Chapter 467: Han Ling's Strategy

"The enemy? Mr. President, can't you? In recent years, the Han Empire has been relatively tough, but our country is protected by two oceans, and no one can defeat us. Not even the Han Empire!"

After all, Johnny is engaged in economics, and now when it comes to military things, he is as naive as those members of Congress.

They always believe that under the protection of the two oceans, no one in the United States can hit their homeland.

But Lao Luo knows that it's not that no one can hit their homeland, but that no one has the strength.

But the rising Han Empire is too mysterious, and the navy is rising too fast.

As far as the outside world knows, the Dahan Pacific Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet, these two large fleets have independent ocean-going combat capabilities.

"No! Johnny, the Han Empire already has the strength to attack our homeland, but whether they can do so is another matter. I heard that they have formed the South China Sea Fleet. As for the strength of their South China Sea Fleet, I don't know yet, but if they China's South China Sea Fleet is also rising rapidly, and on the land of Asia, we will not have any country that is their opponent!"

"Mr. President, there is news from the Asian station that the South China Sea Fleet of the Han Empire has appeared!"

At this moment, a man in a suit hurried up to Lao Luo.

"What? Nathan, you said the South China Sea Fleet of the Han Empire has appeared? How strong is it?"

Lao Luo was startled and asked immediately.

He really wanted to know the strength of the Han Empire's South China Sea Fleet.

"Mr. President, this is the news from the Asian station, please take a look!"

Nathan, the intelligence officer handed the telegram to Lao Luo with a worried expression on his face.

"What? Ten battleships? Five aircraft carriers? Twenty-five heavy cruisers?"

Lao Luo only looked at it for a few seconds, and suddenly cried out.

On the afternoon of April [-], [-], the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Han Empire officially announced to the outside world that since then the South China Sea has become the internal sea of ​​the Han Empire, and no ships are allowed to enter the South China Sea without permission.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Han Empire also announced to the outside world that the Bay of Bengal, the Sea of ​​Burma, and the Gulf of Thailand are all the inner bays of the Han Empire. Any country's warships entering the following areas without permission will be regarded as invasion and invasion of the Han Empire.

When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released the news to the diplomacy, the South China Sea Fleet, which had been formally formed, began to set off.

Ten battleships, five aircraft carriers, and twenty-five heavy cruisers set off from the southern coast of the Han Empire to the Bay of Bengal, Sea of ​​Burma, and Gulf of Thailand to inspect the empire's waters.

The travel photos of the newly established fleet of the South China Sea Fleet were also handed over to some media by Han Ling.

A group of people waited to see the mighty giants in the photo, and at a glance, they were all fleets of giant steel ships, and they immediately felt chills in their hearts.

At the same time, countries such as Britain and France also feel that the situation is not good.

The Han Empire has formed three large fleets in a short period of time.

The East China Sea Fleet, which was first formed, now has ten battleships, thirty-five heavy cruisers, and countless other ships.

The Pacific Fleet now has four battleships, eight aircraft carriers, thirty heavy cruisers, and countless other ships.

The newly formed South China Sea Fleet has ten battleships, five aircraft carriers, and twenty-five heavy cruisers.

This has shocked many countries.

There are already twenty-four battleships, and all of them are super battleships.

In addition, there are thirteen aircraft carriers and ninety heavy cruisers.

That is, the ninety heavy cruisers are more than the destroyers of many countries, such as France.

But at this time, Lao Luo looked at the information in his hand, and his face was a little ugly.

"Johnny! Did you see that? Ten battleships, five aircraft carriers, and twenty-five heavy cruisers. This is another naval fleet with ocean-going offensive capabilities!"

Lao Luo looked at Johnny with a gloomy face and said.

He calculated silently in his heart, and finally found that the Han Empire had unknowingly owned twenty-four battleships, thirteen aircraft carriers, and ninety heavy cruisers.

This strength is already very strong, and it is already the world's number one in terms of naval tonnage.

But as for the specific strength, Lao Luo still doesn't know, but the aircraft on the thirteen aircraft carriers can bring a lot of damage to people.

Johnny could only shrug his shoulders helplessly when he heard the president's words. It is really a problem for you to let him be an economical man to do military affairs.

"Nathan, you go and send a message to the Asian station, let them pay close attention to the news of the Han Empire's South China Sea Fleet! As long as the news related to the Han Empire is sent back immediately!"

Lao Luo shook his head, and he wasn't going to talk to Johnny anymore. He also knew that Johnny was a businessman.He is a good player in the economy, but he is not good when it comes to the military.

Time passed slowly, and the next day, April [-]th, there were more Zhan Ninggong and others in Han Ling's imperial study.

"Your Majesty! Now we release the news of the establishment of the South China Sea Fleet, and let them go to the Bay of Bengal and other areas to inspect the territory of the empire. I am afraid that it will cause a sense of crisis in many countries. It is estimated that our incident of adding fuel to the fire will make the whole world The world is speeding up into the period of arms race!"

Mr. Zhan Ning sat on a chair and smiled.

"Yeah! The world is so peaceful. I thought that after the auction, all countries in the world would start preparing for a new round of arms race, but I got news a few days ago, they just discussed it below, except for the mustache According to De and Lao Mo, except for the bearded Su, other countries are still restraining themselves. This is impossible! Therefore, I had no choice but to make a bad move and let the South China Sea Fleet go to the Bay of Bengal for a while I want to see if those proud John Bulls are in a hurry this time."

Han Ling said helplessly, as if he was innocent.

However, Mr. Zhan Ning and others knew Han Ling's character well. He would do things that were not beneficial?

In fact, Mr. Zhan Ning was right, and Han Ling would naturally not do things that were not beneficial.

The point is that the auction a few days ago made Han Ling feel that the money from selling arms was too fast. ,

More than three billion US dollars came in just one click, how fast the money came!Faster than robbery.

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