In the Great Han Empire, if one is good at the doctrine of the mean, and one of the best among them, there is one person who is famous.

No need to guess, this person is Yan Baichuan.As the man who can dance on three eggs in history, he definitely plays the golden mean well.

And if he is the head of the delegation this time, that would be fine, because he is the Minister of Civil Affairs.Talking about people's livelihood, if you ask him about the military, that is not his responsibility.

"Your Majesty, that's what I said. It's just that if we send a minister and a group of deputy ministers to visit Millikin, although they are slanted, they seem to lack that kind of solemnity in terms of specifications. Do you want to send some more? Representative, high-status people in the past?"

Mr. Zhan Ning has lived his whole life, so he thinks about a lot of issues and considers more comprehensively.

"Low specification? Indeed! So, think about it again, what kind of people should we send there!"

The official system of the Han Empire is relatively simple and clear. It is not long since the founding of the country. The physique is simple and it will not show that kind of bloated state. It is also quick to do things.

The ministers of each department are directly responsible to Han Ling, which means that the ministers are already considered very high official positions in the Han Empire.

If it is higher than this, then you have to go to the military series, or send someone with a high title.

"High status? High official title?"

Han Ling thought about it, and suddenly thought of someone.This person's official position in the name of the Han Empire is absolutely high, and his status is not low.

Chapter 470: Jiang Mansion

"Okay! That's him."

After having a thought in his mind, a smile appeared on Han Ling's face.

Looking up, Cai Heqing was still standing below.

"I just remembered, you came to see me for something, what's the matter? Tell me!"

Seeing that Han Ling finally remembered herself, Cai Heqing burst into tears, and finally remembered him.

He saw Han Ling meditating just now, but he didn't dare to interrupt.

"Your Majesty! The old minister came to you today for the purpose of education!"

"Education? Hasn't the new education reform document been issued? What happened?"

Han Ling asked curiously. He remembered that the documents on education reform had already been issued, and education was being carried out all over the country. What happened now?

Could it be that there is another problem with education in the south?

"It's like this. Some time ago, our Ministry of Education was going to implement His Majesty's instructions and revive the spirit of the Han Dynasty. But after our research, we found that there is a martial spirit in the spirit of the Han Dynasty. Even literati and inkmen practice swords, because one of the six arts of a gentleman Swords. But now all over the country is focusing on education, and martial arts also cost a lot of money. Besides, students don’t have so much time to learn these things, because students have military lessons every week.”

"The spirit of martial arts is for exercising the body, cultivating its spirit and will, and cultivating sentiments, etc. This matter can be integrated into military courses. I heard that the National Wushu Association has concentrated martial arts masters and a large number of martial arts experts from all over the country.

He Qing, go and talk to the president of the Martial Arts Association in person.It is said that the Wushu Association has branches all over the country.Let them teach students all over the country how to practice martial arts.Only with a strong body can we work harder in the future!

At the same time, I also need a martial spirit.It is extremely abhorrent that the previous dynasty completely wiped out the martial spirit of our people.As for the cost of this, I will ask the Ministry of Finance to allocate a transfer.But you remember, education must never go wrong.He is the guarantee of the future of the Han Empire! "

At the end, Han Ling said with a serious face.

"Yes! Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the old minister will definitely check it out himself. There will never be any problems."

"Well! Go down! Talk to yourself!"

After Cai Heqing left, Han Ling felt a little more relaxed. It was already May [-]th, [-].

Time flies really fast!The last auction was held on April [-]th, and almost a month has passed before you know it.

"Spirit of martial arts! Martial art! Get rid of the dross and get the essence. Take your time! You should also meet that person!"

Han Ling muttered something to himself, then got up and said to the outside: "Come on! Get the car ready, I'm going to Jiang's Mansion!"

Needless to say, Jiang's Mansion was the former chairman's mansion, which later became Shangfeng.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the National Supreme Management Committee was reorganized and changed to the Han Empire Government Affairs Management Committee, which was only inferior to Han Ling in name.

But in fact, they don't have any rights in their hands, and they don't have any actual positions, just a false position.There is no right in the hand.

But the name has not changed. To put it bluntly, it is a place for the elderly.

And the peak is still the peak.


"Daling, are you still worried about Lingyi?"

Mrs. Jiang walked to Shangfeng and sat down beside her and asked softly.

"Hey! His Majesty agreed in the past because I was still useful, and he still wanted to use my students. But now he can't. His ruling foundation has been completely solid, and no one can shake his ruling foundation. Lingyi's The marriage was also repeatedly rejected by him, saying that Lingyi had not finished her studies. Your elder sister and the others also sent telegrams every now and then in the south. But what can I do about this matter?

The Han Empire Government Affairs Committee?It sounds good, but I don't even have the slightest right in my hands.Your Majesty is very wary of me! "

Shangfeng smiled helplessly.He didn't blame Han Ling at all.

Throughout the history of the change of dynasties, people from the previous dynasties, and even important figures, were able to survive, and there were almost no people who wanted him to live a small life like this.Winner and loser, what does he hate?

At least he wasn't like those losers who were killed. At least Han Ling made him have nothing to worry about.

"Darling! Don't worry about it anymore. My eldest sister and the others are thinking too much about this matter. We are from the previous dynasty. How can His Majesty let us rise again!"

Madam Jiang doesn't understand politics, but I believe anyone can understand these most basic issues.

"Hey! Even if His Majesty will allow us to rise again, will the new nobles let us go? The eldest sister and the others have offended many people. Now the bitter fruit is coming!"

There are some things that Shangfeng sees more clearly, even if Han Ling will let them rise, but now the emerging nobles and merchants of the Han Dynasty will suppress their rise.

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