This is a sports meeting with a very strong political nature.

"Your Majesty! Then how do we get back the mustache?"

Yan Baichuan and the others below looked at each other and asked.

"How to reply? No! Can't reply now! It's like I didn't hear it."

Han Ling rejected Yan Baichuan's proposal. What kind of person Moustache is, there has been a conclusion in history. Although I don't know if the current Moustache is the same as the one in history, I believe it is basically the same.

If they reply now, it is estimated that Mustache will spread it everywhere. If so, the previous plans of the Han Empire will be in vain, and it will become a joke to rack their brains to deal with the United States, so Han Ling decided not to reply.

"Then next year are we really going to send a military delegation to visit?"

Zhang Hanqing asked the question of the military delegation again.

"Next year? You can make preparations first! I estimate that there will be some new changes in the world structure next year, and it will be no problem to send them there, but now we must not clearly stand on any side.

Today is May [-]st, and in one or two months, we will start delivering battleships.After the delivery of the battleship, I will hold several trade fairs, so now I must not stand on the side of any country.In this arms race, what will I do if I don't make money from them! "

In this arms race, the army of the Han Empire should also be updated.

First of all, the semi-automatic rifles in the hands of soldiers should be replaced with assault rifles, because after this arms race, it is estimated that World War II broke out. Because of the changes in history, some things are no longer as they were in the original history.

In addition, the weapons and equipment of the tanks have to be refitted.

Dress up early to let the troops become familiar with weapons as soon as possible.In order to avoid the outbreak of the war, it will be replaced, and if something happens at that time, there will be no time to react.

Chapter 474: To inspect

The meeting ended again, and Han Ling fell into a new round of busyness.

With the development of the country, major businessmen have also begun to open various factories and purchase various equipment, lathes and other necessary equipment all over the country.

Now the living standards of the people across the country are gradually improving, people have more money in their pockets, their requirements for life are different, and the concept of consumption has also begun to change.

Domestic demand also began to increase, and those businessmen saw this opportunity and began to open various factories in various regions of the country.

After Han Ling's eyes stopped on industry, he turned his attention to agriculture again.

As the saying goes, food is paramount to the people. Although the high-yield seeds have been distributed now, it will not be reflected until July and August this year at the earliest, after the corn is harvested, and the rice harvest season in the south is also in August and September. .

There are still two or three months before that time, which means that the benefits of high-yielding seeds will not be reflected until two or three months later.

And before that, the winter wheat harvest in the north is now about to start.

Whether it is Henan, Shandong or the region, or the Guanzhong region, it has entered the last time to harvest winter wheat.

It was also at this time that Han Ling needed to focus on agricultural issues.

Since there have been incidents of officials using agricultural machinery to squeeze the people before, Han Ling will focus on these during the harvest season.

Although it is impossible for that kind of thing to happen again now, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Maybe one of my own negligence may cause huge losses to the people.

After careful attention to these no problems, Han Ling turned his attention to economic development.

It is said that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads.

At present, the country's infrastructure construction is good in the area north of the Yangtze River, and the main railway road is almost fully rolled out.

In addition, the construction of expressways has greatly improved the traffic problems in the areas north of the Yangtze River.However, the improvement in the areas south of the Yangtze River has not been great.

After all, the focus of national infrastructure construction is now on the area north of the Yangtze River. According to the plan of the Ministry of Communications, the transportation railway in the area north of the Yangtze River will be built first, and the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge will be built together with it, and then the transportation railway in the area south of the Yangtze River will be built. question.

Regarding this aspect, Han Ling didn't put much energy into it. The reason is that Yu Wanhe is indeed a talent.

This minister of the Ministry of Communications, who was originally an architect, did not have the exaggerated style of some officials, and worked in a down-to-earth manner. He had all the railway construction and infrastructure construction conditions across the country in his heart.

So Han Ling didn't interfere with some things. The so-called professional things should be left to professionals!

Then Han Ling turned his attention to education.

Education, the real [-]-year plan, is the foundation of a country's prosperity.

Now compulsory education has started across the country, but because of traffic and other problems, the place where universal education can really be achieved is still in the area north of the Yangtze River. To put it bluntly, it is the area that Han Ling ruled before.

Due to various reasons, education in the south of the Yangtze River is still being popularized. According to Cai Heqing's plan, education will be basically popularized throughout the country in three to five years, that is, next year.

However, the literacy campaign has been carried out relatively smoothly across the country.

Literacy in the areas north of the Yangtze River has basically ended.

In the areas south of the Yangtze River, going out to Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other areas with inconvenient transportation, other areas are also coming to an end.

According to Cai Heqing's report, it is expected that the literacy will be completed by the end of this year.

Sweeping the blind class is just to remove illiterate!

The literacy education of later generations went smoothly and quickly.

The reason is that the literacy class is not about how educated you are, but about eliminating the label of illiteracy.

In addition to going out to eliminate illiteracy, it is the cultivation and education of high-level talents.

Cai Heqing and the other senior officials of the Ministry of Education believe that the country is very short of talents, and the method of strict entry and loose exit should be adopted.

They believe that these students must work hard if they want to be admitted to university, and those who can persist in this way will definitely have a strong self-consciousness after entering university, so they don't have to relax so much when they graduate, and relax a little so that they can work hard as soon as possible. The country sends talents.

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