Lao Luo's voice revealed a hatred for the councilors. Many times, Lao Luo wanted to shoot those so-called councilors, but these things were just thinking about it!

"Oh! Mr. President, I heard your voice when I came here. It seems that this is not good! Maybe some underground mice are looking for opportunities!"

At this moment, a voice came from outside. Hearing this voice, Lao Luo knew who it was without turning his head.

"Bradley, here you come! Sorry, I'm sorry!"

Lao Luo sat quietly in the wheelchair, looked at the distance and said softly.

"No! You're not being rude, it's those MPs who sit in Congress who can only talk about it."

Bradley, the recent Army Warfare Academy veteran, shrugged.

As a good friend of Lao Luo, Bradley knew how his good friend was treated. ,

These days, because of Lao Luo's frequent requests for armament expansion, even the soldiers have been cast aside by some congressmen, and some even claim that the president's frequent submission of armament expansion bills has nothing to do with them.

"Bradley, do you know! I just got the news that the Han Empire privately sold [-] tanks to those mustaches in Europe for rearmament!"

Lao Luo said with some concern, which is why he was angry after frequently submitting armament expansion proposals and being rejected.

"One thousand? Where did the Han Empire get so many tanks? How powerful are their productivity?"

Bradley was taken aback.

"So powerful? Ha ha! Johnny, show him your statistics!"

"Yes! Mr. President!"

Jonny handed Bradley a copy of the information they had obtained, and the veteran, who was already in his forties, took the document and slowly looked through it.

"Twelve million!"

Bradley was taken aback when he saw the final steel output.

As far as he knows, the annual output of Ying Guo's steel at this time is only about [-] million tons, which seems to be close to [-] million tons.

But the Han Empire already had [-] million tons at the end of last year!

"This is still the data at the end of last year. Now five months have passed. Who knows the annual steel output of the Han Empire? I can't understand the development of this country, it's like a mystery!"

Chapter 473: The Drunkard Doesn't Want to Drink

"I've spent a lot of time researching this country, and the news I've been getting has been frustrating. They're almost moving forward in big strides.

Under the leadership of their emperor, they fought east and west over the years, and one force after another fell under their feet, and finally they unified the whole country.And last year, they wiped out the little devil in the east.

Although the little devil is like a clown in our eyes, he is a country that has spent decades developing, and his navy can also rank among the top three in the world. When it arrived, it was eaten by the Han Empire. "

Lao Luo continued to talk, a blurred look flashed in his eyes, there were some things he really wanted to know, but the more he wanted to know, the more he felt like a thick veil was covering his body.

"Sorry, I lost my temper again!"

Lao Luo said something with a smile before asking: "General Bradley, how is your investigation going? How is the situation of our Navy's Pacific Fleet now?"

"Not very good! In the Pacific Fleet, except for the three aircraft carriers that can conduct large-scale operations and ocean operations, the remaining eight battleships all face problems such as long service life and age.

If you want to fight in the ocean, maybe you should renovate it, or build a new battleship! "

Bradley said helplessly that he was a staff officer of the General Staff of the Ministry of Army, but he is also Lao Luo's military adviser now.

And the matter of collecting the navy's situation was also handed over to him.

Although he is an army general, he feels that the situation is not very good based on the situation of the Navy's Pacific Fleet collected.

"Used for a long time? There is no way. Unless our stingy congressmen think that those battleships have been used for too long and are unusable, they will approve the construction of new battleships in large quantities.

Otherwise you don't even think they'll agree to build now, of course!It would be different if war broke out! "

At the end, Lao Luo added a very humorous sentence.

After Lao Luo finished speaking, he didn't say any more, and Bradley didn't speak either.

As for Johnny, he is an economics man, and the conversation between Lao Luo and Bradley made him a little crazy, and he couldn't understand it at all!

"Mr. Bradley, please, as my military advisor, send a secret telegram to the Eagle Country, telling them to be careful of the Han Empire and not pin their hopes on the Han Empire. It is certain that the Han Empire provoked such an arms race. It is to start a war. I think it is very likely that the Han Empire wants to seek a new living space, and I hope they can send someone to test it out. Let’s see what the Han Empire wants to do!"

"Yes! Mr. President!"

When Lao Luo wanted to know what the Han Empire wanted, the Forbidden City on the other side of the ocean was plunged into darkness.

Night had already enveloped the land of Kyushu, but at this time the Imperial Study Room in the Forbidden City was still brightly lit.

Fang Tu, Yan Baichuan and the others gathered in the imperial study room again.

"Everyone, please take a look! The host country of the twelfth Olympic Games has been determined, and it is the capital of the mustache country. And the time is only three or six years.

Just now they specially sent an invitation, hoping that we can also participate in this Olympic Games, and at the same time, they hope that we can send a military delegation to pay them a friendly visit! "

After Han Ling finished speaking, all the people below were discussing, Han Ling didn't hinder them, just sat on it and listened quietly.

"Your Majesty! It's nothing to participate in the Olympics. It's not that our country has no athletes. The key is that this military delegation wants our country to send it there now? But now our delegation to visit the United States is still under intense preparation. How can this be sent as an envoy?" Mustache country?"

It was Yan Baichuan who stood up to speak. As an old fritter and a former overlord, he is very sensitive to politics.

"Baichuan, you are half right! He hopes that we can send a military delegation to visit them not now, but next year. The other half is that this time the Olympic Games is not as simple as a sports meeting. If it is just an Olympic Games, Do you think Moustache will send out an invitation letter alone? This probably means that drunkards are not interested in drinking! Although I have never met this person, Moustache, I also know that he always does everything with a purpose. People. I'm afraid the Olympics will change this time!"

Han Ling sat on it and thought about this Olympic Games in history, isn't it just spoiled by the mustache!A sports meeting not only concealed his ambitions under the mask, but also made Britain, France and other countries relax their vigilance.

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