"Hehe! The bearded man is asking for a dead end. What he does will only make Britain, France and other countries more vigilant against him. Just watch! I guess this time, after Britain, France and other countries get out of the quagmire of the economic crisis, They will start to deal with Lao Maozi. After all, his political system is too inflammatory for countries such as Britain and France."

Mr. Zhan Ning said with a smile on the side.

"No! I don't think so. Britain, France and other countries have been frightened by World War I. They may say something, but it is absolutely impossible to make them take it seriously! I heard that the French have been fighting since 29. I am building a line of defense called Maginot, which is in the northeast of France. The French want to rely on this line of defense to ensure the security of their country. You say a country that wants to rely on the line of defense to protect the safety of its citizens, he Do you still have the courage to fight?"

Thinking of the line of defense that was called a joke in history, Han Ling wanted to laugh, how stupid those Frenchmen were to entrust their safety on an immovable line of defense.And the facts have also proved that this line of defense has cost them five billion francs to provide employment opportunities for some workers, and it has no other effect.

"Your Majesty! Is that why you don't like this line of defense?"

Mr. Zhan Ning asked curiously, he had never seen Han Ling belittle something like this, especially this line of defense was still under construction, and it was said that it was costly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it! You will know in the future, let's continue to watch the auction now! I don't know what price this second ship can be auctioned for."

After Han Ling finished speaking with a smile, he continued to stare at the screen.

At this time, the price of the second battleship had been raised to [-] million by Francisco and Serev, and the price of the second ship was raised to [-] million so quickly, which no one expected.

"Three hundred and sixty million!"

Serev almost said the price through gritted teeth.You know, so much price has to be paid with food.

This is a lot of food!

Francisco didn't say anything more this time, [-] million, this is really a pressure for his country!

Seeing Francisco shrink back, a smile flashed on Serev's face. He still didn't believe that Spain could match his own country.

"Four hundred million!"

Just a few seconds before Serev was proud, a voice sounded again.

Chapter 462: Make a fortune

What is a shit stirrer?

It's when you're about to drink soup and find a bunch of rat droppings in the pot, and when you're eating cheese, you get a bunch of boogers.When you cook porridge, you find that what you stir the porridge is not a rice spoon, but a big stick full of excrement. This is the excrement stirring stick.

And now we are talking about Falkenhausen. In the eyes of Serev, he is a complete shit-stirring stick in the front of the car. He was proud of it for a few seconds, but Falkenhausen made a bid, and the first bid was still [-] million.

The appearance of another [-] million made everyone present feel their breathing became heavy, another [-] million!

This time I don't know if it will exceed [-] million, but looking at Serev's gritted teeth, many people present think that it will exceed [-] million. I believe that Serev will raise the price again after suffering such a provocation, and the result is like As everyone imagined.

"[-] million!"

Serev almost gritted his teeth and said, [-] million!After shouting out, the auction price of the second battleship was actually [-] million U.S. dollars higher than the previous one.This is two thousand dollars worth of food.

"you win!"

Falkenhausen shrugged indifferently, [-] million.The price is a bit high, so don't buy it if you don't buy it.

Anyway, they had already ordered two boats before, even if they didn't get one in this auction, but according to Han Ling's promise, they can still make money without losing money.


Serev felt that he was being tricked, and after a cold snort, he glanced around coldly, as if he would kill anyone who made another bid!

"[-] million!"

Just when Shi Zhaoji was about to start asking if there was any more bids, Gesmo spoke.

But this opening was like provoking Serev, only adding five million.

If you Serev follow, then you will pay [-] million, if you don't follow, then he will take it for [-] million more than him.

Five million dollars is a lot of money for an individual, but for a country, five million dollars is not a big deal.

It's just that Gesmo's meddling will cost Selev more than [-] million US dollars!

"Mr. Gosmer! What do you mean?"

Serev looked at the indifferent Gesmer and asked in a gloomy tone.

"It's nothing! It's just that there is a lot of food, and I'm going to change some battleships!"

Gesmo smiled indifferently, not caring about Serev's expression at all.

In fact, it is ridiculous to say that the Frenchman's economy is not good, but he has a lot of food.

Like the Gringo, he also has a lot of territories overseas. In addition, the most important thing is that the two most important countries in the bearded food-for-machine plan in the past few years are Britain and France.

As the industrial powers in Europe, the industrial machines and capabilities of Britain and France are beyond doubt. However, because the exchange with the British gringos is too troublesome and the speed is too slow, the main exchange target of the bearded man is France.

Therefore, there is a lot of grain in the treasury of France, and the grain is all exchanged by the bearded man.

And France itself is also a big grain-producing country, so the French are not short of food now.This is why the French paid [-] million US dollars in food, and there was no pressure.

It is useless to accumulate these grains for a long time, they only have such a small population, and it is not bad to be able to exchange them for a battleship now.

At least Gesmer thinks that in exchange for food, he can still anger Lao Maozi. This country may not be bad.

"Hmph! [-] million!"

Serev bid again, and he could only add another five million.The more he went to the back, the more he added, the more heartache he felt.

"[-] million? Good! Although there is a lot of food, I think it's still a bit of a loss. It's better to give it to you."

Gosmer shrugged nonchalantly.

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