The reason is simple, because the Han Empire robbed them of their things and their resources.If it makes you rise, what will you do if you take revenge?

Especially Mrs. Jiang and her family, they have the word "Qianchao" on their heads.

There are many people who want to flatter Han Ling. If you dare to rise up, he will dare to suppress you to please Han Ling.

Unless Han Lingna orders Yi to enter the palace, this is only possible, and they can only change the current ending, they cannot make it bigger.

If it becomes bigger, all nobles in the Han Empire will not agree, including Duke Zhan Ning and Zhang Hanqing.

Although Zhang Hanqing and Shangfeng were brothers who worshiped and burned yellow paper, his interests had long been integrated with the Han Empire. His Zhang family was also a representative family of the emerging nobles of the Han Empire, so how could it be possible for the former dynasty to become bigger.

"Master, Your Majesty is here to visit!"

At this moment, the concierge of Jiang's mansion came in and said softly.

Then Han Ling's figure appeared in Shangfeng's eyes.

"Hehe! I came here uninvited, won't Shangfeng not welcome me?"

Han Ling appeared in Shangfeng's eyes wearing a white shirt underneath.

"How dare you! Please sit down, Your Majesty!"

After Shangfeng bowed his hands to Han Ling, he gave up his seat, and Mrs. Jiang quickly stood up.

The Han Empire did not kneel down to salute, and everyone did not have to kneel down when they saw the emperor, just bowed their hands to signal.

"Hehe! Shangfeng should sit down too! I came here on an empty stomach today, Shangfeng won't drive away this evil guest like me?"

Han Ling joked after sitting down.

"Your Majesty is joking! You go to the kitchen and let them cook!"

Shangfeng is a politician. He never believed that there is a free lunch in the world, nor did he believe that Han Ling would come to eat with him for no reason.

Since he came to find himself, there must be something wrong.

Chapter 471: Agreed

After Mrs. Jiang left, Shangfeng smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Han Ling: "Your Majesty, how about the study?"

"Right on my mind!"

After Han Ling said something with a smile, he walked ahead without hesitation.

"Your Majesty may have something to do when he visits today!"

As a surrenderer, one must have the consciousness of a surrenderer, and now Shangfeng is very conscious.

As soon as he came in, he was the first to ask Han Ling what the matter was, and handed over the initiative to Han Ling.

"It's not a big deal if you talk about it, but there's a public-funded tour here!"

After Han Ling said something with a smile, seeing the indifference on Shangfeng's face, he knew that the old fox was obviously waiting for his next words.

Han Ling simply stopped playing riddles with these old foxes, and said directly: "We will send a visiting group to the United States for a friendly visit in a while, but we don't have any suitable candidates. After thinking about it, I still think you are more suitable for the visiting group." The position of head, so I am sitting in your study now."

"Visiting the United States? Isn't Secretary Fang Tu and Foreign Minister Shi Zhaoji going?"

"They are not high enough. We need a more friendly visit with great sincerity. Their status as ministers is not enough in front of the country."

"Isn't there still Lord Zhan Ning and Han Qing? As county kings, their status should be enough?"

"They belong to the generals in the army. This visit cannot be mixed with any military factors. It can only be of a friendly and academic exchange nature!"

"Your Majesty! I will have someone take over this task, but you need to tell me the cause and effect of the matter, otherwise I will not be able to do it!"

Shangfeng did not refuse, he knew it was not a temptation.If Han Ling wants to test him, he doesn't need to be given the position of head of the visiting delegation, but can use his power to test him directly, wouldn't it be better?And Shangfeng believes that this is still a turning point.

And Shangfeng didn't think he had anything worth Han Ling's testing.

"Well! Since you agreed, I might as well tell you. The President of the United States sent us a friendly invitation before, hoping that we could send a delegation to visit the United States. Now the world is undergoing a new round of armaments Competition, the world structure has changed greatly, and every country has its own little ideas.

And because our country is rising too fast, various military weapons are already far ahead of the world, so all countries in the world hope to buy our weapons.As a result, our Great Han Empire has both ways.

But the United States does not want us to do this, because they started their business with this ability.

Now the United States is persecuting our team, among countries such as the Eagles, Coal, Technetium, Italy, and the Soviet Union, we can only choose one side.

If during this visit, we have a military general, it will be considered as leaning towards the United States.Therefore, people from the military must not go.

In addition, the head of our visiting group must be an old man who has been in the officialdom and has rich experience, and his status must be high.

Now our Han Empire has a high status, and the only person without any interest factors is Shangfeng.As for the room map you mentioned, it doesn't work at all.Because he is the Minister of the Secretary Department, he can be said to be my spokesperson in the outside world. If he goes to the United States, it means that I support the United States. This is not very good for our country's international situation.The international situation that our country has finally created will also deteriorate because of this.”

Han Ling talked to Shang Feng slowly, and Shang Feng was also listening slowly.

It's just that the more he listened to Shangfeng, the more frightened he became. He didn't expect that in a short period of time, the Han Empire would start to confront the world's major powers and make a name for itself in the international arena.

Shangfeng didn't know these things before.Although Zhan Ninggong, Fang Tu, and Shi Zhaoji were talking casually among them, it was because they were high-level officials in the Han Empire, and they had the right to know these things.

And Shangfeng is just in name, and he has no right to know this.But after listening to it today, I feel very shocked.

"This task is really heavy, and even I don't have much confidence that I can handle it well!"

Shangfeng pondered for a while before speaking.

"But right now you are best suited for the task."

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