
Looking at Gesmo's indifferent expression, Serev's face was full of gloom.

In the end, he couldn't say anything, and the second battleship reached a deal with Lao Maozi at a price of [-] million.

Han Ling and the others who were sitting in the observation room at this moment smiled knowingly when they saw this scene.

"It seems that old men are not popular in Europe! Maybe we can make good use of these connections!"

Bai Jiansheng who was on the side said.

"This is natural! The old man's physique determines that he will be vigilant by European countries. You see, just now, Karl, Gethmer, and Falkenhausen are boycotting Serev, which shows that the old man's situation in Europe is not very good. it is good."

Of course, Han Ling had heard about the fact that Lao Maozi was not liked in Europe, but he had only read about it in history books before, and hadn't experienced it himself. Now it's a different feeling to experience it personally.

"Your Majesty! Do you have any ideas? Old Maozi is so unpopular, if we provoke again, I believe there will be another war!"

Mr. Zhan Ning said with a smile.

"No hurry! What we want is a way of balance. The purpose of supporting the mustache is to contain Britain and France, so that these two countries will not always stare at us. But the mustache does not live in peace, he contains Britain and France , with the support of our country, their country's strength will increase rapidly.

And Britain and France were frightened by the First World War, so we still need a country to contain the mustache.

Originally, the United States was a good choice, but he is in the American continent, which is unrealistic.Now only the big beard can restrain the mustache.So the big beard can't fall down yet, we have to support him and let him fight the little beard slowly, we just sit back and reap the benefits now! "

Both Britain and the United States hope that the European continent can maintain a balanced state, and what Han Ling wants is also a balance.

It's just that the balance Han Ling wants is a balance full of gunpowder.Han Ling needs the national power of the two countries to increase, and then their ambitions will grow, and finally several countries will fight.The original intention of this point is completely different from that of the United Kingdom and the United States.

"Okay! It seems that I am really old! These problems are not as far as you think!"

Mr. Zhan Ning smiled wryly.

"Don't! If you always resign and go home to retire, where can I find such a capable chief of staff?"

"Haha! Just kidding, let's continue watching! Now the auction of the third ship begins!"

The auction of the third Battleship Plus you started again, this time the momentum seems to be stronger.

At the beginning of this time, the price had soared to [-] million in about ten minutes.

Bernardo, Gosmer, and Karl are all in fierce competition.

For Karl, food is not a problem. The empire on which the sun never sets has the most overseas land. If there is not enough food, go to overseas land collection.

Only Serev was watching with a cold eye. The last battleship was auctioned off, but the price is currently the most expensive.

The sky-high price of [-] million!

The manufacturing cost of this battleship is only [-] million.

When Karl called the final price to [-] million, Bernardo flinched.

After all, he pre-booked three ships, and he really didn't want to spend such a high price to buy such a ship.

"Four hundred and fifty million!"

At this time, Jason made a bid, and the bid was rich and powerful. If the price was increased, it would be an increase of [-] million US dollars!

Although the United States is the center of the economic crisis and suffered the most severe economic storm, the food production capacity in the United States has not decreased much. On the contrary, due to the impact of the economic crisis, food prices have dropped a lot.

The United States is still rich financially.This time the economic crisis is different from the future generations.

In later generations, the state finances have no money, but the people have money.

This time, the common people have no money, but the state finances have money.

For those grains that cannot be sold domestically, the country can collect them at a price far below the market price.

"[-] million!"

Carl raised the price again, looking directly at Jason, wanting to know what Jason was thinking.However, there was no expression on Jason's face.

"Five hundred million!"

Jason raised the price again by [-] million US dollars!For a country, it is not a big problem to increase the price by [-] million.

Although the United States has been affected by the economic crisis, its overall economy is still the largest in the world. This is the truth of the saying that a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Seeing Jason's expressionless expression, Carl gave up.

Five hundred million!

This is a sky-high price. Even if the empire on which the sun never sets owns the most overseas territories in the world, he will still feel heartache.

The auction of the third boat was successful, and it was sold at a sky-high price of [-] million.

Then the fourth boat began to be auctioned again.

The auction of the fourth boat was not as intense as the third one, but there was still a lot of competition.

However, the auction price of the fourth ship did not reach a new high. It was only auctioned by Gesmer at a price of [-] million.

Because the last two competing for the fourth ship were Serev and Gesmer.

When Gesmer raised the price to [-] million, he hesitated for a moment, and it was this moment of hesitation that Serev flinched.

Because he was afraid of raising the price, and if Gesmo didn't want it, it would fall into his hands at that time!

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