people, is naturally not small.

Countless low tables have been placed here before, and everyone who comes here needs to sit cross-legged on the ground.

On the low table, there are all kinds of famous Dahan delicacies, various pastries and fruits, etc.

As for why it is an old-haired woman!First, the people here are all white, and they have a good impression of old-haired women in terms of aesthetics. Second, I have to admit it in some places.

And there are arrangements for where people from each country sit.

For example, the front row is occupied by other big countries.

This world is supposed to speak with its strength, and no one said anything when they sat in the first row. Who would let them be a big country in the world!

Don't look at the gringo as a camel that is about to die, but there are not many countries in this world that dare to provoke the gringo.

The reputation of the empire on which the sun never sets for one or two hundred years cannot be eliminated by a single world war.

And behind it are other countries, even Spain has come, but their position is behind.

Although the positions are different, the service is the same. The countries that come here to participate in the auction are all money masters, and they all send money to Han Ling, and they come to participate in this auction, every country can You have to pay [-] tons of grain or [-] tons of oil as an admission ticket.

So the service here is naturally good, and the food is also good.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, everyone came together, and there were still [-] minutes before the auction started.

The people below were whispering something, Han Ling and Mr. Zhan Ning were observing the situation in the news hall through countless monitors.

"Your Majesty! Do you think Shi Zhaoji can do it? He is a diplomat, and the most important thing is that he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country. Is it appropriate for a Minister of Foreign Affairs to be the auctioneer?"

Zhang Hanqing asked after watching for a while.

"Nonsense! Why is it inappropriate? This auction is different from other auctions. Although this auction is also expected to bring a lot of benefits to our country, the most important thing is that the significance of this auction is greater than commercial significance. So Shi Zhaoji is perfectly fine, let him be the auctioneer! We just sit here and watch. And now there are still eighteen minutes before the auction starts, even if you want to change people, it will be too late!"

"Yes! It seems that this is the only way!"

Hearing what Han Ling said, Zhang Hanqing was a little speechless.

"That's it! Otherwise, what else do you want? Watch! It's about to start, Shi Zhaoji is coming out!"

In the news hall at this time, Shi Zhaoji walked to the rostrum wearing a dark blue Hanfu.

"My friends from all corners of the world! Welcome to this weapon auction of the Han Empire!"

While Shi Zhaoji was speaking, the translator next to him kept translating his words into English.

After all, those who can understand Chinese are those people here, and many other people can’t understand Chinese. If you don’t translate it, you may scold him, and he will think you are praising him.

"I believe everyone knows the items in this auction, so I won't say much. Now let me talk about the rules of the auction!

This auction is a high-end auction, and the items auctioned can also be said to be very valuable weapons, so each increase in price must not be less than five million dollars.The subsequent US dollars will be converted into food or oil and other materials for exchange.

Now I announce the official start of the auction. The first item we auction is a Wuyue-class battleship.Please look at the screen! "

After Shi Zhaoji finished speaking, he looked sideways at the huge white cloth behind him.

At this time, a projector is projecting a picture of a battleship.

"This is a Wuyue-class battleship of our country. Its full-load displacement is 30 tons, its maximum speed is 460 knots, and its main gun has a caliber of [-] mm. There are three triple-mounted main gun turrets on it. As for the detailed data, I will wait for you to buy it back and study it yourself, so I won’t say more!”

Shi Zhaoji said with a slight smile. Naturally, he would not talk about the detailed data of this battleship, but some general data is enough. After all, this battleship is also an active battleship of the Han Empire, although it will not be a year later. They will start to replace them with larger tonnage battleships, but only Han Ling knows about these things!

However, the data revealed by Shi Zhaoji also made the people from the following countries feel their breathing became heavier.

Now the battleship with the largest full load displacement in the world is the Colorado-class battleship of the United States, but it is only about [-] displacement.

But compared to the super battleship with a displacement of about [-] tons in front of them, they are all too small.

Looking at the super battleship in the photo, with its huge steel body and huge muzzle, even Karl, who was born in a naval power, felt it was difficult to breathe.

"Be sure to get it!"

Karl couldn't help but secretly made a decision in his heart, how could the empire not have such a huge super battleship!

The British countrymen have long wanted to own this battleship, but they never had the chance before, and this time the opportunity is right in front of them.

As for the food for trading!

Chapter 460: Astronomical price

"Now the starting bid for this Wuyue-class battleship is [-] million U.S. dollars, and each increase must not be less than [-] million U.S. dollars! Start now!"

Shi Zhaoji's voice fell, and the faces of the people below froze. They didn't expect the starting price to be [-] million U.S. dollars.Even if the transaction is made at a price of [-] million US dollars, the Han Empire will still make a profit without losing money!

"Two hundred and fifty million dollars!"

After Shi Zhaoji's voice fell, Carl below made the first bid.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the people behind him, the meaning was obvious, you had better not rob me, otherwise you will be more attractive.

It has to be said that the empire on which the sun never sets is still very deterrent at this time. Many people lost the idea of ​​competition when they saw Karl's threatening eyes.After all, this will not only offend the British country, but also the price is a bit high. After many countries have been transferred [-] million US dollars, they may be very difficult financially. Even if they use grain to trade, they still have to buy it!And if the food collected from the state tax is traded, the food supplies for the army below still have to be bought.

"[-] million!"

Someone called out the price again, and it was Falkenhausen who made the call. After the call, he glanced at Karl, which meant that it was obvious that other countries would be threatened by you, but I would not.

It is said that this auction must have a trustee to raise the price, and this time the trustees of the Han Empire are Falkenhausen and Taudman.

This is what Han Ling found Falkenhausen and Taudman before. Han Ling promised them that if they do well, the Han Empire will increase their support to their country.

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