The Empire cruise ship, that is, the super-large cruise ship that Han Ling took before he ascended the throne, was a cruise ship with a displacement of more than [-] tons.

This cruise ship is extremely huge, and its performance against wind and waves is not to mention.

As for why a battleship, an aircraft carrier, and five heavy cruisers were sent to escort, there is a deep meaning in it.

First, this trip to the United States is to land on the west coast of the United States, and the tonnage of the fleet visiting this time is relatively large.

The displacement of the Empire is [-] tons, the full load displacement of the other battleships is about [-] tons, and the aircraft carrier is also [-] to [-] tons.

Neither the Panama Canal nor the Suez Canal can pass through such a huge ship, so they can only set off from the Pacific Ocean, cross the Strait of Malacca, reach the Indian Ocean, then pass through the Cape of Good Hope in Africa to the Atlantic Ocean, and finally land on the west coast of the United States.

The first point is naturally to promote the national prestige of the Han Empire.Battleships, aircraft carriers, and heavy cruiser escorts, this is a big deal.

The second point is to show the strength of the motherland to overseas Chinese, and at the same time tell overseas Chinese: Brothers and sisters, don’t be afraid, the empire has risen.The empire will be your strongest backing.

The third point is that there are a lot of pirates in the current world, and the defense force should be sufficient to avoid making jokes.

The fourth point is that the Han Empire has never had such an ocean-going experience. They sent battleships and aircraft carriers to escort them. They also have the idea of ​​​​sharpening the navy and giving them more experience. When they return to China, let them organize this ocean-going trip into a book. Good news for the Navy.


"Baichuan! I didn't expect that we would still work together!"

Looking at the radiant Lao Yan standing beside him, Shangfeng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Yeah! I didn't expect that we would be able to work together again. I think we were all fighting together back then, but we ended up on the same path!"

Thinking of all the past, Lao Yan was indeed a little emotional.

When he was defeated in the battle and went to the field after being electrified, Han Ling did not kill him because of the kindness of his fellow villagers, and he also lived in Dalian.

Later, he was invited out of the mountain by Han Ling to work in the interim government of China at that time. Along the way, he is now the Minister of Civil Affairs, so it can be said that he holds great power.

But it's just government.

But this kind of life is indeed good, at least better than the life of worrying about this and that before.

"The same path?"

Shangfeng couldn't help smiling wryly when he heard the words, they are not on the same path.

Although Lao Yan was defeated in the battle, who would let others be fellow villagers with the current Dahan Emperor!

At the beginning, he relied on the mechanism, so now he is the Minister of Civil Affairs, and what about him?

"Tsk tsk! Old Shangfeng, I didn't expect that we would have battleships and aircraft carrier escorts one day! This is the treatment only available to His Majesty today! I heard that these battleships and aircraft carriers are the most advanced warships in the world! Let's go, I didn't expect that we would be treated like this today!"

Looking at the warships slowly appearing on the coastline, Lao Yan couldn't help but tsk-tsk and said loudly.

Chapter 479: Time flies

"Old Shangfeng?"

Hearing Lao Yan's address, Shangfeng's eyes showed a look of confusion, and after a while, he seemed to have figured out something.

"Hehe! Good! From now on, call me Old Shangfeng! Brother Baichuan, let's go! Let's go see what America is like."

Shangfeng smiled and started walking towards the port with Lao Yan.

The port is a naval military port, so it is not crowded.

Although it is only a visiting group, there are quite a few people in this visiting group.

Among them are the martial arts personnel of the Great Han Empire Martial Arts Association, such as Chen Zhen, the president of the Martial Arts Association, as well as some literati from the Cultural Propaganda Department, people from the Great Han Empire Painting and Calligraphy Association, etc. Anyway, there are quite a few of them.

It looks like it used to exchange literature with the United States.

To be honest, in terms of technology and industrial capabilities, the United States is indeed the top three in the world.

But in terms of cultural background and historical inheritance, the Han Empire could beat him thousands of times with one hand tied.

Shi Zhaoji is also interesting to say.Visiting the United States with the nature of an exchange culture, using your own strengths to bully the weaknesses of the United States.

In today's world, in terms of cultural inheritance, how many countries can compare with the Han Empire?

From the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns to the present Han Empire, I don't know how many emperors there are in between.And the culture produced in the middle is simply a car load.

Time passed slowly, and Han Ling's inspections in the south began to gradually expand, no longer limited to simple light industry.

Light industry, transportation, people's livelihood, and security areas have all become Han Ling's inspection targets.

The reason for expanding the scope is to cure the root cause.

To solve the problems of light industry, it is necessary first of all to bring them together, to bring together factories of all types.Mark out an area and gather them together.

After concentration, there is a traffic problem.

Special funds are set aside to build roads in light industrial areas, and railway lines are also built to branch into light industrial areas.

The second is to call on businessmen to open factories.

Try to set up various types of factories, because of their singleness, some factories produce some items, and his parts are not even produced in the south, and can only be shipped from the north.

This can be said to greatly limit the development and production of industry, so it is necessary to realize the diversification of light industry, not limited to some types.

And people's livelihood issues!Also related to this.

You set aside an area as an industrial area!

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