Jonny looked at the time and said to Lao Luo, but his movement of looking at his watch was a way of expressing his dissatisfaction with the Han Empire. ,

"Johnny! You seem to be hostile to the Han Empire!"

Lao Luo can sit on the position of president, and he is still a disabled person, which shows that he is very capable, otherwise it would not be the case.

"Mr. President, I don't understand why you invite those people! They are just a country that has only been established for a few years, and a few years ago, a small country could bully them wantonly. Such a country is really not worthy of us. It took a lot of trouble!"

Johnny, who is not a soldier, does not understand the deterrence of the Han Empire to the world today.

The leaders of so many countries in the world can clearly feel the threat of force from the Han Empire.

In terms of national heritage and national talent reserves, perhaps the human talent reserves of the Han Empire are not comparable to them, and the industrial background of the Han Empire is also inferior to any country.

But the military power of the Han Empire is too strong, so powerful that even the Ying Guo, the empire on which the sun never sets, will lower his noble head in Asia.

This is the prestige produced by the Han Empire through battles, and this is the effect of the Han Empire's own powerful strength.

Johnny, as an economist, Johnny doesn't understand these things, and he can't feel the prestige of the Han Empire in the world.

Otherwise, why would the Ying nationalists bow their heads again and again in Asia?Will he really abandon his arrogance?

how can that be! The Ying countrymen have been strong for too long. After being the world's boss for hundreds of years, their arrogance has penetrated into their bones. The reason why they can hide their arrogant heads is because of the absolute strength of the Han Empire!

Chapter 482: The Flowing Country

While Lao Luo was talking to Johnny, Shangfeng was lecturing on the sea outside New York Harbor.

"Soldiers and soldiers of the Han Empire! This is our first visit abroad, and it is also your first visit to the United States. This time we represent the face of the Han Empire, and the face of our [-] million compatriots in the Han Dynasty.

When we land later, there will definitely be overseas Chinese who will come to welcome us. All naval officers and soldiers are requested to keep their spirits up, and we must leave our best side to our overseas Chinese and tell them!The empire will always be their backing! "

At any rate, Shangfeng had also been a national leader, and had experienced so much.Facing the upcoming visit, he didn't feel the slightest panic in his heart.

"Now, except for the necessary personnel on duty, all naval officers and men should get dressed and gather on the deck to show our best side to friendly countries and all overseas Chinese compatriots!"

After Shangfeng's voice fell, the voice of the commander of the escort, Commander Zhang, appeared on the radio.

Zhang Lin, a rear admiral, was originally the captain of the battleship Huashan, and was promoted to a rear admiral due to his meritorious service in the battle against the small country's navy, becoming a general.And this time he is the commander of the escort fleet.

"woo woo woo woo"

When the coastline appeared in everyone's eyes, Zhang Lin knew what to do next.

"All ships hoist colorful flags immediately, and all salutes are ready! Listen to my orders!"

Standing on the battleship named Tianshan, Zhang Lin gave orders to all naval officers and men through the broadcast.

Zhang Lin, who was born as a battleship captain, has a special affection for battleships, so this time he made Tianshan his flagship.

Following Zhang Lin's order, colorful flags were hoisted on every ship, and the formation of the fleet began to change, preparing to enter the port.

"Johnny! Is everything ready?"

Looking at the fleet appearing on the sea level, Lao Luo couldn't help squinting his eyes and asked slowly.

"Mr. President! Don't worry! Everything is ready, the ships in our port have already hoisted colorful flags, and the salute is ready!"

Johnny said softly.

"Hmm! Order ours"

"Warship! That's our warship!"

"That's our country's warship"

"That is the warship of the motherland!"

"Our country finally has such a huge warship!"

Just when Lao Luo was about to say something, there were bursts of noisy voices in the distance.

Countless overseas Chinese wore new clothes that they were reluctant to wear on weekdays, and with gongs and drums, they began to crowd towards the port.

Some soldiers maintaining order saw that these lowly Chinese dared to rush into them and crowded the navy, so they were immediately angry, and they fisted and kicked those people.

"Johnny, go and see what's going on, who's making a fuss?"

Lao Luo heard this figure, because he was sitting in a wheelchair, so he couldn't see the situation in the distance.

After hearing this, Jonny said a few words to the young man beside him.

A few minutes later the young man came up and whispered in Johnny's ear for a while.

"Mr. President, those Chinese are here, and they are coming to meet their navy!"

Lao Luo was silent, and after a while he suddenly said: "Push me over!"

Because he remembered the temper of the soldiers in his own army.

These soldiers have always looked down on the Chinese. Now that the Chinese are so aggressive, it is estimated that fists and kicks are indispensable.

Now is the day when the Great Han Empire came to visit. If this kind of thing happened, it would not only be rude, it would be a slap in the face!

A naked slap in the face is like a slap in the face of the Han Empire.

A few minutes later, Lao Luo appeared in front of those Chinese. "Stop all of you! Let them go!"

Looking at the bruises on the faces of some Chinese people in front of them, and some with nosebleeds, he could only say something bad in his heart.

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