"Is there a factory in the distance?"

Suddenly, Han Ling saw streaks of smoke rising in the distance, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes! There seems to be a garment factory here!"

Han Ling came to inspect, Fang Tu knew.

As the head of the secretary department, he must do his homework in advance.

He has a little knowledge of some factories around Nanjing, and he also knows the main development direction of the southern factories.

"Garment factory? Let's go! Now that you're here, let's go to this garment factory! Have you brought all your IDs?"

Han Ling asked softly.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, we have all the documents ready. We claim to be from the Quality Supervision Bureau. We heard that someone reported that there are rough clothes here, so we are here to inspect!"

It seems that Fang Tu not only prepared the documents, but also the wording!

"Okay! Let's go in and have a look!"

"Stop, who are you? Non-staff are not allowed to enter here!"

As soon as he reached the door, the gatekeeper stopped him.

"We are from the Quality Supervision Bureau! Yesterday we received a report that the clothes here are crudely made and the quality of the clothes produced is seriously substandard. Today we came here to inspect! This is our certificate!"

Fang Tu handed over the certificate with a smile.

Chapter 477: Industrial Distribution

"It really belongs to the Quality Supervision Bureau! Then you go in! Zhuzi, go in and inform the factory manager!"

The doorman complained in a low voice while addressing the other person.

Afterwards, Han Ling and the others entered the garment factory normally.

It is already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and the machines in the garment factory are still ringing.It appears the workers are still at work.

"Excuse me, are you the inspectors of the Quality Supervision Bureau? If you want to inspect, please do it yourself. I have other things to do. If there is any problem, please tell the workers and I will know!"

This is a middle-aged man with a thin figure. Looking at the eyes and thin cheeks on his face, and the bloodshot eyes, he should know that he is a technical factory director.

Otherwise, if a normal factory manager would look like this, and an official came to inspect him, it must be tobacco, alcohol, banquet or something.Maybe a potbellied guy.

However, seeing such a person, Han Ling felt interested in it.

The Han Empire needs such talents, and it does not need some flattering things from time to time.

"Zijin, do all the factory directors of my Great Han Empire look like this?"

After the factory manager left, Han Ling said softly.

"Most of our factory directors in the north are like this, and those factory directors are all talents you sent. Those people are dedicated to their duties and work quickly. That's why the industrial capacity of the empire has grown so rapidly. It's just that for the southern I don’t know the director of the factory! But to have such a person, I believe the general situation in the south is good!”

Because outside, in order not to expose Han Ling's identity, Han Ling is generally called the young boss, and if this is an inspection, it is called Director Han, a small but not small official position.

"Well! Let's go in and take a look! According to the situation just now, there is no bribery in this company. It can be said that it abides by the laws of the empire. I hope it will not disappoint me!"

Han Ling walked in with a smile.

After entering, all you can see are sewing machines and the like.

And there are many female workers in this factory, and they are all busy with their own affairs with their heads down.

When some people saw a group of strangers like Han Ling coming in, they just took a casual look and then bowed their heads to do their own thing.

For these workers, their salary commission is related to the quantity of work, and what they care about most is to earn more.

"This factory is not bad! It's very airy when you come in! It seems that the boss is not bad!"

When he came in, he saw so many people, but he didn't feel stuffy at all. Looking at the huge factory building, Han Ling nodded in satisfaction.

Although the area south of the Yangtze River was included in the empire's territory later, these laws and regulations were still being implemented by those merchants normally, and they did not violate the regulations in order to save a little money.

Along the way, Han Ling did not find such things as child labor, and the faces of the workers were also healthy and ruddy.

There is no blood in the eyes, which means that the workers eat well and do not work overtime or stay up late.

This time, it can be said that Han Ling was excited to see this garment factory, and the people below didn't know about it, so what he saw now was the most real side.

Since ancient times, whether it is an ancient handicraft workshop or a former factory, factory owners have abused workers.

Even in the area north of the Yangtze River, cement factory workers died because they inhaled too much dust, but the factory owners gave them half a month's wages and ignored them.

At that time, Han Ling was very angry, and even set off a thorough investigation.

And Han Ling's inspection in the south also has this meaning in it.

Although the investigation was thorough before, businessmen are such a group of animals, and they dare to take advantage of the slightest loophole.

However, during this inspection, Han Ling felt pretty good, at least he didn't find that kind of pale face and bloodshot eyes.

"Zijin! Let's go! The situation here is not bad!"

After Han Ling and the others wandered around, they went out.

"Your Majesty, you really hurt the little girl so much! The little girl always thought you were out to play, who knew that!"

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