Whether it is tanks, aircraft, or battleships, the engine is their heart and the key to technology.

The engines in the tanks and airplanes that Han Ling sold to them were all produced with high-precision machine tools, and the technology inside them was not yet within their reach.

If you can imitate it if you get an engine, the Huaxia of later generations will not suffer from engine technology.

In terms of power for later generations of Huaxia, it has always been difficult to break through the engine.

So Han Ling was not afraid of their imitation.

If in these two cases, they can still succeed in the imitation, Han Ling will admit it, anyway, the armored forces will be replaced with Sky tanks soon!

Chapter 464: On the World Trend

"Okay! Even if they can imitate it, it will be a few years later, and we will have new weapons at that time! Now what we want to talk about is the current world situation in the past two years!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he glanced at Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing and continued: "We all know that since the Seven Nations Conference, the world situation has been re-divided. Our Han Empire has achieved a certain status in the world, while in Asia , we are once again the Asian hegemon.

But we are happy, we have achieved the status we deserve, and some countries will lose their status, just like our old men in the north.Because of us, Lao Maozi was nominally blocked on this land by us. We surrounded them in the east, and Xiao Huzi also bared his teeth and claws at him in the west.But I don't believe this will last long.

Big Beard is not a person who is willing to be subdued, being suppressed by us, maybe they will calm down during this period of time, but he will never be reconciled to being suppressed by Mustache.

So I estimate three years!After three years, the world will never be peaceful again! "

Han Ling raised three fingers and said, he also has a basis for saying this.

According to the original history, World War II would break out in [-], but the current history has begun to change.

Because of his own reasons, history has begun to deviate from the original track. Next, if the Han Empire remains strong, and Mustache also rises rapidly with the support of the Han Empire, Beard will never let him grow like this.

Therefore, the change of history will cause the war to break out earlier. Maybe this time it will no longer be a war started by a mustache, or maybe it will still be a war started by a bearded man. All of this is possible.

"Three years? Your Majesty! Are you sure? It's really only three years? After three years, we will only have three or seven years! Is there any chance of winning if we go to war with these world powers?"

Zhang Hanqing heard an unusual meaning from Han Ling's urgent words, and looking at the current status of the Han Empire in the world, Zhang Hanqing felt that something was not right.

"No hurry! I just said that war might break out in three years' time, but who knows when it will break out!

And even if a war breaks out, the empire does not necessarily have to participate in the early stage of the war.Let's look at the United States. They didn't participate in the early stage of World War I, and they only participated in the end. In the early stage, they sold out their arms and made a lot of money.We can also learn from them! "

Han Ling said with a smile at the end, now he is not worried about the coming of the world war.

If the Han Empire is really at its most critical moment, then don't blame him.

The big deal is to accumulate resources for a period of time, then create an ultimate weapon, and set off a big firecracker battle for you to see if you still fight. If you do, I will accompany you to fight and see if you can afford it.

This is also where Han Ling's confidence lies, and clone soldiers, [-] clone soldiers a week!More than [-] clone soldiers a month.

At that time, it will be impossible, take out the weapons of later generations, and arm all the clone soldiers.

These human soldiers can't understand the weapons of later generations because of their cultural level, but clone soldiers can!It's time to see who kills who!

Anyway, since the fifth level of the information base, Han Ling has confidence and is invincible.

"Your Majesty! If war really breaks out in three years, doesn't that mean that there will be an arms race like World War I in these two years?"

Mr. Zhan Ning deserves to be Mr. Zhan Ning!It is also well-founded to be called the number one man in the Chinese military in history, and his vision is indeed very poisonous.Han Ling only talked about the front, and he thought about the back.

"Yes! And the beginning of the arms race is the end of our auction. We only sold a thousand tanks and a thousand planes in total.

But with so many countries, it is definitely not enough.

Those countries that have not bought weapons will definitely develop new fighters when they think that the other party has advanced fighters, but they will definitely not be able to develop them in a short time.

If new fighters cannot be developed, then they can only use quantity to raise funds.At that time, won't a new round of arms race begin? "

When Han Ling said this, a smile flashed in his eyes.

He played this trick really well, and he provoked an arms race without making a fuss.

And most importantly, countries such as Britain and France will also participate.They can't get involved.

This time Britain and France each auctioned off one battleship, but Mustache ordered two and Lao Mo ordered three.

As a naval power, if they are suppressed by Mustache and Old Mo, do you think they will be willing?

Under various circumstances, the British countrymen can only speed up the research of new battleships and the production of more battleships with fairly good performance before.

Otherwise, relying on their old-fashioned battleships, they would not be able to fight the Wuyue-class battleships at all. This has been proved before in the Riau Naval Battle.

"Hey! We have only just founded the country, and there has been no peace for two days, and a world war is about to break out. It's really uneasy!"

Mr. Zhan Ning sighed leisurely.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, this is not what we want to fight! Even if we don't plan, do you think there will be no world war? Don't forget the mustache, he has always wanted to avenge World War I. Even if we don't plan, when the time comes, mustache We will still fight. We are just making a little layout for the future!"

"Hey! Your Majesty! I understand what you said. If you give us a little more world, not too much, if you give us another ten years, then our national strength, talent pool and other things will have a new change. Not like now!"

"Ten years? Impossible! It's impossible for those countries to give us ten years. Anyway, let's take one step at a time! Forget it, I won't talk about it. Before I knew it, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and I was at half past four this afternoon. There is another symposium at Peking University. I'm leaving first!"

After Han Ling looked at the watch on his wrist, he got up with a smile and left.

"Hehe! Your Majesty's emphasis on education is a blessing to the country! Many people before didn't know that education was important."

Watching Han Ling leave, Bai Jiansheng smiled and shook his head. In fact, he was also a person who didn't pay much attention to education.When he was still a warlord of the Guangxi clique, he was only thinking about expanding the army, so he didn't spend much time thinking about education.

Chapter 465: Great Han Tianwei

On the playground of Peking University.

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