Some kids might be able to get there, but many couldn't.

Because when they flee on the road and are seen by many people, they will rob them of everything they can eat.

Some people even treat them as a delicious meal when they are extremely hungry.

The situation in West Siberia reached Han Ling's ears again.

"Your Majesty! Now that the old man has stepped up his efforts to requisition grain again, can we use this to make some more fuss?"

Thanks to Han Ling's strategy last time, this time Mr. Zhan Ning thought of the strategy Han Ling used last time.

"Make a fuss? No need! Our goal has been achieved. There is no need to spend any more energy on it. The old man is already so poor that he is starving to death. But he still wants to participate in the arms race. This is his own death, so we will There is no need to worry about it. What we are going to talk about now is this matter, take a look!"

Chapter 469: Visiting Group

"President of the United States invited us to visit the United States?"

Han Ling passed a telegram to the people below, and Mr. Zhan Ning said in disbelief after reading it.

"That's right! The crippled president of Millikin invited us to visit Millikin. What do you think of this?"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he glanced at the people below and said.

"This visit doesn't seem normal! At this time, countries all over the world are actively expanding their armaments, and the world's arms race is starting again, but he invited us to visit America? I think there are some things in it that are worth thinking about. !"

After reading it, Bai Jiansheng said intriguingly.

"Well! What Jiansheng said is good, but what do you think of this visit? Shall we go or not?"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he turned his attention to Minister of Foreign Affairs Shi Zhaoji and Minister of Secretary Fang Tu.

These two people also came today, in fact, not only they came, Cai Heqing also came.But Cai Heqing came uninvited, saying that he had something to do.

"Your Majesty! The old minister thinks we should go, no matter whether the president of Millikin asks us to stand in line or has other purposes. Since they have sent an invitation, we should go. If we don't go, we will add an enemy for nothing."

Shi Zhaoji said according to the current situation.

"Hmm! What Zhizhi said is good! But we will definitely go. But who we send, the size of the visiting group, and what kind of visiting group, this is worth pondering."

Han Ling said the most important thing that Millikin invited this time, and that was the question of preference.

The size of the visiting group and the representative of the visiting group all represent the current tendency and alignment of the Han Empire.

The current world pattern has shown a multi-polar trend.

First of all, from a large scale, it can be said that the three kingdoms of Eagle Weight and Rice are firmly standing together.

Lao Mo meant a power.

Mustache and the Han Empire are another force.

And the big beard is another strength.

But among them, the eagle weight rice and the bearded man can be said to be opposites, which are completely ideological oppositions.

And there are conflicts between the mustache and the beard, Britain and France.

And because of ideological issues, Mustache and Lao Mo's intentions have some kind of connection, they can be said to be allies.

Let's talk about the Han Empire.

On the surface, the Han Empire and other countries in the world have conflicts and hatreds, but He Xiaohuzi has a pseudo-ally relationship.

The Han Empire is also the overlord of Asia, and it can be said to be an independent force. Because of its strength, countries such as Britain and France dare not speak out.

However, after the auction some time ago, it seemed that the relationship between the Great Han Empire and other countries in the world seemed to be unwilling to offend the Great Han Empire.

On the surface, it seems that everyone has a good relationship with the Han Empire, and it can be said that they have both sides.

It is also based on this situation that Lao Luo of Millikin wants to force the Han Empire to stand in line, and wants to end the situation that the Han Empire has both sides.

If they go well, they will make a lot of money in this arms race just like they did in World War I.

To put it bluntly, Lao Luo just didn't want the Han Empire to rise so quickly, and wanted to contain the Han Empire.

Don't forget that Millikin has not yet pulled out of the quagmire of the economic crisis. Although the economic situation has improved, the situation is still very bad.

"If this is a visit with strong political significance, then the members of the visiting group have to think carefully!"

Mr. Zhan Ning has spoken, and this question is also the most important one.

"I think this is actually a question of the nature of the visiting group, and it is also a question of the definition of this visit.

First of all, generals in the army cannot go!The army represents the military power of a country, and it represents the tendency of war factions. If generals are sent to the past, this represents the military tendency of our country.So I think we might as well define this visit as a friendly visit, a diplomatic visit.

We sent a vice-minister of foreign affairs, vice-minister of education, vice-minister of cultural propaganda and others to go there.The visit to the United States on behalf of our country is a friendly visit, and it was an exchange of academic culture in the past. We will redefine the nature of this visit. "

Han Ling thought about it for a while and felt that he still needed to practice Tai Chi for this visit. If he took the middle route, it would be difficult to make decisions in the middle, so he might as well take the middle route.

In the past, when discussing education and cultural issues, we did not talk about military affairs or politics.Avoid these topics.

"I think this method is good, but I'm afraid they insist on asking us this question. If you ask how our country thinks about the current world situation, it's hard to avoid it!"

Shi Zhaoji thinks this method, but if those guys in Millikin insist on asking, that's a problem.

"So this time, the head of the visiting group must choose an official who can speak well, is adaptable, has rich experience, and is also good at the golden mean of our Han Empire!"

As Han Ling said this, a figure appeared in his mind.

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