Chapter 476: Garment Factory

"Well! It's good to take a break, but people need to rest too. Do you think I've come out of Yanjing to play in the city of Nanjing?"

Han Ling smiled lightly and said that he didn't have much feeling for Hu Die, a woman who was known as the most beautiful woman in the big man.

When a person's status rises to a certain level, the beauty of a woman is not so important.

Maybe when a person's status is not very high, seeing a beautiful woman may give a high evaluation.

But when you are in a high position, you see a woman more than just her appearance.

You will examine him from various aspects such as his cultivation, temperament, behavior, style of conversation, and talent.

"My little girl has been in the south for a long time. I heard that your majesty is from Shanxi, and she has been mainly in the south. If your majesty doesn't mind, the little girl can lead your majesty!"

Hu Die didn't mean to post back or something, it's purely a matter of long-standing social experience!

He is now an actor of Star Company, and Star Company cooperates with Qihang Company, which can be regarded as an entertainment company attached to Qihang Company.

Now none of them know that Han Ling is the big boss behind Qihang Company!

And Qihang Company is also regarded as a royal enterprise, and now it has a good relationship with Han Ling, it will be right in the future!

"Eh! Lead the way! Hehe! Just in time, I don't have a guide when I come to the south, so I will trouble you!"

It is also a good thing to have a beautiful woman as a guide, at least it is not pleasing to the eye!

But Zhang Huaiying didn't feel much about Han Ling picking up girls in front of her.

Although it has been more than [-] years since the previous dynasty was overthrown, many of them are promoting democracy. Lao Sun’s cannon, including before going to the peak, issued a clear order that a husband can only marry one wife.

However, due to the thousands of years of tradition and the constant wars in these years, the cultural level of the people has not been improved, and their understanding is insufficient. Polygamy is still the mainstream in this land.

And Zhang Huaiying was born in a feudal family like Dashuai Zhang, and she has been deeply influenced by traditional culture since she was a child. In addition, Han Ling is now the head of a country, so she didn't have much reaction.

The next day, Han Ling did not go to inspect the factory, but was led by Hu Die to wander around Nanjing, and then went straight to Xuanwu Lake.

Along the way, Han Ling had a faint smile on his face, and repeatedly asked to slow down so that he could enjoy the scenery along the way.

Hu Die had nothing to object to Han Ling's request.

It's just that Hu Die sometimes found that Han Ling didn't appreciate the scenery along the way.

On the contrary, his eyes were mainly focused on those common people, as if he was looking at something.

But now Hu Die and Han Ling are not too familiar, she dare not ask these questions, so she can only watch all this silently.

"Fang Tu, you will send people from the secretarial department down to visit these people later, I want to know how their lives are going!"

Fang Tu, the head of my secretarial department, has also come out with Han Ling now. In fact, it is not only Fang Tu, but also Zhang Hong.

Although he was out to play, Han Ling did not forget that he came to the south.

Now the Han Empire has only been established for a few years, and the real focus is to enhance national strength and improve people's livelihood.How can Han Ling have much time to play?

He is not one of those stupid kings in history.

"It's Your Majesty!"

After Fang Tu bowed and finished speaking, he picked up a pen and began to record. These things Han Ling ordered were the key points, and they needed to be done as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty! You didn't come out to play, did you?"

Slowly, Hu Die also realized that Han Ling didn't come down to the south of the Yangtze River to play like those emperors, so she couldn't help asking boldly.

"Play? You can understand it as playing, or you can understand it as going out to do business! It depends on how you understand it. But I do have the idea of ​​going out to enjoy the scenery!"

Han Ling smiled and said ambiguously.

Walking all the way to Xuanwu Lake, Han Ling held Zhang Huaiying's hand and stood there quietly without speaking.

The rest of the people naturally did not dare to speak.

"Your Majesty! What do you think of this Xuanwu Lake?"

"It's so beautiful! It is said that Daming Lake in Shandong is also beautiful, but I don't know its authenticity. Maybe I will go back and take a look when I have time!"

"Has Your Majesty heard of the Qiantang River?"

Suddenly Hu Die asked.

"I've heard of it! What's the matter?"

"The rising tide of the Qiantang River is even more beautiful! And now is the most spectacular time for the rising tide of the Qiantang River!"

"Hehe! If you have time, you must go back and have a look!"

Hu Die shook her head helplessly. She finally understood that Han Ling didn't come to Jiangnan for sightseeing at all, otherwise why would he not want to take a look at Qiantang River when he heard about it.

After watching Xuanwu Lake for a while, Han Ling was about to leave, and his target was the outskirts of Nanjing.

This time it was no longer Hu Die leading the way, but Hu Die seemed to be leading the way.

"Your Majesty! This is Dongliu Village, which is considered a relatively good village in the outskirts of Nanjing! This existence was affected in the flames of war, and after the unification war was settled, we paid for the people to rebuild it."

Fang Tu drove here with Han Ling and others.

Looking at the small mountain village with little smog in front of them, and looking at all the brick houses, it is clear that this should be built for them by the government later.

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