This concept is feasible at present, because people in this era are not like future generations, and these students cherish the opportunity to study and go to school.

But what about later?

We cannot ignore the future for the sake of the present. Some rules are difficult to reform once they are formed.

Think about the future generations, because of the changes in living conditions and the increase in the rate of cultural penetration.

Universities are relatively lenient when students graduate. However, many students are exhausted before the university. Once the university starts the teaching of sheep-herding, many people's thoughts will run away.

I finally graduated, and I got the diploma, but I didn't have much real talent.

Many people just hold a diploma, without real talent and learning, and it is difficult to find a job.

In order to prevent this phenomenon from recurring, Han Ling absolutely adopts strict entry and strict exit methods for university graduation.

Originally, university is the time to really learn knowledge and culture, and university is also the time to form a world outlook, outlook on life, and values.

Perhaps for the Han Empire, which is in urgent need of talents, the strict entry and strict exit method may not be able to send more talents to the Han Empire in a short period of time, but in the long run, this is a very good requirement.

Strict entry and strict exit avoid the situation that college students do not have real talents after graduation, but only a graduation certificate.

"Finally done!"

Han Ling got up and stretched.During this period of time, Han Ling continued to handle government affairs, paying close attention to various key areas every day.And now the time has unknowingly arrived on June [-], [-], and now the winter wheat harvest has begun in the north!

"Your Majesty! This is ginseng tea!"

Han Ling's female officer, Zhao Qinyi, walked behind Han Ling with a cup of ginseng tea.


Picking up the ginseng tea and drinking a cup, I immediately felt refreshed, and I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, the emperor is sitting comfortably, no wonder so many people in history fought for this position.

"Go and call me Fang Tu!"

After drinking, Han Ling said to Zhao Qinyi.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

After a while, footsteps sounded, and then Fang Tu's figure appeared in Han Ling's eyes.

"Old minister, see Your Majesty!"

"Hmm! Forget it! You tell the secretary department to go down and make preparations. I decided to go to the Central China region for inspection. Now that some things that need to be dealt with have been dealt with, I also want to see how the implementation is going!"

"Ah! Your Majesty, do you really want to go?"

"Nonsense! You just do it, and don't ask about these things!"


Chapter 475: Meeting an Acquaintance

At the beginning of June, the water level of the Yellow River and Yangtze River is rising.

There is a lot of rain during this period, and it is also the time when the temperature starts to rise.

But at the same time, the temperature at this time was also the most comfortable time. Han Ling took the train all the way south from the capital, and got off the train only when he reached Pukou.

This time, the inspection was probably not that big, and Fang Tu, the head of the secretary department, followed, and the other ministers did not follow.

In addition, some other personnel followed Han Ling.

For example, the imperial concubine Zhang Huaiying was also brought by Han Ling.

"Yangtze River! The great river goes east, the waves wash away, and a man of the ages.

Therefore, to the west of the rampart, the humanity is, the Three Kingdoms Zhou Lang Chibi.

The rocks pierced through the sky, the stormy waves hit the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up.

Picturesque, a moment how many hero.

Yao Xiang Gong Jin back then, Xiao Qiao married for the first time, majestic.

Lupin and Lun towel, between talking and laughing, disappeared in ashes.

My motherland wanders, loves to laugh at me, be born early.

Life is like a dream, and a statue is still in the river. "

Looking at the Yangtze River, Han Ling couldn't help but read out this poem by Su Shi when the unification battle of the year resounded.

"Your Majesty! In this situation, maybe Li Bai's "Early Hair Baidi City" is more suitable!"

Standing behind Han Ling, Fang Tu said with a smile.

"Hehe! Yinger, what do you think?"

Han Ling turned his head and squeezed Zhang Huaiying's little hand, and smiled lightly.

"I think what Minister Fang said is more correct. Li Bai's "Early Hair Baidi City" may be more suitable in this situation."

"Hehe! Early release to Baidi City is too petty to be suitable for me. Today's world is not easy to come by. Back then, countless Pingyuan Army soldiers fell here in the Yangtze River. Later, I couldn't even find their bones. This is a pity. How many Han family sons have fallen in the Yangtze River throughout the ages. We should remember the history and let the tragedy never happen again! Don't let me lose the world because of the river! "

Han Ling's chuckled words made Fang Tu curse inwardly for being confused, why didn't he think of this.Han Ling obviously sent this out of emotion.And this time Han Ling went south to inspect the people's livelihood and industrial conditions in various places.If you go to Baidi City early, it's just for fun.

An emperor who goes on tour just for fun is not a good emperor in the eyes of many people.

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