Chapter 481: Prestige

"Dear Comrade Lin, Comrade Kriski is too close, so"

The old man said that he didn't say any more here, but the bearded man already understood what he meant.

There was an explosion and the distance was too close. Is there any need to talk about the result?It must be dead!

"Asshole! Asshole!"

The bearded man kept scolding the bastard, but he didn't know who he was scolding.

After a while, he stopped, picked up his beloved corn pipe with trembling hands, and lit it with a match several times before igniting it.

"You go out!"


"Hey! Let Comrade Begalia come to my office

After a while, the bearded man picked up the phone on the table, connected the phone and said to the opposite party.

"Report! Bega reports to you, I wish you health!"

After a while, an old man with a height of more than [-] meters and nearly [-] meters walked in.

"Comrade Bega, now I have a task for you. You send someone to secretly investigate the countries that bought the tanks of the Han Empire, whether there have been explosions

Yes!Please rest assured, Comrade Lin, I will definitely complete the task! "

After the man finished speaking, he went out, meditating alone with a big beard.

In his rage just now, he thought that this was a hole laid for him by the Han Empire, and he wanted to deceive them.

But then he thought about it again, and felt that the Han Empire was not so stupid.

You must know that there are not a few countries that have auctioned the Han Empire, because many countries have united to auction a batch.

If the Han Empire deceived people, how many countries would it offend?

And he heard that Mustache urgently ordered a batch of tanks from the Han Empire after that auction, but he hadn't heard of anything wrong with Mustache until now!

Even the mustache tanks are special, but what about the batch of auctioned ones?

It's always the same!If there is no accident in other countries, it means that someone is a tank designer who wants to murder their country.

On July [-], [-], when Han Ling's inspection in the south was coming to an end, the visiting delegation from the Han Empire was finally arriving in the United States after more than a month of wandering.

This month can be said to be extremely difficult.

This is the first time for the Han Empire to go to sea. On the way, it encountered huge waves, continuous torrential rain at sea, and a tsunami that was not too severe.

And all this is honing the young navy of the Han Empire.

During this period of more than a month, Commissar Jiang also felt very tired physically.

Fortunately, the big leader, who is only 47 years old this year, is in good health and has not had any problems.

And Yan Baichuan's improvement is a little bit worse, but he is only 51 this year, so he has survived anyway.

"Old Jiang! This mission is really not something that ordinary people can do. This time, it almost took half of Er Yan's life!"

Yan Baichuan stood on the deck, watching the seagulls appearing in the distance, feeling better.

The one-month voyage let him know that once seagulls appeared, it meant that he was not far from the land, and this kind of life was finally coming to an end.

"Hehe! It's difficult, but we're here too! Your Majesty is really considerate this time. Fortunately, we were allowed to take the Empire."

Looking at the more and more well-coordinated naval fleet in the distance, the big leader sighed in his heart.

No wonder Han Ling would send them battleships and aircraft carriers to escort them.

I am afraid that in the future, there will be joint operations of aircraft carriers and battleships in the Han Empire!

After this sea voyage, the sailors participating in this escort probably have to write a report as a kind of sea voyage experience.

What is the background of a naval power?

This is!

Long-term combat, voyage, what measures should be taken to deal with different situations, etc., these things are compiled into data, and then taught to junior navy sailors, just like this, accumulated from generation to generation, and then passed on, and then if they still encounter In other cases, record it in the same way.And do research on it, that's it.Gradually, they will have a huge background. When the later navy faces these situations, even if it is the first time they encounter them, they will be able to deal with them correctly because they have learned from their predecessors. ,

The same is true for combat, various tactics, tactics, and countermeasures, etc., all of which are compiled into data.

Slowly, these things will become the foundation, the foundation of a powerful naval power.

This is why there is an army of ten years and a navy of one hundred years.

Now, after the Han Empire's ocean-going expedition, there will be more things in the navy's textbooks, such as the experience of this voyage, how to deal with various situations, etc.!

american harbor

"Johnny, when will they arrive? Did you say anything?"

Lao Luo attaches great importance to this visit of the Han Empire. Even though he already knew that they did not send a military delegation, Lao Luo still ran here from the capital in order to make a show and at the same time give a friendly message to the Han Empire.

And this time he came here not only with elites from all walks of life, he also brought officers from the three armed forces.To put it bluntly, it was also Lao Luo's test of the Han Empire.

"Mr. President, they sent a telegram yesterday that they will arrive around four o'clock this afternoon. It is already three fifty!"

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