Let the whole world tremble under the iron hooves of the big man, and let the world feel our majesty.Let our iron-blooded Han army flag fly on this land forever, let it guard the sky of the big man forever, and let our people walk on the streets with a straight back! "

Han Ling said that he touched the rainwater on his face, put his hands on the table, looked at the students below and continued: "We Han people have always been the masters of this land since our birth, before and now. , and it will be in the future. Our ancestors have left us the majesty of the Han Tianwei, which cannot be offended. And we should take over the banner of our ancestors, work hard for the Han, strive for the Han, and work hard for which Chinese character in our nation! "

Chapter 466: Lao Luo's Worries

After Han Ling's speech, he returned to the Forbidden City. When the Han Empire was shrouded in darkness, it was morning in the capital of the United States on the far side of the ocean.

President Luo of the United States is sitting in a wheelchair, holding a coffee cup in his hand, drinking coffee quietly, while a female assistant is pinching his calf.

"Mr President!"

Just as Lao Luo was admiring the rising sun, a voice came from behind.

"Johnny, did you find out?"

Lao Luo didn't need to look back, he knew who it was just by hearing the voice.

"Yes! Mr. President, we have found out."

Jonny, Lao Luo's economic advisor, is responsible for assisting Lao Luo in dealing with some economic matters.

"Avery, go and help me see if breakfast is ready!"

Lao Luo said to the female assistant who was pinching his legs.

"Yes! Mr. President!"

"Johnny, you can talk about it!"

Lao Luo said softly after the female assistant left.

"Yes! Qihang Company was a company registered in our country at the end of [-]. In [-], they began to recruit various talents in our country.

Since the end of [-], they have started various business activities in our country, while continuing to recruit various talents.

And since [-], because Qihang Company can reduce the unemployment rate of each state and solve the employment problem of citizens, the governors of all states have opened the door to Qihang Company.Qihang Company has also grown into a behemoth in our country after just two or three years.

And since you, Mr. President, came into power, because of a series of policies and cooperation with the states before Qihang, they have started to develop rapidly again in the past one and a half years.So far, Qihang's market value in my country has reached billions of dollars, with more than [-] employees.

According to our investigation, the behind-the-scenes boss of Qihang Company is not their current president Lan Qian, but Han Ling, the current emperor of the Han Empire.

In addition, Qihang Company is only a branch in my country.The headquarters of Qihang Company is in the capital of the Han Empire.

The Qihang Company is deeply rooted in the Han Empire. They are involved in all walks of life. Their current value is immeasurable. Many heavy industries in the Han Empire are controlled by the Qihang Company. It can be said that the Qihang Company has integrated with the Han Empire.

In addition, according to our investigation during this period, it seems that there are still some companies in our country that have an unclear relationship with Qihang Company, which seems to be a branch of Qihang Company, but we cannot be sure! "

Johnny was swearing, while Lao Luo was sitting in a wheelchair and listening quietly. Looking at it like this, he seemed to be a kind old man, but the glint in his eyes from time to time betrayed him.

After Jonny finished speaking, he stood quietly behind Lao Luo without saying anything.

Lao Luo is also slowly thinking about it. He really did not expect that Qihang Company would grow so strong in just a few years. Although this cannot be separated from the support of the governors of the following states, they have strong strength is what really matters.

"Does Qihang Company have branches in countries such as Britain and France?"

After a long time, Lao Luo asked leisurely.

"Yes! According to our investigation, Qihang Company has branches in Britain, France and Germany. Among them, the branch in Ying is the largest!"

"Thirty Years! That Emperor's Majesty really has a unique vision! In Three Years, they are just living in a corner! But that Emperor's Majesty has already deployed the world. Johnny, it seems that we have met an opponent !"

Lao Luo said with some sighs.

"To be honest! That emperor's vision is indeed very poisonous. According to the information provided by our intelligence organization, it seems that the rise of the European mustache has something to do with the Han Empire, but we cannot confirm it."

"It's normal! If you say that the Han Empire supports Xiao Huzi's rise to power, you don't need any evidence. Now that the Han Empire is fully supporting Xiao Huzi, if you say that there is no relationship between them, I believe no one will believe it."

Some things don't need evidence at all, just like the relationship between the Han Empire and Mustache.

Since Little Beard came to power, the attitude of the Han Empire towards Germany has changed.

Because Germany prevented the unification of the Han Empire before, the attitude of the Han Empire towards Germany has always been very bad.

But after Mustache took the stage, everything changed.

And Mustache also recalled the previous ambassadors and military attaches to China, and sent people from the country again, and the military attaches sent there were still generals.

Has anyone ever seen an admiral as a military attache?So it's unusual to say that the trickiness in it has made Lao Luo rush to it.

"What do you think of Qihang Company?"

Suddenly Lao Luo asked, he felt a sense of danger in his heart when Qihang Company took root in their country and developed so strong, it was purely a politician’s feeling about an unknown thing.

"It feels like the Great Han Empire is sending us a signal of friendship, but I don't think it's appropriate. I don't know what's wrong with it!"

Something was wrong in Johnny's heart.But when Qihang Company solves their employment problem for them, it seems to be nothing. Isn't it a friendly signal?

"Send a friendly signal? No! Absolutely not! The Han Empire is newly established, and they don't need to send a signal like this. I heard that they are recruiting talents in our country. Have you counted the main talents they recruited?"

Lao Luo didn't believe that the Han Empire would use this method to send him a friendly signal.

Although he and Han Ling had never met, based on his understanding of the Han Empire and Han Ling over the years, he knew that Han Ling was a person who had nothing to gain.

What kind of method such a person would use to send out friendly signals, he would not believe it if he was killed.

"We have made a rough statistic on this point. According to the news from the governors of the following states, Qihang Company seems to recruit everyone. Teachers, workers, technicians, drivers, engineers, it seems that they have no occupations except thieves Everyone is recruiting."

"Except for thieves? It seems that His Majesty has great ambitions. The rise of a country cannot be separated from the support of countless talents. It seems that he wants to revive the Han Empire in the shortest possible time! If we don't take some measures, the future The Han Empire will be our great enemy!"

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