Not to mention the miscellaneous seeds that have been distributed, but these grains are enough for the army of the Han Empire to eat for many years!

Moreover, if the market price of food is high, the food can also be put on the market to lower the price of food and stabilize people's livelihood.As the saying goes, there is food at home, so don't panic!

The battleship auction is complete, and the next step is to auction the tanks.

Each batch of tanks is two hundred, and the starting price of each batch of tanks is [-] million US dollars.Each price increase must not be less than two million US dollars!

Of course, Shi Zhaoji naturally told them some basic data of the Type 29 medium tank in advance.

Then it started again, but the auction of tanks was not as tit-for-tat as battleships, but it was extremely intense.

Because there are many more people shouting prices than before.

And there is also a strange image in it, that is, some countries are together in twos and threes, and after they discuss together, another person will call the price.

"Your Majesty! What's going on with them? Are these countries going to jointly auction off a batch of tanks?"

Mr. Zhan Ning looked at it for a while and felt something was wrong. Look at the Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden. The representatives of these three countries were discussing the bids together.

"It's nothing! How can they bid if they don't unite? You see, Jason and the others are also preparing to bid. Although Jason and the others have auctioned the battleship just now and spent a lot of money, they are a big country after all, and the hundreds of millions of dollars are for them. But for these small countries, [-] million U.S. dollars is a lot of money. If they don't unite, they can't bid at all, and our group of tank divisions has [-] vehicles. A small country can't digest so many tanks."

Han Ling gave an explanation. He had received news about this point before, and those small countries seemed to be discussing the matter of alliance.

The auction here is still going on, and the first batch of tanks was bought by Falkenhausen for [-] million.

Then the second batch was auctioned by Jansen for [-] million.It can be said that the price fluctuations are not large.

The third lot was bought by Spain and Hungary for [-] million.

The fourth lot was bought by Bernardo for [-] million.

The fifth lot was bought by Gothmer for [-] million.

After the auction of tanks it was planes again.

Similarly, each batch of two hundred.

The starting price is [-] million U.S. dollars, and each increase should not be less than [-] million U.S. dollars.

The first batch was sold at a price of [-] million US dollars, and was taken by a joint team of the Netherlands and Belgium.

The second batch was taken by Johnson for [-] million.

The third batch was taken by Johnson for [-] million.

The fourth batch was taken by Bernardo for [-] million.

The fifth batch was taken by Karl at a price of [-] million.

In this way, tanks and planes took a total of 694 billion US dollars.

The battleships add up to [-] billion US dollars.

The Dahan Empire sold a total of [-] million U.S. dollars at this auction.

Moreover, the more than three billion US dollars was completely net profit, and Han Ling could be said to have no cost at all.

After the auction, those people did not understand to leave the Han Empire, but began to stay in the Han Empire.

Today I went to the suburbs to see the people, and tomorrow I went to see the factories and so on.

Han Ling doesn't care about them, just watch it if you like!Han Ling still doesn't believe how much you can see.

Some things are not accurate, and he can't see what's coming.

In the Imperial Study Room of the Forbidden City on the third day after the auction.

"Your Majesty! This time there is [-] billion US dollars of food, so much food can bring us a lot of things!"

Master Zhan Ning laughed.

"Not necessarily! They don't necessarily use food to pay. Don't forget, if they extract too much food, their domestic food prices will be unstable. I guess they will use other things to pay. But I have set the rules Now, food, oil, and gold are only allowed to pay with these three things. I guess they will use food and gold to replace part of the payment."

Han Ling could see very clearly that among these countries, the countries that could pay with food were Mi Lao, Eagle, Weight, and Polar Bear.

It is impossible for Lao Mo, including Yi, to pay with food.

His country is not a big grain-producing country, and all the food is used to pay for it. At that time, the price of grain in his country will increase to a point where it cannot be increased.

"But Your Majesty, what do you think will happen to the world after they go back this time? Our battleships will not be traded with them until August, but tanks and planes can be delivered to them now."

Bai Jiansheng couldn't help chuckling when he thought of these people going back with these advanced tanks and planes.

"How? I think the first thing they do when they go back is to open up a tank or plane and study the internal structure!"

Han Ling wanted to laugh when he thought of his hands and feet.

"Your Majesty! Will they imitate it?"

Zhang Hanqing asked with some concern.

"No! They will never be able to imitate them. I have tampered with all the things they bought back. If they just change some parts, it's no problem.

But if you want to open up all of them for research, then it won't work. At that time, the parts inside, including the engine, will become a pile of scrap iron.And even if they can successfully get the engine inside, they can't imitate it!Because they don't have that technology! "

When Han Ling said the last time, there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

Engine, also known as engine.

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