After coming out, Hu Die limped a little when she walked. It seemed that after walking all day today, her feet hurt.But today, seeing that Han Ling is not as domineering as before, although she feels uncomfortable with a faint sense of majesty, she also knows that Han Ling is not as difficult to get along with as rumored, so she said with a wry smile .

"Hey! Miss Hu, I don't dare to agree with your words. It's good to exercise more! At least it's good for your body. But thank you for being a guide today. If you have anything to do during this time, you can come to Nanjing Zijin The city is looking for me!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he glanced at Zhang Hong and motioned to him.

Zhang Hong took out a certificate from his arms, and handed it to Han Ling after writing on it for a while.

"What do you do for me? Give it to Miss Hu!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Because he was outside, Zhang Hong, the dead eunuch, was also called His Majesty.


A red certificate with the words Pass on it.

Inside is some basic information.

This kind of pass is a pass to enter and exit the Forbidden City in Nanjing. Fang Tu, Zhang Hong and others all have one.

If you want to get out of the Forbidden City, you must rely on this pass.

"My little girl, thank you Your Majesty!"

Seeing this pass, Hu Die smiled and gave a blessing.

"It's okay! Let's go back to the city first!"

At night, in the Fengtian Hall in the Forbidden City in Nanjing, Han Ling was reading with a stack of documents in his hand, while Fang Tu was standing below.

Zhang Hong stood beside Han Ling, looking like an ancient eunuch.

In fact, this is not what Zhang Hong wants to do, but a habit formed in the previous dynasty. Some habits are difficult to get rid of after they are formed.

"This is the main factory in the area south of the Yangtze River and where it is located?"

Han Ling looked at it for a while before asking. "

"Yes! Your Majesty, the heavy industry of the empire is mainly distributed in the area north of the Yangtze River. Due to historical reasons and geographical factors in the area south of the Yangtze River, the light industry in the area south of the Yangtze River has developed rapidly in recent years, and has even surpassed the light industry in the north. !

This is also the difference between the north and south industries of the current empire.

At present, the empire mainly has three major heavy industry bases in the north: Suiyuan Heavy Industry Base, Northeast Heavy Industry Base, and Shanxi Heavy Industry Base!

In the south, the light industry bases in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the Ninghang light industry bases in Ningbo and Hangzhou were mainly formed.These five industrial bases are currently the most developed in the empire, and they are also the biggest industrial achievements of the empire! "

Fang Tu told Han Ling about the industrial distribution of the Han Empire.

Chapter 478: Departure of the Visiting Group

"It goes without saying that the three major heavy industry bases in the north, I know all of these, and I know their situation very well.

What I want to know now is the specific situation of the southern light industry. "

As a descendant, Han Ling is very aware of the role of light industry.

Heavy industry is the embodiment of a country's industrial strength. Whether it is manufacturing warships, tanks or other weapons, heavy industry is needed. It can be said that heavy industry is the guarantee of a country's strength.

Light industry is also indispensable, and the degree of development of light industry represents a situation of the country's economy.

The polar bears of later generations underestimated the development of light industry because they paid too much attention to the development of heavy industry. The final result was the collapse of the economy and the disintegration of the country.

It can be said that the light and heavy industry is the shoulders of a country, and no one can do without it.

This is also the reason why Han Ling chose to come to the south for inspection this time, because the light industry must be developed.

"Although the light industry base in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Ninghang Light Industry Base are also known as the five major industrial bases of the Han Empire along with the three major heavy industrial bases in the north, the situation is not good because of the short period of their formation and the shortage of raw materials due to inconvenient transportation. Currently In these two light industrial bases, there are situations such as disorganized distribution of factories and incomplete types."

Fang Tu told Han Ling about the current bad situation in the southern light industry base based on the information he had sorted out.

Because of the development period, there is no complete type of light industry, and even a single type exists in many regions.

At the same time, due to traffic problems, the transportation of raw materials is difficult.

Second is the issue of distribution.

Now the distribution of these two light industrial bases is chaotic, without a certain degree of planning.

These problems are also the main problems currently existing, and it can be said that Han Ling went south to inspect their situation and then make some improvements.

"Well! I know what you're talking about. You go down and make arrangements. In a few days, we'll start around Nanjing and see what the specific conditions of those factories are like."


Then Fang Tu left, but Han Ling was thinking about some things, such as how to develop the light industry correctly.

Han Ling thought of the development of light industry in later generations, combined with some current reasons, he felt that it was necessary to make a certain plan for the industry, and the first thing was to concentrate them.

This is not only convenient for management, but also can be unified for the construction of traffic roads for the industrial base. As Fang Tu said just now, because of traffic problems, there is a shortage of raw materials, and the factory cannot let go of production.

"It seems that the planning of light industry is not so simple!"

Finally Han Ling muttered to himself.

When Han Ling was inspecting Nanjing, on June [-], [-], that is, a week after Han Ling arrived in Nanjing, Shi Zhaoji sent a message that all the preparations for the visiting group had been completed, and they could leave as soon as Han Ling gave the order. .

"I pass on my order to have the Pacific Fleet send an aircraft carrier, a battleship, five heavy cruisers, and the rest of the supporting ships to escort them, and let the visiting group go on board the Imperial cruise ship!"

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