Han Ling also told the current situation that Shangfeng is indeed the most suitable for this position.

Yan Baichuan, who was considered before, can only be the deputy head of the visiting delegation because he is only at the ministerial level.

"En! I understand. I agreed to this matter, but I still need to think about it for a few days. I have to consider some situations. In addition, you have to assign me a few assistants. There are some things that I can't handle alone!"

Shangfeng agreed, but also asked for a deputy.

There are two reasons.

First, he just told Han Ling that he would not have any small thoughts, so that he could rest assured.

Second, sometimes a deputy can help a lot, especially an experienced deputy can play a big role.

"En! No problem, I am going to send Yan Baichuan to be your assistant. I believe he can give you a lot of help on these issues!"

Han Ling nodded. He was going to send an assistant to Shangfeng. There is no doubt about it.

"Okay! Just let me know when you're leaving!"

Shangfeng nodded. He didn't want to take care of too many things, so as not to leave Han Ling with the idea that he wanted to regain power, which would be even more detrimental to him.

After having a meal at Shangfeng's house, they returned to the Forbidden City. On the next day, on May [-]th, another important event was placed on Han Ling's table.

The design of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge has been prepared, and at the same time, all the hydrological data of the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River have been prepared, and the construction will start after the funds are in place.

"En! That's right! What about the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge and the Chongqing Yangtze River Bridge? In addition, what about the Yangtze River Bridge in Luzhou and other places?

This time we are going to build the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge first, because this is an important bridge connecting the north and the south, and the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is also connecting the north and the south in Central China.

The bridges in Luzhou and Chongqing are mainly responsible for communicating the traffic problems inside and outside Sichuan.Since we are going to build the Yangtze River Bridge, let’s design them all together and build them one by one!Don't wait until you need it to design! "

Han Ling looked at it for a while and said.

Yu Wanhe, the minister of communications below, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this will take some time!"

"It takes time, no problem, go down and build the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge! Let the designers work hard, and after the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is built, start designing the structures of the remaining bridges across the Yangtze River!"


Chapter 472: Lao Luo's Anger

After solving the Yangtze River Bridge, Han Ling continued to be busy with his own affairs in the next few days. At the same time, countries all over the world are also hurrying up the incident and making all preparations for expanding their armaments.

However, even in such a general environment, there is still a country that has not expanded its armaments, and even its president submitted three consecutive armament expansion bills that were rejected by Congress.

And that country is America.

At present, isolationism is prevalent in the United States, and Lao Luo wants to expand his armaments, which is completely a fantasy.

According to those members of Congress, the United States is protected by two oceans, and no country can threaten the United States.

So they appealed loudly: instead of wasting money on the unimportant army, it is better to support a few more enterprises!

It is this kind of nonsense remarks that are very popular in the American Congress. The reason is that the members of Congress are all businessmen, and they are all politicians, not military strategists. ,

America is indeed protected by two oceans.

The vast Pacific Ocean is really a natural barrier.And the Atlantic Ocean is not as big as the Pacific Ocean, and even the gringos have the ability to attack.

However, there are strong winds and waves in the Atlantic Ocean, and the United States and the Gringos belong to the same species and roots, so they lack sufficient crisis awareness for the Gringos.

For these reasons, they resolutely opposed the expansion of armaments, and even shouted that instead of wasting money in the army, it is better to support a few more companies.

Lao Luo sat in a wheelchair and said helplessly with his eyes.

When he thought that the bill to expand the armaments that he had submitted a few days ago was thrown into the trash again by those congressmen, he felt a wave of anger spreading in his heart.

Now the whole world knows the expansion of armaments to prepare for war, but these damn congressmen still think that the United States is protected by two oceans and will not be invaded by anyone.

If it was like World War I, Lao Luo would not be so worried.

But this time the situation is very different. This time it is an arms race led by the Han Empire.

The Han Empire, the overlord of Asia, is the well-deserved overlord of East Asia.

Their navy is expanding again and again, and it seems that their navy has no upper limit.

For a long time, Lao Luo has always had an instinctive vigilance against the navy of the Han Empire, and the reason is that it is too powerful.

In just a few years, it has developed into the largest naval power in the world in terms of tonnage. This speed is really too fast.

And they are still developing the navy now, who knows how much potential they have.

"Oh! Mr. President, won't the people object to them?"

Jonny didn't know much about the East, or the Han Empire, and he was surprised when he heard the president say this.

"Objection? Their situation has lasted for thousands of years, and it has penetrated into their bones. Why should they object?"

Lao Luo once again expressed his dissatisfaction, and told Johnny in a stiff tone that the president is not in a good mood today.

"Mr. President, are you still troubled by what happened yesterday?"

"Worry? What's the use of worry? Johnny, do you know? Now the whole world knows about the expansion of armaments, and everyone knows that the next big war is likely to break out. Although we don't know when it will break out, it is already inevitable. But Look at our MPs, what are they doing?

They all want to stay out of it, they all think that we are protected by two oceans and no one can threaten us.But is it really so?On the other side of our ocean, the Han Empire already has [-] battleships, [-] aircraft carriers, and [-] heavy cruisers.

Any of their fleets has the ability to fight in the ocean.Who could defeat them if they pulled these fleets into the Pacific?Are we still safe? "

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