Of course, if you want to take pictures yourself, you have to pay for it too!However, considering the friendship between Hande, it can be paid in installments, up to three installments, one installment per year!Of course, there is a premise here, the first one can be paid in installments, but the second one can't.

So this time Falkenhausen took the shot, and the shot was to raise the bar, and to argue with Karl.

"Hehe! It seems that your country is very rich! Shouldn't it continue to repay the indemnity from the Treaty of Versailles?"

Karl saw that it was Falkenhausen who was competing with him, so he said maliciously immediately.

Since the beginning of the economic crisis, Germany's Versailles Treaty reparations to other countries have been terminated. According to the negotiations at the time, repayment will not begin until the economy recovers.

However, in history, because Mustache tore up the Treaty of Versailles in [-] years, he did not repay it later, and did not agree to repay until after Mustache was defeated.

"We haven't gotten out of the economic crisis yet, so naturally we don't have to pay back! And this auction is to maintain world peace and let the people of the world bathe in the glory of our country. Doesn't Mr. Carl not want world peace?"

As expected of being an ambassador, Taudman pushed Carl back with a light sentence.

"Hmph! Two hundred and twenty-five million!"

Carl snorted coldly and bid again.

"[-] million!"

Falkenhausen bid again, but this time he looked at Karl with disdain and said, "This is the empire on which the sun never sets? I don't think so! A price increase can only add five million dollars. What is it? This is a national-level auction, and you only added five million dollars at a time, and I am ashamed of you."

"What does this have to do with you!"

Everyone in the press hall looked at Karl and Falkenhausen. The two were actually competing even before the auction started.

"Everyone! If you don't increase the price, I will increase it. [-] million!"

Seeing the two of them arguing, Serev showed a smile on his face, and with a light word, the price soared to [-] million!I believe that if this continues, it is certain that the first battleship will sell for more than [-] million US dollars.

"Two hundred and fifty-five million! Mr. Serev, can the people of your country have enough to eat? When your upper lip touches your lower lip, you will get [-] million dollars!"

Originally, the world didn't know about the famine that happened in Lao Maozi's country, but this time when the bearded man sent a grain requisition team to collect grain again, people fled to the territory of the Han Empire, and the Han Empire took advantage of this situation. The situation made the old man feel bad, and as a result, many countries all over the world knew about it.

That's why there was the scene where Karl satirized Shelev just now. Karl's words were very simple and sharp.

That is to say, in your country of Serev, the people can't even eat, and they still come here to pretend to be wolves.


Hearing this sentence, Serev turned his head with a livid face and continued to increase the price.

"Two hundred and sixty-five million!"

Maybe it hurt Serev, this time he increased the price by [-] million, and then looked at Karl with a provocative face, meaning to say: I am more shameless than you, and I will lose you if I add [-] million at a time can shout out.

"Twenty-eight million!"

Someone called the price again, and this time it was [-] million more!And this person is the French ambassador to Han, Gesmer.

The Frenchman is also a rich man!Think about the Maginot Line in history, which cost five billion francs, which is more than one billion U.S. dollars!

Gesmer's $[-] million raised everyone's eyebrows. Gesmer raised the price by [-] million at one time, and it was on the basis of the already [-] million. This shows that he is determined to win. !

It's just that the support of Falkenhausen has played a role.

"Hehe! Mr. Gesmer is really generous. The one-time price increase is [-] million, which is beyond my generation! [-] million!"

Falkenhausen raised the price later with a chuckle.

"I also think that Mr. Gosmer is more generous, but I will add another ten million. Two hundred and ninety-five million! Mr. Gosmer, are you still with me?"

This time it was Bernardo who was talking. The three battleships Bernardo bought each cost US$[-] million. Naturally, he didn’t want other countries’ prices to be lower than this. Come out and raise the bar, and if you can win one at a price of [-] million, it will be worth it!

"Three hundred million!"

Gesmo did not hesitate, not only [-] million US dollars!He can afford it!

It's just that breaking [-] million this time is a sky-high price. Everyone present is breathing heavily. In just a short while, the price of this battleship has soared to [-] million. I don't know what his final transaction price is. !

"Three hundred and twenty million! I don't know who else wants to increase the price?"

Chapter 461: One price is more expensive than one price

"Three hundred and twenty million!"

Surprised at every word, what he said was now.

The previous asking prices were mainly [-] million dollars per plus and [-] million dollars per plus, and the most were [-] million dollars.

As for Falkenhausen's addition of [-] million from the beginning, everyone could see that it was clearly arguing, so everyone didn't take it to heart.

But this time, the price was directly increased by [-] million, which can be said to be the largest increase in this field.

But everyone was a little surprised when they saw the price increase, because the person who increased the price was actually Karl.

Carl has always added [-] million US dollars, but this time he directly increased the price by [-] million. It can be said that he is determined to win.

It's just that there is a saying, there is always a good thing that a shit stirrer wants to ruin you, and this time Falkenhausen played this role.

"Three hundred and forty million!"

After Falkenhausen shouted, he glanced at Karl provocatively. Everyone present knew the value of this battleship.

The real value of this Wuyue-class battleship lies in its interior.

It involves many advanced technologies in the current world, and even many things are not available in these countries.

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